Super Fortune Teller/C18 Blocking Dampness
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Super Fortune Teller/C18 Blocking Dampness
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C18 Blocking Dampness

Half an hour later, Liu Cheng arrived at Dingsheng. He followed the beauty at the front desk all the way to Feng Xing's office.

Along the way, many people had noticed him. They clearly remembered that the last time this person came, he had a conflict with their general manager and even started a fight.

A portion of people even knew that this person hit their general manager, but they didn't expect this youth to actually dare to come to the group to find Boss Feng.

The beauty knocked on Feng Xing's office door. She was also curious in her heart. She didn't know why Director Feng had informed this Mr. Liu to bring him to the office as soon as he arrived.

Very quickly, Feng Xing came out. Upon seeing Liu Cheng, his face was filled with joy, and his tightly knitted eyebrows relaxed.

"Director Feng …" Before the beautiful woman could finish, she was interrupted by Feng Xing.

"Go out. Remember not to let anyone disturb me and Brother Cheng!" Feng Xing didn't look at her. Then, he pulled Liu Cheng with a flattering smile on his face.

The beautiful woman stared dumbstruck as Feng Xing fawningly pulled Liu Cheng into the office. Then, he covered his mouth and jogged out, hurriedly sharing this explosive news to his colleagues.

The moment Liu Cheng entered, he saw a middle-aged man sitting at the desk. He was Feng Xing's father whom he had met the other day, Feng Shicheng, also known as the chairman of Dazhen Group.

"Brother Cheng, this is my dad. You saw him last time!" Feng Xing said with a serious face. Originally, he didn't have his usual sloppy attitude.

Without waiting for Liu Cheng to walk over, Feng Shicheng had already stood up. With a faint smile, he said, "Hello, Mr. Liu. It's a pleasure to meet you again."

In the past, Liu Cheng would probably feel fear and trepidation if someone as important as Chairman Ding Sheng were to stand in front of him. But now, his bearing could no longer be compared to before.

"Hello, Feng Dong. You can call me Liu Sheng." Liu Cheng smiled faintly.

Feng Shicheng stared at the young man in front of him for a long time. Seeing that he was neither servile nor overbearing, Feng Shicheng admired him even more. He waved his hand and said, "Let's sit down and talk."

"I wonder why Director Feng called me here this time?" Liu Cheng went straight to the point. He had a faint guess in his heart.

Feng Shicheng furrowed his brows and said, "I heard from Little Xing that you had warned him to be careful of the flourishing star's northwest corner."

As expected, this is the matter. Liu Cheng nodded his head, signalling Feng Shicheng to continue speaking.

"Sigh, I didn't pay much attention to those words at the time. I didn't expect that something really happened to the Prosperous Star this morning, and it was in the northwest corner," Feng Shicheng said. As he finished speaking, he suddenly stared closely into Liu Cheng's eyes.

The eyes were the window to the soul. There was a scientific reasoning behind his words. Often, the subtle expression in one's eyes could betray one's true thoughts. There was no way that he could lie about this.

Feng Shicheng, who had been in the mall for a long time, naturally wanted to know if that matter had anything to do with Liu Cheng.

Was it really him who guessed it, or …

However, he was disappointed. Liu Cheng's gaze remained indifferent the entire time. Nothing could be seen in his eyes, not a single ripple.

"It seems like my guess is right," Liu Cheng seemed to not have noticed Feng Shicheng's thoughts as he continued speaking, "May I ask what happened to Feng Dong?"

Feng Shicheng felt a headache whenever he thought of this. He waved his hand, signaling Feng Xing to speak.

Immediately, Feng Xing said, "Brother Cheng, early in the morning, several corpses of the Magnificent Star's construction site were exhumed, and they were located in the northwest corner!"

Liu Cheng nodded, "That's right. The Power of the White Tiger is indeed formidable. It's already beginning to hurt people."

"Demon of the White Tiger?" Feng Shicheng's eyes lit up. "So you're a feng shui Master?"

Liu Cheng declined to comment, and said, "The last time I saw Chairman Feng, I already noticed a faint black aura around your nose, which was clearly a sign that you are going to get rich. I think that if you have a large family, if you lose some small business, you wouldn't need to show your face, so I asked Feng Xing if there were any big projects recently, and gave him some warnings at the end."

"Since Mr. Liu was able to see through the problems our Feng Family is facing in advance, I wonder what solution you have?" Feng Shicheng hurriedly said.

This was the first time Feng Xing had seen his father so panicked. He couldn't help but be anxious. "Brother Cheng, this flourishing star is related to the fate of our Feng Family. Please …"

Without waiting for him to finish, Liu Cheng waved his hand, "Feng Dong, Feng Xing and I can be considered as brothers. I have no choice but to help when something happens to his family! Actually, when I gave him a reminder the other day, I was thinking that you all should pay attention to blocking them in advance so as to prevent the White Tiger's baleful qi from injuring the others, and even more so injuring the luck of your own families.

When Feng Xing heard Liu Cheng's words, he couldn't help but feel proud of himself. His father had always said that the people he made friends with were all his friends. Now, Brother Cheng had finally given him some face.

Feng Shicheng also looked curiously at his son, not expecting his son to have such a master among his friends. He was also very confident in Feng Shui, but he had never met a reliable Feng Shui master, with his shrewdness, he even obtained the wisdom of a few charlatans, and from then on he became a bit more disgusted with Feng Shui.

"Mr Liu, is there really a solution?" Feng Shicheng asked carefully.

Liu Cheng smiled, "Although the 'White Tiger's Demon' has already been formed, there are two solutions. The first is to block the 'Demon' attack, and I had mentioned waking up the previous time, but you guys did not notice, and now that the 'Demon' Qi has matured, it is already too late. We can only use the second method, the 'Break Evil'!"

"Break the baleful aura?" Feng Shicheng frowned and asked, "Please advise me, Mr. Liu."

"There's no need to be courteous with me, Feng Dong. I'm calling you Brother Feng Xing, so I'm really not used to you doing this. Just call me Liu Cheng." Liu Cheng smiled.

"Alright, stop calling me Manager Feng. Haha, I'm a few years older than you. If you call me uncle, it shouldn't be a problem, right?" Feng Shicheng was naturally happy to befriend such a Feng Shui master.

Uncle Feng, I will be frank, there are many reasons for the Aura of the White Tiger to form. I want to personally go to the construction site of the Prosperous Star to see if there is a better way to destroy the Aura of the White Tiger. Otherwise, we can only guess from the sky.

"Alright, this matter should not be delayed. Let's go to the Stars of the Zenith Sect now!" Feng Shicheng made a prompt decision.

Feng Xing quickly called to arrange the car.

A few minutes later, the three of them got into a Lincoln and drove straight to the Zenith.

On the way, Feng Shicheng explained, "This flourishing star is a landmark that was built by the Linjiang City government and us. At the moment, it's just the foundation, and it's going to be officially started at the end of the month. At that time, many leaders from the city will personally come.

Liu Cheng couldn't help but take a deep breath. He had already guessed that the flourishing star was of great importance. He hadn't expected it to be a landmark building in Riverside City, and one that had been developed by the Alliance Government.

If there were any problems, then Ding Sheng would never be able to recover.

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