Super Foodie System Upgrades Every Second/C3 Let's Cancel the Engagement!
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Super Foodie System Upgrades Every Second/C3 Let's Cancel the Engagement!
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C3 Let's Cancel the Engagement!

"Pah! The Jiang Family has honed their martial skills for generations, and here in Tianyang Town, we've always stood tall. How could we endure such disgrace? If it were your child, could you stomach it? Would you accept this pill?"

Jiang Wenn thundered in anger.

The Great Elder's brow furrowed as he retorted, "Jiang Wenn! Your son is nothing but a waste now. What good is his dignity to him?"

"Exactly, elder brother, this pill is far more valuable than your son's so-called dignity. Just sign it already."

Jiang Woo chimed in, trying to persuade.

"You all..."

Jiang Wenn was taken aback by their audacity, yet found himself without a comeback.

"Father! Let's call off the engagement!"

Jiang Yuan declared as he entered with confident strides.

"Good! The young master knows what's best!"

The Lee Family man sneered, tossing the marriage contract down before Jiang Yuan.


Jiang Wenn looked at his son, his face etched with remorse.

Jiang Yuan offered a serene smile, showing no trace of humiliation, even a touch of revulsion. "Dad, don't worry. The thought of marrying Lee Chuchu makes my skin crawl."

He then turned back to the Lee Family man, still clutching the engagement document.

"May I inquire as to the whereabouts of Miss Lee - Lee Chuchu?"

"She's in Sky Sun City, at the Lee Family Estate. But once you sign this contract, you'll never lay eyes on her again. She's the cream of the crop, soon to be training at the Heavenly Sword Sect."

The Lee Family man looked down on Jiang Yuan, his voice dripping with smugness.

"Fine! Let's go pay a visit to Miss Lee of the Lee Family!"

Jiang Yuan snatched the marriage contract from the man's grip, grabbed a pen and paper from the table, and strode out the door, with everyone else quickly following suit.


On the street, the sight of the Jiang Family's formidable procession left onlookers puzzled.

"Look, isn't that the useless young master? What's he doing out today? It's been a year since anyone's seen him!"

"They say he's been holed up at home, practicing cultivation all year with not a whiff of spiritual energy to show for it. Truly ridiculous."

"Hahaha! Look at him, still clutching his brush and ink as if he hasn't given up hope of becoming a scholar."

"It looks like we're heading towards the Lee Family's place. I've heard the Lees are back in town—looks like there's going to be some excitement. Come on, let's join the crowd and see for ourselves!"

As they made their way, the throng of onlookers swelled, quickly growing into a formidable procession of hundreds trailing behind Jiang Yuan and his companions.


At the Lee Family estate.

"Trouble's brewing! Jiang Yuan has somehow rounded up hundreds of people and they're heading this way with a vengeance!"

The sight of the approaching masses overwhelmed the guards at the entrance, prompting a hasty retreat into the mansion.

Seated regally in his armchair, the Lee Family Patriarch, Li He, furrowed his brow at the news. "Hundreds of people? The entire Jiang Family doesn't even number three hundred. How could they muster a force of several hundred, perhaps even a thousand?"

"Father, stay calm. He's nothing but a failure... Didn't Uncle Cheng go out there? Is he with that group?"

A sweet voice interjected, belonging to a woman with a peach-blossom face and eyes brimming with autumnal allure. Yet, her expression was tinged with venom—it was none other than Lee Chuchu.

"Eldest Miss, they're too far away; I couldn't make out the details," the guard admitted, scratching his head.

"Patriarch Lee, the young man Jiang Yuan requests an audience!"

Jiang Yuan's voice echoed from outside at that moment.

Upon hearing this, Li He swept his sleeves with a flourish, rose abruptly, and declared with gravity, "We shall go and see what sort of spectacle this 'worthless' Jiang Yuan has concocted!"

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