Super Horror Live Show/C24 Bile test game
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Super Horror Live Show/C24 Bile test game
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C24 Bile test game

They took a taxi to New Shanghai High School. Initially, even the taxi driver did not know of such a place, but it still took them more than two hours to reach their destination.

I paid for it, got out of the car, and looked around. In the middle of a wasteland filled with ditches and weeds, I saw the campus that was covered with dust outside the city.

"This is way too freaking different from the noble private schools in the photos, right?"

The picture showed the school in a high-class fashion, while the abandoned school in front of him was gloomy, as if it was a corpse that was partially buried in the ground.

"It's 11 o'clock. We have to speed things up." In order to complete my mission, I plunged headlong into the wasteland, but before I could get far, I was stopped by a row of rusty iron fences.

"No more entry!" It was unknown who had picked up the warning sign and tossed it into the mud. There were still a few blurry bloody handprints on it.

I picked it up and hung it up again, feeling a little puzzled. "Normally, even if the factory was abandoned, it wouldn't have specially built a fence. Unless there is a large amount of toxic and toxic materials inside, how come the school shouldn't be isolated?"

Climbing over the fence, if I were to look back now, I would see the sign I had just put up shake itself a few times and slam into the dirt again.

Arriving at the front door of the school, the black painted door was cuffed with two red locks. I looked inside and could only make out the outlines of a few buildings.

I was watching intently when I felt a chill in my calf and jumped away. I saw a black cat crouching at my feet.

"You gave me a fright."

The black cat's eye emitted a green light and tilted its head in a human-like manner. With a "sou" sound, it entered the abandoned school.

"Shock, shock, shock. If it's played a few more times like this, I will definitely lose my nerve sooner or later." After stuffing the case under the door, I climbed over the metal door and entered the New Shanghai High School.

"Phew, I've successfully reached my destination. My second live broadcast is about to begin!" He took out the camera and cell phone, then plugged in the mobile code stick.

"Image acquisition in progress …"

"Connecting the barrage of bullets …"

"Data stable. Do you want to start the live broadcast?"


"Welcome to the live broadcast room, welcome to Class 2, Officer Huang, welcome to the live broadcast room, welcome to …"

Just as the broadcast started, a few familiar names appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Holy shit, the streamer is still alive. That's great!"

"Host, we thought you had already gone to the west and had already booked up a flower wreath!"

"Where are you going to kill yourself tonight? The 1st machine is ready to go. You can call the police at any time! "

The enthusiasm of the water friend was beyond my imagination. Although they were all braggart, they were still able to ease my uneasiness and nervousness.

"Welcome to the super thriller broadcast room again. The place we are going to tonight, it's really a little thrilling."

I pointed the video camera at the school's name: "This school is called New Shanghai High School, it's a private school jointly organized by China and Japan. Only the children of rich families are able to attend this school …"

"I've heard of similar noble schools that introduce Japanese elite education. The fees are frighteningly expensive!"

"Pui!" I have a history of five thousand years in China, and I still need to introduce Japanese education? "Sun Spill Army, scram out of the live broadcast room!"

"Japanese scum, get out!"

"Uhh, calm down everyone, the New Shanghai High School was already sealed five years ago, there's no need for everyone to quarrel about this." Without paying attention to the rhythm of the live broadcast room, I hastened to stop the old drivers who were preparing to go for a ride without a word. "This school is supposed to be very famous locally, but after my interview, the information about this school was intentionally sealed off five years ago."

"What are they hiding? Or what happened five years ago that caused the entire school to be closed down? " Everyone's attention was slowly attracted by what I was saying: "Go through layers of fog, search for the lost truth. Tonight, I will lead you through all the mysteries."

"Hmm? The gatekeeper will wake up soon!"

"My intuition tells me that there must be something wrong with the women's locker room. I hope that the streamer will be able to find out what it is."

"The cultivation experience upstairs is quite deep. I, Ye Guan, have obtained the same answer as upstairs!"

"Fellow Daoists, if you want me to say it, the female restroom is filled with even more yin energy …"

"Scum, get lost!"

Holding the phone and lifting the camera, I put the suitcase in front of the door and entered the campus.

As for whether I should go to the women's locker room or the women's restroom first is not my concern. To reach a strange environment, the first thing I have to do is confirm my direction and get a clear map.

"Academic buildings, laboratory building, female apartments, office buildings, sports grounds …"

New Shanghai High School is very big, it will take a long time to complete the transfer. Just in case, I decided to search every building one by one to see if I could find anything.

"Meng Xin, if you really don't want to go to the women's locker room, we can accept going to the girls' apartment."

"Come, come, come. We agree to go to the girls' apartment."

"F * ck your sister, we are the Spirit Searching Program, there must be something wrong with the ladies' room. I'll make a personal guarantee."

After weighing the pros and cons, I finally chose to enter the teaching building closest to the main entrance.

The building was not very tall, only four stories high. Because of the elite education, there weren't many students in the school. In total, all three grades were taught in one building.

There were four classrooms on each floor of the building. There was a sign saying "How many classes have you been in for years" stuck to the entrance of the classroom, and there were traces of burning flames on the walls of the stairs.

"From the looks of it, the speculation on the internet is not baseless. Fire and stampede are very likely true." I walked along the corridor on the first floor. I didn't know if anyone had experienced something like this before. Looking at the empty classroom late into the night, with the rows of desks and chairs quietly placed there, I felt an inexplicable horror.

The classroom was empty. There seemed to be something written on the blackboard, but even with his face pressed against the window, he couldn't see clearly.

As expected, all the classrooms on the first floor were empty.

Leaning against the burned-out wall, I made my way to the second floor.

"Year 1, Class 5, Year 2, Class 2 …" After wandering around the second floor, I still couldn't find anything. I started to suspect that I was making a fuss and walked up to the third floor in one go.

"Empty, empty, and empty." I was finally able to relax, but when I looked at the last classroom on the third floor …

"What's that?"

Through the window, I saw four black figures standing by the podium!

"Bam!" I lost my grip on the camera and fell to the ground. I took two steps back. If there was no railing behind me, I would have fallen down from the third floor!

"What is it?!" There are students on this campus? "No, calm down. Maybe it's just a statue of a human body."

I picked up the camera and moved closer to the window again. "No more? The four black shadows had disappeared! They are not models! "

Cold sweat oozed out of my body. I didn't have the time to watch the bomb screen on the live broadcast channel as I moved towards the stairs.

"Creak." At this moment, the classroom door was pulled open. "You scared me to death! Come out, it's not a ghost, it's a person!"

Hearing a voice that wasn't very loud, I stared dumbfoundedly in front of me as two men and two women carrying their school bags walked out of the classroom.

"You all..."

"We're students from a nearby school. We heard that this place is haunted, so we came here specifically to test our courage." The boy in the lead looked to be seventeen or eighteen. He was the oldest of the four of them.

"Try what? Hurry up and go home, this place is dangerous! " My tone was unusually serious. The Underworld's show had set up a live broadcast here, which meant that there might really be a ghost here!

"Uncle, you're too gutless." One of the short-haired girls grinned at me. She and the boy should be in love.

"Hurry up and go home. When something happens, you won't even be able to run away."

"You adults just like to make a fuss. We came here earlier than you, didn't you find anything strange?"

"That's right. If you want to leave, then go. Our game to test our courage has just started."

Kids these days are really bold. In other words, if I don't do something, I won't die. If I force them to leave, it might cause their rebellious feelings to rise, and then secretly follow me.

"Alright, since you guys aren't willing to leave, then can you take me to play that test of courage game with you? I'm a cameraman of the Psionic Expedition. Actually, I'm quite interested in that sort of thing. " I said these words simply to protect them, but to my surprise, the real nightmare began.

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