Super Horror Live Show/C29 Who to trust?
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Super Horror Live Show/C29 Who to trust?
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C29 Who to trust?

Who should I trust?

"Xue Fei, get out of the way!"

Seeing that lifeless model face, all of the hairs on my body stood on end. I didn't bother with the recording as I swung the camera towards the golem.

Maybe it was because the gap between imagination and reality was too big, Xue Fei's face was pale white and his legs were weak.

"Let's go!" I shouted, and the camera smashed into the golem's head, sending a few drops of paint or blood flying everywhere.

I turned around and saw that the kids were all scared silly. I kicked the golem away again. Go to the first floor! Go back the way we came! "

I turned and picked Ying Zi up, not caring about the others, and ran towards the first floor in quick steps, "Just now, that kick felt like it was a kick on human flesh, why is this puppet moving?"

Arriving at the first floor, I was about to go to the art studio when the unlocked door opened on its own.

"Oh no, I forgot that there's another one in the art studio!" Recalling how I personally held this puppet just now, I felt a chill run down my spine.

The puppets on the second floor had caught up with them. Although they were walking very slowly, they were oppressing.

In a hurry, the three of us ended up hiding in the toilet on the first floor.

"Close the door, don't say anything!" I squeezed into the last room with Ying Zi and Xiu Mu, while the bigger Xue Fei hid in the second to last place.


Fear filled the small, dark space, and I tried to control my heart.

He let out a light breath and put his ear against the door.

The sound of the golem's footsteps echoed in the corridor, and a voice came closer and closer to the toilet.

"Tap …" Tap … "Clatter."

"He's here."

I frowned and pressed my lips together, listening intently to the sounds in the corridor. The footsteps passed the door of the bathroom, but they didn't come in.

"So close." His heart was beating fast, and his tightly knitted eyebrows slowly relaxed.

"Da da, da da da, da da!" Before I could catch my breath, the voice that was tormenting me turned around!

Without a sound, it stopped in front of the toilet!

"Don't come in, don't come in, don't come in …" Xiu Mu's lips trembled, as if he finally knew fear.

After a long time, just when we thought the golem had left.

"Creak …" The door to the toilet was pushed open.

"Bam!" The first wooden door was opened by an external force.

"Bam!" The second wooden door was also opened.

I grit my teeth, sweat beading on my forehead, like a condemned man waiting for the guillotine to fall.

There were only six seats in the washroom. Soon, the third and fourth seats were opened.

After reaching the fifth place, the fifth place Xue Fei was hiding at.

The door was shaking, and someone's hand fell on the doorknob.


"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! " While Xue Fei was screaming, I pushed open the wooden door and ran outside with Ying Zi in my arms. I couldn't even protect myself right now, so I didn't have time to care about him.

In that instant when I crossed paths with the doll, I could see Xue Fei's face twist from fear, but I couldn't save him.

He sprinted forward at full speed, trying to escape!

"Follow me!" "Follow me!" Xiu Mu was behind me, so we ran all the way to the art classroom and jumped down from the window.

It was only when my feet were back on the deserted campus path that I was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Xue Fei and Shen Meng, I will think of a way to rescue them, so you two don't need to trouble me here. "" No problem. I put Ying Zi, who was in my embrace down and handed him over to Xiu Mu: "Bring her home quickly, let the lord of the family call the police, do you understand?"

Xiu Mu didn't have any intention of taking care of Ying Zi. He seemed to be completely terrified, and threw away my hands: "I won't be with her, you take care of her instead."

Xiu Mu's words were firm, as if there was some sort of hidden meaning behind them.

I secretly paid attention to the details, but I didn't say anything. "Anyway, let's go home. This school is full of strange things …"

"Go home? "My parents only know how to earn money. Even if I die outside, they probably won't know. Can that place be called home?"

I didn't know how to reply to Xiu Mu's words. Looking at the pitch black laboratory building, I could faintly hear Xue Fei's wails of despair.

"Death is much more terrifying than you think." He didn't want to leave, so I couldn't force him. I checked the equipment and found that the camera was still working properly. The live broadcast room was also flooded with bullets. Unknowingly, my popularity had exceeded 500.

"There's just no reward." After putting the phone in my pocket, I started to think about which building I should go to next. Suddenly, my clothes were pulled by Xiu Mu: "Host, I want to go to the toilet."

"I thought you wanted to say something earth-shattering. Let's go, I will go with you, don't run around Ying Zi!"

I brought Xiu Mu to walk in the bushes that were a dozen meters away. As we walked, Xiu Mu suddenly said in a hoarse voice, "Host, have you noticed that Ying Zi is very strange?"

I slightly narrowed my eyes and a lot of assumptions appeared in my mind. However, I simply said, "What's so strange about that?" Besides, you guys are friends. How would I know if you ask me? "

"I'm not familiar with her, this girl was picked up by Shen Meng."

"Picked it up?" Xiu Mu's words piqued my great curiosity.

He nodded his head: "Shen Meng, I, and Xue Fei are living in the vicinity. Since we were young, we heard from Master that we are not allowed to casually enter a ghost school in an isolated place. Although we came in during the daytime due to curiosity, we have never been to this place at night."

"What does this have to do with Ying Zi?"

"As we grew up, we were about to forget about this place when Ying Zi appeared. She always sits on the way home with the three of us. It's eight or nine o'clock after the evening self-study, and this little girl is actually wandering the streets by herself. Doesn't she have any family? "

There were many contradictions in Xiu Mu's words, but I did not point it out: "Continue."

"Just a few days ago, Shen Meng started to converse with Ying Zi. She pitied Ying Zi for being homeless, and so she decided to call us to send him home together."

"Could Ying Zi's family be in this school?"

"No, but it's more or less the same. The address she gave us is behind this school."

Maybe Xiu Mu and the rest didn't know what was at the back of the school, but I, who had gone through the relevant information on the internet, knew very clearly that the burning trench was there.

"So you came here?"

Xiu Mu's voice became lower and lower, "That's right. Now that I think about it, Ying Zi and the Ghost Puppet Flower Child that is passed down in the academy only have a one word difference, do you think that the two of them are the same person? Or are they the same ghost?"

Thinking back to Ying Zi's performance, it was indeed different from normal people. Logically speaking, even if such a young girl wasn't frightened to the point of crying, she should have at least let out a few shrieks when facing such a situation, but she was still a little too calm.

"Why did you only tell me something so important until now?"

"If you hadn't seen the moving puppets, would you have believed me? I've been telling you stories about the school from the beginning, but you never took it to heart. "

"Now that Shen Meng and Xue Fei have been killed in succession, I reckon that it will be my turn next, and it is very likely that you won't be able to escape either." Xiu Mu lowered his head, walked for a distance, and suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"We can't just sit there and wait for death. I've thought of a good idea. It should be able to end this nightmare." There was a sickly look on his young face, and his eyes were as bright as a black cat's.

I felt a little flustered at being stared at. "Tell me about it."

"If the two of us join forces … Kill Ying Zi! "

It was hard to imagine that killing someone could be said by a child. After the initial shock, I forced a smile.

"Regardless of whether Ying Zi is a human or a ghost, everything is just your deduction. Before the complete chain of evidence is formed, your actions are called murder." Patting Xiu Mu on the shoulder, I turned around and left.

In the campus that was filled with evilness, Ying Zi was sitting alone on the edge of the flower bed, looking like an abandoned doll.

"Don't be afraid, I'll send you out of the campus right now." Lightly lifting the girl up, I knew that the mission of the Underworld's show was important, but I couldn't stand by and watch the little girl die here.

I walked out of the school gate, but before I could take a few steps, Ying Zi, who had never spoken before, suddenly spoke into my ear, "Hurry up and leave, the three of them are all ghosts!"

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