Super Rogue/C7 Before and after the Decisive Battle
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Super Rogue/C7 Before and after the Decisive Battle
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C7 Before and after the Decisive Battle

In the hot summer, morning is the best time to sleep.

But for the next few days I was forced to memorize words by Murong Xue. I was woken up by her phone at 5: 00 every day. I heard her say, "It's English time, please open the English class at the writing desk." After a while, Xue'er called again. "It's Mathematics time," she said.

Once, the phone "accidentally" shut down, but Murong Xue rushed over with a murderous look on her face. She gave me a lecture, allowing me to experience the power of little Tang Monk! Thus, he promised not to be lazy anymore, and escaped this calamity.

The days passed quietly, even though it was monotonous, it was full. These days study hard, hard life, let me feel like a person.

Tomorrow is the first day of the college entrance examination. To countless students, including me, it is a decisive battle. I was nervous and excited, but I forced myself to sleep. I lay in bed, but I couldn't sleep.

He got up and walked to the balcony and lit a cigarette. Looking at the city he had lived in for so many years, he felt that he could not integrate into the blood of the city. Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar place, he had a feeling: he wanted to escape.

Maybe after tomorrow, I'll be able to leave this city that's been haunting me and hurting my body and intestines, and find what I want. I looked at the sky and muttered to myself, "Dad, I will definitely have a future."

We all have ideals, we all have pursuits, we are all on the road, on the way out, on the recent road, on the road of dreary thinking, on the road of joy and joy, on the road of joy and reunion, on the road of heartache and separation, on the road of toil, on the road of sweet dreams, etc., but since we are on the road, we must move on! No matter whether the road ahead is smooth sailing or bumpy, whether the road ahead is smooth and smooth, or whether the road ahead is smooth and smooth, or whether it is a deep abyss with dense thorns, I will not hesitate to move forward.

In the morning, I woke up early, washed up, and looked into my eyes in the mirror. In addition to my eyes, I also saw perseverance and confidence.

He found a set of clothes that he liked the most and became narcissistic while looking in the mirror. The more he looked at them, the more he felt like he had the aura of a b * tch from the legends …

Murong Xue called to say that she was waiting downstairs. Half a minute later, I was sitting in her car, eating Xue'er's breakfast.

Murong Xue's mother also accompanied Xue'er to the exam. Looking at the intimate relationship between mother and daughter, I suddenly thought of the woman who abandoned my father and me and felt disgusted.

In order to not leave me in the lurch, Xue'er kept talking to me. She used common sense to test me. In the end, Murong Xue teased me and said that I was dressed like I was going to a blind date.

"Come on, brother!"

"You too, do your best!"

After encouraging each other, I went to my examination room and waited outside. In my hand was something related to the exam that Murong Xue had prepared for me.

The exam would only start in a while. The students outside the examination hall were almost all accompanied by their parents.

"Son, take the exam properly and enter a good university. I'll buy you a sports car!" Luring!

"Stinking brat, you failed the exam. I'll break your legs if you go home!" Bullying!

"My good daughter, don't be nervous. Do your best and rely on a good university. It won't be easy for your dad and I to send you to school."

"Daughter, you have to work hard. You are finally able to live up to expectations. Your mother and I will be able to rest in peace even after death." Threats with death!

Receiving a text message, Murong Xue replied, "Come on!" I believe you can do it! " My heart moved, turned into the examination room, big wind Xiao Xi, Yi Shui Han. The brave are gone for good. " The imposing manner.

I thought that I would be nervous or excited, but the whole process seemed like I was just a spectator. There weren't any ripples in my heart, and it was terrifyingly calm.

People always look forward to important things, but when things come, they don't have the excitement they think they have. It was the same for the College Entrance Test. After all these years of waiting, he discovered that his nerves had yet to become excited even after the exam.

Sometimes in life, it was always ironic.

Some people never had the chance to meet, but after meeting by chance, they began to hesitate. It was better to not see each other.

There were some things that he never had the chance to do. When he had the opportunity, he didn't want to do it anymore.

Some words had been buried deep within his heart for a long time. He didn't have the chance to say them, but when he had the chance, he was unable to say them.

Some love has never had a chance to love, wait for a chance, already did not love.

Some people had a lot of opportunities to meet each other, but they would always find excuses. When they wanted to meet, they would no longer have a chance.

There were some things that he had many opportunities to say, but he wanted to talk about them in the future. When he wanted to talk about them, there was no chance left.

Some things have a lot of opportunities to do, but they are put off day by day, and when you want to do it, you find that you don't have the opportunity to do it.

Some love gives you a lot of opportunities, but do not care about it, want to value the time has no opportunity to love.

The college entrance examination began like a raging fire, continued like a raging fire, and ended like a raging fire. One of the examinees shouted after the end of the exam, "The exam is over, I'm done!" Everyone could not help but sigh! The feudal imperial examination system had killed countless scholars. Several thousand years later, history would still depend on a single exam paper to determine a student's future. While we are worried about the current education system, we have to admit that the college entrance examination is the lowest admission level in the country.

In the college entrance exam, there were people who soared into the sky and fell down on the ground. In order to climb to the higher ivory tower, we had to tread on the corpses of our comrades.

The annual college entrance examination had already ended. Thousands upon thousands of students had finally gotten rid of the torrid life of studying in high school and had once again entered the long and arduous waiting period.

When the exam was over, I returned to my half-dead life, the exuberance that a young person should have, to me, was like the sexual ability of an old person.

The summer weather was getting hotter and hotter, and the sun was scorching the skin of a person's body. It was so dry that it seemed like it would crack at any moment, but it couldn't heat up my blood. Laziness was like a ten thousand year old Chen Bing, sinking into the depths of his heart. Almost all attacks were useless against it.

Murong Xue, on the other hand, was very happy. Every day, she would take me for a stroll, and I felt like I was a sacrifice.

Murong Xue had rushed over in high spirits today, and even brought along one of her good sisters, Ouyang Qing. Her clothes were very provocative. She and Xue'er were both top grade beauties. Ouyang Qing was dressed in a long coat with a cool design that combined with the elements of the street wind. It was simple but special, and his lower body was covered in a pair of hot pants without many decorations, letting people know that there was no shorter, only shorter, less, and less. There was no perfect standard, only the limit. It was full of liveliness, spiciness, and the scent of youth, giving off a unique charm.

After the introductions, I told them to wait while I went to the bathroom to dress up. I couldn't be with the two beauties.

Bath, shave, use some hair gel that hasn't been used in ten years, let not long hair like thorns but not thorny scattered on the head. He found a pair of white Tshirt pants and put them on, along with a pair of white denim pants. He looked at himself in the mirror and gave himself a sunny smile. He kept feeling that his smile was not as clean as it used to be, as if it carried a little evil.

Fifteen minutes later, when I came out of the bathroom, I quietly made up my mind again under the shining eyes of the two beauties.

Ouyang Qing belonged to the self-styled type. As he walked along the street, he was already affectionately holding my arm. My heart was filled with pleasure as I hugged my two waists with both of my hands, pretending that I was carelessly kneading them. In the eyes of the two beauties, a pure and harmless smile made them believe that I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to do it. I did it on purpose. ha-ha

While Ouyang Qing was shopping, Murong Xue whispered to me, "Is Ouyang Qing beautiful?" I didn't understand, so I nodded.

If you want to chase after her, don't. I'll help you. She's a good sister of mine that I grew up with.

"Damn." I sweated. "I'm not chasing after beauties when I see them. "I like to be smart." It just so happened that a fat woman with pockmarks on her face walked past me. She blinked at me, causing me to vomit violently.

"Tsk …" Murong Xue gave me a disdainful look, "You are so hypocritical."

"Thank you for your praise." I offered a murderous smile that attracted the attention of several dinosaurs...

While carrying large and small bags on my body and dragging my legs to follow behind the two beauties, the two beauties finally realized that they had finished their work.

After handing over the bags and bags to the driver, the two fierce women pulled me back onto the road …

At my insistence, they decided to eat first and then play...

In a high-end restaurant, I ate in an indecent manner. I received countless looks of despise. Damn, there are so many people who despise me. Who do you think you are?

When I finished sweeping through all the food on the table, I realised that I was only half full.

When I paid the bill, I saw that the card cost me a thousand dollars, and my heart ached. This is the money I got from selling my dad's house." The most painful thing was to pretend as if nothing had happened. Now, a man who earns 200 pounds of pork a month is barely a white collar. As for someone who spent a thousand yuan to eat a meal without enough food, needless to say, he was certain that he was an idiot.

Walking out of the restaurant, he saw that night had already fallen, and the city's nightlife had also begun. The two beauties were obviously not satisfied and wanted to go to the club to play and sing a song. Ouyang Qing was even coquettish. "Can you do it?"

I think when a woman, especially a beautiful woman, asks you if you can do it, a man says yes.

Oh, my god, I'm so tired. Speaking of these young people's passion for the game, I do not like and dislike, just occasionally indulge in a little madness is also good.

As soon as we stepped into the club, we were swallowed up by the deafening music...

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