Super Money Collecting System/C1 Supersystem
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Super Money Collecting System/C1 Supersystem
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C1 Supersystem

"Run, why aren't you running anymore?"

Lin Hao proudly looked at Zhou Hui, embraced a beautiful girl and said: "Xiao Xue, is this your former boyfriend?"

"Brother Hao, don't insult me. A poor bastard who can't even afford five hundred yuan wants to chase after me?" Liu Xue nestled into Lin Hao's embrace, and disdainfully rolled her eyes, "You're still not peeing to take care of yourself! A toad wanting to eat swan meat! "

When Zhou Hui heard this, he secretly clenched his teeth.

His family's condition was not good, so 500 was already an astronomical sum to him. In order to gather money for Liu Xue, he would eat only one meal a day, and he would not even be full.

Not only did she not feel touched, she actually said that Lin Hao was a poor man, that he was a toad that wanted to eat the flesh of a swan?!

Lin Hao smiled coyly as he walked in front of Zhou Hui and took out a stack of red notes from his pocket. Today, I'll pity you and take it to find someone to stand on the street.

Saying that, he took the money and slapped Zhou Hui's face.

Without even thinking about it, Zhou Hui raised his hand to block it. His eyes darkened as he stared at Zhou Hui and said: "If you have money, why don't you go and cure your retarded mind first!"

"You are f * cking courting death! Call me! "

Following Lin Hao's order, the surrounding lackeys immediately began to punch and kick Zhou Hui. Lin Hao was still not satisfied as he hugged Liu Xue and said fiercely, "Hit him for me! Hit him in the head! I want him to become retarded! "

Zhou Hui protected his head with everything he had and endured the rain of fists. He did not make a sound, but his eyes were blood-red, and the group of people continued until Chief Song Qian passed by them.

Before Lin Hao left, he had even purposely bumped into Zhou Hui, "Pauper, remember, poverty is the key to becoming retarded!"

"Zhou Hui, what's going on?" Song Qian shouted from nearby.

"Brother Hao!" Wang Bin's face changed as he whispered into Lin Hao's ears, "Song Qian's father is a shareholder in the company, if we offend her …"

"Do I need you to tell me?" Lin Hao spat on the ground in a bad mood. A beautiful lady like her, how did she fall for that poor bastard?

No vision!

Lin Hao then smiled at Song Qian and left with his people.

"Did they bully you again?" Song Qian hurried over, reaching out to support Zhou Hui, but he was stopped.

"No," Zhou Hui denied, "I was not careful."

What ability did he have to rely on a woman? Sooner or later, he would have to use his own methods to find her!

Song Qian sighed, this Zhou Hui was not bad and smart, but stubborn, and even if he was bullied, he would not say anything. Originally, he wanted to tell him that the salary that had been advanced this month was not enough, and maybe he would need to return some to the company, but looking at the situation now …

He had to be even slower!

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Zhou Hui suddenly said, "Sister Song, tell me the money that you need, I will make up for it tomorrow, thank you!"

With that, without waiting for Song Qian to speak, Zhou Hui left with a limp.


It was f * cking money again!

Zhou Hui punched and kicked the big tree in the company's small garden, "Do you really think that money is something you picked up?!"


"The super money-picking system has been activated!"

Zhou Hui was stunned, money picking system?


The system sounded again, "If money is found, do you want to start navigation?"

Zhou Hui replied without the slightest hesitation: "Open!"

An image that resembled a mobile phone's navigation software appeared in Zhou Hui's mind. A red dot of light flickered on the navigation screen, and the closest point was near the back door of the company.

Zhou Hui followed the navigation route with extreme nervousness as he searched for it. The closer he got to the dot of light, the more nervous he became.

In the end, Zhou Hui stopped in front of the trees outside the back door of the company.

After looking around, Zhou Hui quickly found a black plastic bag.

Opening up the plastic bag, Zhou Hui was startled. His throat tightened and his heart started pounding.

Looking at the new bills inside the plastic bag, there were at least 300,000 yuan!

He was rich!

The money picking system was real!

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