Super Foodie System Upgrades Every Second/C9 Now Let Me Carry It!
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Super Foodie System Upgrades Every Second/C9 Now Let Me Carry It!
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C9 Now Let Me Carry It!

As Jiang Yuan added the pill, flames leapt up from all sides of the furnace, enveloping the herbs in the core's gentlest heat.

Wisps of spiritual energy were gently coaxed out. With a wave of his right hand, the intricate patterns on his palm flickered, and the furnace began to shake violently, following an odd, rhythmic dance.

The herbs, encased in fire, swirled and merged in the tumult.

"Gather flame!"

Jiang Yuan's eyes snapped open, and the furnace shattered. Flames spiraled toward the center, where the medicine mixture awaited.


At Jiang Yuan's command, the flames vanished. Where the furnace once stood, three Spirit Gathering Pills with peculiar markings floated serenely in the air.

"Perfect pill recipe! Absolutely perfect! These are definitely premium-grade pills!" Jiang Yuan exclaimed, seizing the three Spirit Gathering Pills.

No, this wouldn't do...

These pills were meant for sale. Their sudden appearance in this small town would surely create an uproar...

If those above took notice of him...

A man is not guilty for being rich, but for possessing a gem, he is!

The theft of his Martial Pulse was lesson enough!

Staring at the three pills before him, Jiang Yuan pondered. Then, with a surge of spiritual energy, he made the patterns vanish in an instant.

Top-quality pills would suffice.

At sunrise, in the early morning...

"Child, skip the hunt today. I'll find a way to secure the resources you need for your training, but..."

Jiang Wenn, not seen for just a day, seemed much older. His once sturdy frame now stooped slightly.

Sensing his father had more to say, Jiang Yuan urged, "What is it, Father? Speak freely, I won't hold it against you. But I must join today's hunt..."

Resolved, Jiang Wenn clenched his jaw and said, "Could you part with one of those Spirit Gathering Pills as a prize for today's hunt?"

"Of course."

Without a moment's hesitation, Jiang Yuan produced a Spirit Gathering Pill and placed it in Jiang Wenn's hand.

Jiang Yuan bore no ill will toward his father. He understood the burdens of being the family patriarch, and he knew this decision was not his father's alone to make.

"Child... I'm sorry. The events of today, and yesterday's incident... they are all my fault..."

Jiang Wenn's hands trembled as he clutched the precious pill. As the patriarch burdened with leading his family, the weight of humiliation and shame had become unbearable.

On one side, there was the pressure from the Grand Elder and his own brother; on the other, the plight of his own unfortunate child.

"Father, don't worry. I'll handle my own affairs," Jiang Yuan reassured, patting his father's shoulder. It was his turn to take on the burdens.



"Isn't that the loser from yesterday? Strutting around, trying to divorce his wife—what a joke! Hahahaha, turns out he's still worthless!"

"Right, I heard they even took back the Spirit Gathering Pill he got and used it as today's prize!"

"You know, despite everything, I kind of feel sorry for the guy."

"Let's drop it. Did you hear that this 'loser' gave Jiang Ming a beating yesterday? Wonder if it's true!"

Jiang Yuan walked on, ignoring the pointed gossip swirling around him, his gaze fixed firmly ahead.

"Curse that brat! Today, I'll make sure he has no place to be buried!" Jiang Ming spat venomously, watching Jiang Yuan's resolute stride.

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