Super Horror Live Show/C26 One missing?
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Super Horror Live Show/C26 One missing?
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C26 One missing?

When the third game began, I felt my shoulder being tapped and felt my way forward. If nothing went wrong, this time I should have walked past the deserted corner.

Every step in the darkness was extremely difficult, and no one knew what would happen in front of us. I was a little regretful because I knew that the campus was very dangerous, so I shouldn't have agreed to play this kind of game with them.

One step, two steps. The hand reaching forward finally touched the solid wall. There was no one in this corner.

He didn't know why, but he was relieved. Up until now, nothing abnormal had happened.

"Cough, cough!" Following the rules of the game, I coughed and continued to the next corner.

He felt his way forward, and along with the sound of footsteps, a dark shadow was waiting ahead.

I patted him on the shoulder and stood still in the corner.

The game went on as usual until the seventh round, when I lost my patience and became somewhat numb.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes. There were no more coughs, but the "tat tat" sounds of footsteps could still be heard clearly!

"There's an extra person in the room?" I suppressed my curiosity and didn't turn my head back. I only used my peripheral vision to observe, the camera's signal kept flashing, and Ying Zi stood there like a corpse, not moving at all.

"If it wasn't Ying Zi who joined the game, then who was the additional person in the classroom?"

His heart was beating faster and faster. In the darkness, no matter which direction he looked at, there seemed to be ghosts hiding there.

"Everyone, listen to me. There seems to be one more person in our game, so the following changes the rules of the game." Xiu Mu's voice fluttered in the classroom, "The basic rules are the same as before, but add an additional rule. When you pat the shoulders of the person in front of you, you need to say your name. Alright, whoever it is, let's start with who it is. "

The footsteps never stopped. Just when I was considering whether I should stop them and forcefully end the game, my back was suddenly slapped: "I am Xiu Mu."

A deep voice came slowly, slightly different from the one I had heard before, like a man talking while he ate.

Without looking back, I walked to the next corner.

"I'm the host." When the person in front heard those words, he staggered away while I stood nervously at the corner of the wall.

According to normal reasoning and known clues, the location of Xiu Mu and I should be normal. Which means to say that there was nothing else mixed in, "The additional people should be between Xue Fei and Shen Meng, or between Shen Meng and Xiu Mu."

As time passed, the only sound left in the classroom was the sound of footsteps. As I counted the seconds, I tried to determine where each person was.

"Pah!" He received a light pat on the back, "I am Shen Meng."

"Shen Meng?!" This shout made my hair stand on end. "Why would she run behind me?"

In the darkness, I didn't look back as I stiffly walked away.

"Some games are not to be played casually, especially in a place like this." Shen Meng, who was behind me seemed to have said a few more words, but I didn't hear clearly.

He touched the wall and left nervously.

"It shouldn't be? There is only one person's footsteps that can be heard in the classroom every single time, where are Xiu Mu and Xue Fei? " Unknowingly, I walked to the next corner. "No one?"

The empty corner was filled with thick darkness. I touched the wall in front of me and coughed lightly before walking out of the next corner.

"Could it be that the fifth person has already left? "Therefore, one of them …"

While I was still thinking in my head, I was suddenly startled by the situation in front of me. The second corner is still empty!

"This …" I quickened my pace to the third and fourth corners. "No one, still no one!"

My lips were dry as I touched the wall. "Could they have been following me all this time?"

He suddenly turned around, but it was only pitch black.

"The footsteps stopped, and I was the only one moving. "No way, could it be that other than me, all of them are …"

I looked at the window, the camera signal blinked, and the girl called Ying Zi disappeared!

Standing in the corner, I felt an unprecedented sense of fear. It was as though countless pairs of eyes were staring at me maliciously from the darkness.

Unable to remain calm any longer, I hurried to the window, the only light in sight.

Pushing open the window, I leapt out into the corridor and left the dark, gloomy room. I sat down on the floor as if I were dehydrated.

"Haha, so the lord's courage is actually this small!" Hearing that, Xiu Mu, Xue Fei and Ying Zi hid behind the door of the classroom, Xiu Mu who was hugging his stomach laughing extremely happily.

"When did you two come out?" I looked at the two of them vigilantly.

"The two of us came out long ago."

"Then why is it that when four people play, there's one more person?"

"Actually, there are only four of us in the classroom. The reason for the footsteps is because I have been constantly moving. After patting you on the shoulder, I returned to my original position, thus creating the illusion of one more person." Xiu Mu was elated. He did not have the fear or dread of the darkness towards his peers with him.

"Boring." Xue Fei shrugged his shoulders: "There has never been a ghost in this world, people make it up to scare themselves."

"So it was just a prank." I heaved a sigh of relief and kept the camera. I stood up from the ground. "It's good that nothing's happened. The game is over. You all should hurry back home."

It was already the latter half of the night, and the parents of these children were probably about to go insane from anxiety.

I swept my gaze across the three children in front of me. What about that short-haired girl called Shen Meng? "

"It's not out yet? I reckon one of you pissed your pants in the classroom, haha! "

After Xiu Mu finished speaking with a grin, what he got in return was my green face: "Still, still haven't come out?"

"What's wrong? Didn't you also see through Xiu Mu's prank so you came out early? " Xue Fei realized that my expression was not right and asked.

"No, I didn't see through his prank. I just searched the entire classroom and the four corners, but didn't find anyone. That's why I hastily ran away …" I tried my best to make my voice sound simple and easy to understand. "I've looked around, Shen Meng isn't in the classroom …"

"Impossible!" Only then did the kids realize how serious the situation was. They all entered the classroom. I took out my cell phone to light myself up, but the classroom was empty and quiet. There wasn't a single person in sight.

"Shen Meng went missing? Right under our noses?! "

"Shen Meng!" Xue Fei and a few others' shouts reverberated in the deathly still teaching building, but no one answered for a long time.

"Bastard!" It's all because you want to play some four-cornered game! " Xue Fei grabbed Xiu Mu's collar and tiptoed.

"How can you blame me? At first, when we said that it was everyone's decision to try it out here, didn't you agree with it? " Xiu Mu did not dare to resist the tall Xue Fei, and only waved his hands in the air: "Don't be anxious, Shen Meng is so daring, maybe she had already left long ago.

"Do you think that she doesn't care as much as you do?" The more Xue Fei spoke, the angrier he got. He raised his fist and was about to smash towards Xiu Mu.

"Calm down, now is not the time to discuss who's right and wrong." I sighed and grabbed Xue Fei's arm: "The most important thing to do now is to find Shen Meng, this school will become very strange at night, we don't have time to argue here."

Pulling Xue Fei and Xiu Mu aside, I squatted in front of Ying Zi. She didn't participate in the game and had been standing outside the classroom the entire time, trying to figure out what was happening.

"Ying Zi, do you know where that big sister went?" I had never had any experience with children, so I spoke as softly as I could.

Ying Zi, who was dressed like a doll, did not look at me. Her eyes stared blankly at the ground, then she shook her head.

"Isn't this child a bit too introverted?" No matter what he asked, the girl would only answer him with two kinds of answers. She would either shake her head or remain motionless, as if she hadn't heard him.

"streamer, what do we do now?"

"What else can we do?" I stood up and looked at the strange campus in the darkness. "Check all the buildings. We have to find her."

Since it involves a young life, I can't just stand by and watch, even though I know that doing so will cause me to sink into a deeper whirlpool.

Then, we will go to laboratory building together. The three of you follow me closely, and don't lose yourself in the process. "" Alright. Carrying the camera, I walked at the front of the line. When the three of them weren't paying attention, I quietly took out my phone to watch the video.

The picture was very blurry, and only when it passed by the window was there a tiny bit of light. However, it was this moment of brightness that recorded the most horrifying scene. There was someone following me in that classroom just now!

"Sure enough, you're lying..."

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