Super Race System Makes Me a Legend/C16 Big Slam Dunk
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Super Race System Makes Me a Legend/C16 Big Slam Dunk
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C16 Big Slam Dunk

Although letting Lin Cheng and the other three take his place as the starter made him feel a little awkward, everything was for the sake of winning the ball. As long as he won the ball, everything else would be fine.

"This, alright."

The other four nodded. From a tactical point of view, it was obvious that their team was just taking the lead and using it to exhaust their opponents. However, this way, the pressure would be much less.

"You guys have to attack too. If you can get a point, you can get a point. This way, you can buy some time for Hou Xiaoqiang and the others."

Hu Lili, the form teacher, also said. She hesitated for a moment and looked at Lin Cheng. "You guys just give the ball to Lin Cheng as much as you can. After all, he knows how to shoot."

In her opinion, since Lin Cheng knew how to shoot, if he was lucky, he could always get one or two out of ten. It would be a good choice to delay it until Hou Xiaoqiang and the others got on stage.

"Our opponent is actually Class 6. It's really meaningless. It's just a casual fight. Let's give them a big shot later and let them have a good look!"

In Class 20, a boy over 1.9 meters tall glanced at the girls on the platform. He could already feel his blood boiling. A beautiful slam dunk under everyone's eyes would definitely capture the hearts of a large number of girls.

"Lin Cheng, we'll be counting on you later!"

The other four people decided to follow the teacher's strategy and start executing it. They handed all the balls to Lin Cheng.


Lin Cheng nodded. At this time, he was thinking about whether he should use two points with a score of 80 points, or use 50% of the three-pointers.

"Good luck! Everyone, good luck!"

"Come on!"

"Liu Zifeng, I love you!"

"Take down 100 points!"

With the sound of a whistle, the competition officially began. The group of girls below the stage began to cheer passionately. Of course, without exception, they were all given to the people of Class 20. After all, they were tall. They were handsome and good at basketball. It was very easy to capture the heart of a young girl.

Class 6, who had taken the initiative to show weakness to the enemy, naturally did not manage to jump to the ball. Very quickly, Liu Zifeng, who was wearing the number 23 competition uniform, took the ball and quickly attacked. Along with a beautiful big slam dunk, the entire stadium exploded.

The girls below the stage cried out involuntarily, almost to the point of losing their voice.

"Give me the ball."

On the field, Lin Cheng was not moved at all. He said to his teammates next to him.


Zhao Yu, who was in charge of serving the ball, was stunned for a moment. He immediately reacted and passed the ball to Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng carried the ball to the half-court and prepared to attack.

"Hehe, you want to shoot in front of me? Dream on! Look at my Liu's Hot Pot!"

Liu Zifeng saw that Lin Cheng wanted to shoot, so he jumped up high. He was more than 1.9 meters tall, and with his amazing jump, he was like a mountain, blocking all of Lin Cheng's line of sight.

Lin Cheng's eyes were only on the basket, and he ignored Liu Zifeng in front of him.

"Don't attack! Pass the ball first!"

Below the stage, Hu Lili, the class teacher, hurriedly reminded Lin Cheng when she saw that Lin Cheng was about to receive a defensive shot.

"Haha, I knew this guy didn't know how to play basketball! Just wait, this time we will definitely eat hotpot!"

Yue Ye's face was full of pride.

"What is this guy doing?! Won't he lose for sure?! "

After witnessing the strength of Class 20, Hou Xiaoqiang started to think of retreating. Now that he saw how reckless Lin Cheng was, he immediately found a scapegoat. Before he even started, he had already blamed Lin Cheng for the loss.


Lin Cheng directly attacked. The basketball drew a perfect arc in the air. Along with the sound of the net being swept, the basketball was cleanly thrown into the bag.

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