Super Foodie System Upgrades Every Second/C19 Wei Er Let's Go
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Super Foodie System Upgrades Every Second/C19 Wei Er Let's Go
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C19 Wei Er Let's Go

The individuals who arrived were Jiang Dong and his three companions, whom Jiang Yuan had rescued within the hunting grounds.

Upon hearing their account, the Great Elder's voice took on a sharp edge, and a palpable intent to kill radiated from him. His formidable Martial Master's presence bore down on them with crushing force as he demanded, "Are you certain!? He slaughtered over a dozen Devil Beasts, emerging spotless and with ease!?"

The group was at a loss for words, quivering under the spine-tingling pressure.

It was then that Jiang Wenn stepped forward, shielding the four and pushing back against the Great Elder's intimidating aura. "Great Elder, they've given their testimony, and as guardians of the hunting grounds, their word is to be trusted."

The Great Elder's demeanor shifted at this, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he retorted, "Well, if the family head has spoken, then that settles it. As the patriarch, the decision of the hunting day's rankings naturally falls to you." His words insinuated Jiang Wenn's complicity in the alleged cheating.

Murmurs and whispers spread among the onlookers, their suspicions of foul play seemingly validated.

"Haha, the Great Elder truly has a way with words!" Jiang Yuan proclaimed, his body erupting with Spiritual Qi.

The area was soon enveloped in Jiang Yuan's spiritual energy.

With a steely gaze, he thrust his right hand forward, unleashing a formidable Spiritual Force that surged directly towards the Great Elder.

"Insolence!" The Great Elder, sensing the powerful Spiritual Force, conjured a fiery red tiger that roared and leapt at the Spiritual Qi Jiang Yuan had released. This was the hallmark of a Martial Master's prowess—Spiritual energy taking form!

For a brief moment, the fiery red tiger and Jiang Yuan's dense Spiritual Qi clashed fiercely, neither yielding.

Then, with a swift gesture, Jiang Yuan withdrew his Spiritual Force back into himself and chuckled, "Now! Do I possess the strength?"

The Great Elder was taken aback, only just comprehending the full extent of the situation.

Jiang Yuan was able to cultivate once more!

And he had reclaimed his status as a warrior!

"Yes, I, Jiang Yuan, have regained my ability to cultivate!" he declared, his smile broadening as he caught sight of his father, Jiang Wenn, whose face was already brimming with pride.

A hush fell over the crowd.

A hush fell over the crowd, as if death itself had silenced them.

The events that had just unfolded seemed like nothing more than a dream.

But then, the audience erupted into screams.

"Can the Eldest Young Master cultivate once more!?"

"The Eldest Young Master actually forced the First Elder to exert the power of a Martial Master to defend himself! He's as formidable as ever!"

"Incredible, to challenge a Martial Master with the mere strength of a Martial Disciple!"

"Amazing! I want to marry the Young Master!"

"Lee Chuchu, that wench, doesn't deserve the Young Master. Only someone with my beauty is a fitting match for him!"

Jiang Yuan let out a chuckle at the sudden shift in their cries and praises.

Yet, the flattery only served to sicken him.

As he watched the heavily made-up girls cheering, his interest waned even further.

On the outskirts of the crowd, a young girl stood in quiet observation, her gaze tender and full of warmth.

With the poise of an unparalleled master, Jiang Yuan swept his sleeves, shifted his stance, and in a fluid motion, appeared beside the girl.

"Viv, let's go..."

He left behind nothing but a silhouette, vanishing into the distance.

Jiang Feng, with his face flushed red like a buffoon, stood frozen, wishing the earth would swallow him whole.

"Not good!"

In the shadows, Jiang Woo's anxiety surged as he witnessed the scene unfold.

"Where's Jiang Ming!? Has anyone seen Jiang Ming!?"

Amidst the jubilant crowd, Jiang Woo's search grew desperate.

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