Super Money Collecting System/C10 The Wine That Had Convinced Her
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Super Money Collecting System/C10 The Wine That Had Convinced Her
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C10 The Wine That Had Convinced Her

The corner of Zhou Hui's mouth curled into a smile, and he walked towards the counter to mix wine with an extremely composed manner.

Walking to Zhou Luobing's side, he raised an eyebrow at her, but changed it back to Zhou Luobing's cold laugh.

She had also heard about what had just happened downstairs, so Zhou Luobing did not believe that this man could bring out the wine that she admired.

She was obsessed with mixing wine. Back then, she had even specially gone abroad to study and spar with many famous people, but she had never truly been moved by them.

Upon hearing that someone was going to challenge the number one Bartender of the Rose Bar, a large crowd of onlookers immediately poured in to watch.

Amongst them, there were some people who were just watching downstairs. When they saw that it was Zhou Hui, they were extremely surprised.

"Wow, it's actually him. He has so much money, I didn't expect him to be so versatile!" "I didn't get the chance to contact him just now. I'll definitely be there in a while."

"Tch, I still don't know, but in my opinion, he only knows how to brag. He has a lot of airs, who doesn't know of Zhou Luobing's strength?"

"That's right, do you think he can do it? Standing there without even moving, could it be that you don't even know what tools you have?! "

Zhou Hui naturally heard the laughter from the surroundings.

But he turned a deaf ear.

One had to know that he had just acquired the skills of the Bartender, and was even a transcendent divine being.

Zhou Hui stood there, not moving, and was only thinking about what wine would be different from the others.

Looking at the colorful cups and dazzling wine on the counter, Zhou Hui had a plan in his mind.

Although this was the first time Zhou Hui mixed wine, his skills made his movements seem very familiar.

Zhou Hui took out an ice cube and looked at Zhou Luobing, "Do me a favor."

He didn't use a pleading tone, but a positive attitude.

Zhou Luobing sneered, "Don't forget, you're the one showing off now, not me mixing wine."

Zhou Hui blinked his eyes at her, and handed the ice cube over to Zhou Luobing, "Of course, the things that I make are not things that ordinary people can create."

Zhou Luobing hesitated for a moment, but he still accepted it.

However, the bystanders started to discuss amongst themselves.

Until now, I have never seen a Bartender who can surpass Ai Mei. He still hasn't said anything yet, yet he has already said it so arrogantly! Furthermore, Ai Mei is actually willing to help him! "

"Yeah, that's right. You guys say that this brat is really smart. Having the Great Bartender come over to help, he definitely won't say anything bad about the wine he concocted."

At this moment, a man who looked like he was in the middle of a ruckus walked over, "That's right, I know how to adjust it. However, he didn't take a fancy to it before, so I want to see what tricks this kid can come up with!"

Zhou Hui had Zhou Luobing cut the ice block into a few triangles. He chose Old Ice, which had been frozen for a long time, and it looked crystal clear and pure.

After cutting it up, Zhou Hui picked up the cup, and looked at it under the light, nodding in satisfaction. This was indeed the number one Bartender, even the ice was sliced so easily.

He told Zhou Luobing to take a spoon and dip it with mint water to stir the ice.

Zhou Luobing did not know what Zhou Hui was doing, but he did as he was told.

Zhou Hui selected the brandy as his base wine, and skillfully added some ingredients. After that, he poured it into the alcohol decanter and shook it vigorously.

He shook it from time to time and then moved it in front of him, looking very dashing.

"Do you think he knows anything at all? He looks pretty professional."

"I see. At most, he's just putting on an act. That's enough to scare you. Look at the back!"

Of course, there were a few who were captivated by Zhou Hui's actions and kept staring at him like fans.

"Isn't this too cool? Oh my god, how can he be so perfect? Looking at him now, money seems to be the last thing worth mentioning!"

Zhou Luobing saw that Yue Yang was continuously adding ingredients and would shake him from time to time, the expression in his eyes becoming more and more complicated.

It seems that this guy still had some skills. Somehow, Zhou Luobing felt that he was still looking forward to see what he could change into.

Very quickly, Zhou Hui was almost done, he took the ice cube and looked, it seemed that it was almost done.

"That's enough, thanks." Zhou Hui was very casual as he raised his cup to express his thanks.

He took the wine he had just woken up and poured half of it into the ice. Then he took some soda and sprinkled it into the ice, and with lightning speed he poured in a thin layer of cream.

He took the ingredients that he had prepared a moment ago and poured the remaining half of the wine into the pot as well.

At the bottom of the glass was a clear blue color, and there was a small triangle of ice that kept turning in the air from the soda bubbles, with a layer of cream between them. The cream, on the other hand, was a cloudy white color, and it looked very pretty.

However, there were still the most important steps that had yet to be taken.

As Zhou Luobing watched from the side, her expression became more and more serious, and she stared directly at the wine cup in front of her.

This, this is —

There were also people below who could tell what was going on. He shouted excitedly, "This, this can't be the legendary 'Angel Beauty', right?!"

He continued, "'Archangel Beauty' was transferred to his wife by a famous Portuguese Bartender in the 1980s. This wine is extremely hard to mix, and the moment it was created, it shocked the entire brewing world. Because the color of this wine changed a lot, and its taste was very unique, he obtained this name, however, the recipe for this wine had long been lost, and I have only heard of it.

How could Zhou Luobing not know what they were talking about? This was what surprised her the most.

Zhou Luobing felt that this man in front of him, was not as shallow as he looked on the surface.

For the first time, Zhou Luobing showed some interest towards a man.

Zhou Hui was almost done filling up, he grabbed a piece of paper, squeezed out a drop of deep red juice and dropped it.

After he finished this, he handed it over to Zhou Luobing proudly.

Zhou Luobing accepted it with a complicated look in his eyes.

She watched as the juice spread through the cloudy white wine and stirred. The glass first turned red, then green, then pink as the bubbles rose, and the ice cubes continued to roll.

When the people below saw Zhou Luobing's actions, their hearts were already in their throats, and they even forgot to breathe.

Finally, Zhou Luobing placed it by his mouth and took a sip.

All of a sudden, the refreshing sweet, the faint sour, the soft salty and the wine that had removed Xin Lie exploded in his mouth.

Zhou Luobing had mixed emotions in her heart, she had never tasted such a wine before, the taste was so complicated yet perfectly blended.

A tear streaked across Zhou Luobing's face and fell into the wine cup.

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