Super Horror Live Show/C25 Quadrangle game
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Super Horror Live Show/C25 Quadrangle game
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C25 Quadrangle game

"You want to come with us?" The oldest boy tilted his head and looked at me. His eyes were bright in the dark, and for some reason it reminded me of the black cat I had just seen at the door.

"Since you guys want to play anyway, what's the point of adding me? "I really can't, I'll just video recording from the side, you guys can play with each other."

"Xue Fei, adding that we just have enough people, we can play that game that we always wanted to play." The younger boy squeezed in front of me. "Hello, I'm Xiu Mu, he's my brother, Xue Fei. The short-haired fake boy is my classmate, Shen Meng.

Xiu Mu was very skinny and looked like he could knock him down with a gust of wind, but he was the most lively and the bravest out of the four.

"Actually, we've already played a few games just now, such as Pen Immortal, Disc Immortal etc. But it was completely useless."

"You dare to play with the Brushstroke Immortal here?" You can really find excitement in yourselves. "

"Aren't you supposed to be lying after you finish playing?" Xiu Mu spoke very casually, but I noticed that the other three people looked at me with ice-cold gazes.

I felt a little uneasy. "I knew that it was all a lie. Why aren't you going home?"

"No no no, there's still another game that we haven't played? This is a four man game, we don't have enough people. "

"Not enough people? Aren't you just four people? " Xiu Mu's words were full of strangeness, which made my hair stand on end.

"Ying Zi doesn't play games, she's very timid and never wants to play games with us."

My gaze swept past the three people in front of me and fell upon Ying Zi who was standing at the very back.

"Alright, then I'll play with you guys. Remember, go home after you finish playing. How worried would the family be to sneak out at such a late hour? "

"Well, we've finally gathered the people."

I couldn't understand Xiu Mu's excitement, I just wanted to wait for these kids to leave safely and thoroughly search the campus.

"This game is called Four Corners, the rules are like this."

"In the middle of the night, in a blank, rectangular room, extinguish all the lights. Then, at each corner of the room, one person stands. All of them face the corner and do not look back."

"At the beginning of the game, one of the players walked towards the other corner, patted the person in front of him on the shoulder, and left him in that corner. Then, the person being filmed goes to the other corner in the same way and slaps the third person on the shoulder. "

"Everyone goes clockwise and so on, but if you go to a corner where no one is, you have to cough first, and then move on across the corner until you see the next person."

After I listened to the rules, I didn't feel like this was a very scary game. "It's that simple? But according to what you said, there's a corner that's always empty, so this game can't end at all. "

Xiu Mu pressed his face against the window as he looked into the classroom, "That may not be so."

"According to my friends from before, when there was no one coughing in the house, it meant that there was someone in every corner, but there was still one person walking because footsteps could be heard in the house!"

"This is a game played by four people, but a fifth person will appear as you play."

After hearing his explanation, I suddenly felt a little regretful, "Why does it sound even more terrifying than calling upon an immortal …"

"What are you afraid of? It could just be a friend's bullshit. " Xiu Mu smacked his head, "If you are truly afraid, all four of you can close your eyes and say: 'The game is over'. But you must remember that all four of you must speak at the same time.

I looked at my phone. water friend in the broadcast room were also heckling. Some people even threatened to reward me.

"Well, shall we play in this classroom?"

"No, this classroom is too small." The one who spoke was Xue Fei, "There's a special classroom in this building, let's go there."

"Special?" I narrowed my eyes. "Look at the door signs, there are five classes in each grade, and there should be fifteen classes in the three grades, and there are four classrooms on each floor of this building. There is indeed one classroom available."

We reached the top floor and stopped at the last classroom door on the left.

From the window, the room was empty except for the blackboard, the podium, and the rusting fan hanging overhead.

"It is said that this classroom was emptied because of a girl whose family was very poor and whose parents had to work several hours to pay the tuition fees. Thus, compared to the other students, she was extremely hardworking. Every day, she would study and read books. During the day, she listened attentively to the lecture. At night, everyone left the classroom. She was unwilling to leave, so she continued to stay in the classroom with her flashlight on. "

"A week passed, two weeks passed, only one day, the girl who stayed in the classroom late into the night was targeted by a few rich kids. After playing with her for a while, the girl jumped down from the fourth floor and died."

"Although her body has disappeared, it is said that her soul will return to this classroom at night to read and learn."

"Stop talking, Xiu Mu!" Shen Meng screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Are you afraid?"

Shen Meng unhappily pouted: No, I'm just afraid of scaring Ying Zi.

Ying Zi, who was always at a distance from me, did not say a single word and kept her head lowered from start to finish.

"Stop arguing, let's start now." Xue Fei was the oldest, once he said that, the others no longer said anything: "And you, in this game house, you have to maintain absolute darkness, you can't have even a little bit of light, just keep the cameras outside for Ying Zi to watch for you."

I nodded and set the camera on the windowsill. I swiped the phone, which looked like it was locked, but in reality, I had only turned on the camera function so that the live stream wouldn't be interrupted.

"Alright, let's split it up." Xiu Mu called us over: "I will be the first to go in and stand at the bottom left corner, followed by the streamer you will be the second to go in and stand at the top left corner, then Xue Fei will be the third to go in and stand at the top right corner, and finally Shen Meng will stand at the bottom right corner. After they were all in position, Shen Meng coughed and walked forward first, with me being the first one. Everyone follow the clockwise direction, wait for I to pat the host's shoulder, then we can move on.

"Everyone, remember the rules. Alright, let's begin."

There was not a single trace of light in the pitch-black classroom. The dense darkness seemed to be a lump of ink, and after Xiu Mu entered for around ten seconds, I took a deep breath, extended my hands, and groped my way into the classroom.

It was really very dark inside. My visibility was no more than half a meter. I stood up, but I couldn't even see my own shoes.

Slowly advancing forward, his arm had finally touched the wall. In the darkness, this small corner could give people a kind of strange psychological comfort.

The classroom is huge, I couldn't see anything. The only light came from the window, it was the signal flashing on my camera, and beside the signal light, Ying Zi had her head lowered.

Not long after, Shen Meng coughed from the classroom.

I know, the game has begun!

"Ta ta, ta ta ta … …" The footsteps behind me became clearer and clearer. I faced the wall and even though I knew that the one walking behind me was Xiu Mu, I still couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Whap." With a light tap on my shoulder, I understood. Following the clockwise direction, I walked to the next corner.

Unexpectedly, in the darkness, time passed extremely slowly, as if it had stepped onto a passageway that led to an unknown destination.

Slowly, I saw the outline of a black human figure. It was too dark, even though I was very close to him, I wasn't sure if he was Xue Fei.

"We've finally arrived." I raised my hand and lightly patted the dark figure's shoulder. I stopped in the corner and watched as the dark figure slowly moved and then disappeared into the darkness.

The wait was long, the concept of time was vague in this classroom, and I waited a few seconds, listening to my heart beat.

After about a minute, the first cough sounded from the classroom, "It's Shen Meng."

Not long after, someone else came up from the darkness, and I was patted on the shoulder.

Once again, he took a step forward. This was like a reincarnation that would never end.

A second cough sounded, very low, and no one could tell who it was.

But according to my deductions, the voice should be Xue Fei's.

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