Super Scientific Research System/C10 Good Luck
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Super Scientific Research System/C10 Good Luck
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C10 Good Luck

30 seeds require at least 30 plots of system land, which translates to 30 acres in reality.

It's brilliant! Why settle for doubling efficiency when, with this system, I can increase it a hundredfold?

Arriving at the center of the field on his motorcycle, he pulled a hoe from his backpack and charged into the system land with a battle cry.

Three to four hours of hard work later, he had finally prepped all 30 plots.

Digging and watering had cost Liu Feng 90 points of stamina, leaving him with just 10. Despite having eaten two hearty bowls of noodles that morning, his stomach was now growling with hunger.

Time for three more bowls.

By 11 o'clock, Liu Feng was back at the town's noodle shop.

"Ma'am, I've returned for four bowls of beef noodles!"

Liu Feng decided to eat more, driven by his intense hunger.

"Young man, back again? You can't live on noodles alone; they're too heavy and not easy to digest!"

"Thanks for your concern, ma'am. I'm young and fit, no worries! By the way, how should I address you? I might become a regular."

"Just call me Mrs. Wang."

"Mrs. Wang, I'm Liu Feng, a graduate student here for research."

"Oh, a grad student! That's wonderful. Keep up the research; it improves our lives! I'll throw in some extra meat for you!"

Liu Feng felt a warm glow at Mrs. Wang's sincere enthusiasm.

"Mrs. Wang, you mentioned this morning that the chilies you bought weren't spicy. I'm currently growing some, so when they're ready, I'll bring you a batch!"

"Ah, you're a good kid. I'll buy from you instead of dealing with those swindlers!"

As they conversed, neither noticed someone lingering outside the door, hesitant to enter.

Lu Mingyue had gone to Liu Feng's farm early in the morning, around eight, curious about his activities. Peering in, she saw nothing but overgrown weeds taller than a meter. So, she settled down to wait under the pine tree by the farm's entrance.

She didn't spot Liu Feng until well past eleven, zipping out of the farm on his lightweight motorcycle.

Thankfully, the bike was slow and noisy, which allowed Lu Mingyue to tail him all the way to the noodle shop.

"He's got a good heart," Lu Mingyue mused.

Inside, the two patrons were deep in conversation, oblivious to her presence outside.

"Hey! Mingyue! What brings you here?"

A boisterous voice shattered the calm. Both Liu Feng and Mrs. Wang inside the shop took notice. Such a booming voice was a rarity in town; Liu Feng could only think of Wang Dali as the owner of such a voice.

"Wang Dali, keep it down! You're making a racket!"

"Alright, I'll keep it down."

Wang Dali tried to soften his voice, but it still carried an impressive force. There's an old saying, "A blaring trumpet means your parents' efforts are in vain..." Scratch that, the trumpet is the king of instruments, and Wang Dali's voice could certainly be dubbed the human trumpet.

"I'm just passing through, not sticking around to chat. I'm off."

With that, Lu Mingyue gave Wang Dali a pointed look and strode away, her pale blue dress fluttering with her brisk steps.

"Hey, snap out of it!"

"Hey, Mr. Liu! What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for a bowl of noodles. You should see the way you're staring!"

"I... I..."

Wang Dali's dark complexion turned a noticeable shade of red, and he was at a loss for words.

"Come on, if you like her, just say it. I've got to run; I'm busy. You take your time eating."

"It's not that! Mr. Liu! It's not like that!"

Wang Dali desperately tried to clarify through the haze of Liu Feng's motorcycle exhaust, but it was unclear how convincing his protests were.

Glancing at his system, Liu Feng felt a surge of urgency. Today was the last day of the fishing mission, and failing to complete it would be a huge loss.

He looked back at the securely tied black pot on the rear seat. Yes, today was yet another day of pot-fishing.

It was a necessary evil; regular food might fill the belly, but it didn't restore stamina. The only method Liu Feng knew to replenish his energy was the secret yellow fish soup recipe he'd acquired from the system for 500 yuan.

Moreover, after planting the Devil Pepper today, Liu Feng was down to just 10 stamina points. He knew he had to replenish his stamina while fishing; it was the only sustainable strategy.

Reflecting on this, Liu Feng couldn't help but lament. His stamina was seriously lacking!

With only a hundred points in total, it seemed to run out before he could get much of anything done.

"System, is there a way to increase my stamina?"

"Certainly. You can raise your stamina cap through System Skills, special items, special food, and the Fruit of the Moon."

The first few options were as clear as mud, but that last one, the Fruit of the Moon, caught Liu Feng's attention.

"System, what exactly is the Fruit of the Moon?"

"It's a unique fruit that cannot be cultivated. Its acquisition is unpredictable, and any action could potentially trigger its appearance. The effect is a 100-point boost to your stamina."

The idea that any action might trigger the fruit's appearance was intriguing. If the system was to be believed, he could be minding his own business, asleep or eating, and suddenly get bonked by the fruit.

But Liu Feng shook off the thought. Dwelling on something so dependent on luck was pointless. It would come when it was meant to come—fate works in mysterious ways.

Eventually, he arrived at the beach on his motorcycle.

With practiced ease, he set up his cooking pot and pulled out his basic fishing rod, ready to resume his quest for small yellow fish.

This time, Liu Feng had taken his lessons to heart. Before heading out, he had checked the System TV to gauge today's fishing prospects, which looked as promising as a bullish stock market.

"Back again, I see!"

"Mr. Hai."

"You really do love fishing, don't you?"

Liu Feng wasn't quite sure how to respond to Hai Wei's comment. Truth be told, he was only fishing to level up and fulfill the system's tasks. Yet to Hai Wei, it seemed Liu Feng's consecutive days of dedicated fishing painted him as a true enthusiast.

"You didn't catch anything last time, did you? Well, that's just how it is. Sea fishing isn't easy."

"It's definitely challenging."

"By comparison, river fishing tends to be easier. You might want to give that a try next time."

For me, whether I'm successful at fishing is entirely in the hands of the system; I'm just as powerless as anyone else. The system dictates where I go, and I follow without question—I'm nothing more than a cog in the machine.

But judging by Hai Wei's words, he seems like an expert angler. He once mentioned he'd make his living from the sea for the rest of his days, yet I've never actually seen him fish.

Liu Feng found the thought amusing.

Just then, the fishing line twitched.

With a focused gaze, Liu Feng coordinated his eyes with his nose, his nose with his heart, and his hands moved in a practiced dance—up and down, left and right—maneuvering the rod with precision.

With a sharp snap, a fish flailed onto the shore.

"Oh? Not too shabby! That was a quick catch."

The system had not led me astray, Liu Feng thought, his heart swelling with hopeful tears. The mission might just be achievable after all!

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