Super Scientific Research System/C13 Mingyue Diary
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Super Scientific Research System/C13 Mingyue Diary
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C13 Mingyue Diary

"May 2nd, clear skies."

"The day before yesterday, out of the blue, Wang Changtian followed me home. I can't fathom what my dad was thinking, agreeing to let him come over to hang out."

"It's so frustrating. I just couldn't take it and had to get out of there. And then, can you believe it? He sent me that kind of message. What a creep!"

"Then, yesterday, my dad has the nerve to suggest I get engaged before I even graduate from college. Seriously? I'm still in the prime of my youth! With all the good-looking guys out there, how could I possibly think about marrying him?"

"Pfft, marry him? What's he to me? Even if we go back a gazillion steps, he's nothing more than a classmate."

"But if I'm being completely honest, if there weren't any other complications, I wouldn't mind being friends with him, despite the lack of romantic feelings. It's all because of my dad, always trying to cozy up to the deputy mayor. Sigh."

"It's pretty wild to think that a small-town mayor's daughter like me could end up in a political marriage. Hah, I crack myself up just thinking about it."

"Yet, there's no easy way to turn him down. I don't have a boyfriend, and my dad would never accept 'I'm just not into him' as an excuse."

"Speaking of boyfriends... Liu Feng is actually kind of intriguing. A grad student who's come all the way out here to farm in the boonies. Future prospects aside, he seems to have a decent personality. I've seen that rundown farm he's working on. There's nothing there, barely even electricity—totally off the grid in this day and age."

"To choose to live out there, he's definitely got character. And he seems to have a good heart too. He nearly ran me over that day, but judging by his conversation with Mrs. Wang, he's probably a good guy."

"Ugh, should I really consider it? It's so confusing, and broaching the subject with Liu Feng is daunting. What if he gets the wrong idea?"

"Is there anyone else? Dali? No, no, no way. Sigh."

"I miss the simplicity of childhood, the days without a single care."


Deep into the night, Lu Mingyue was hunched over her desk, penning her thoughts in her diary. Keeping a diary is a rare practice these days, but it's a habit she's nurtured from a young age.

Lu Mingyue tossed her pen aside and rested her head on her arms, her bright eyes wide open as she seemed lost in thought.

She had come home for the Labor Day holiday, and now it was already the second. School would resume in a few days, and with it, the prospect of enduring Wang Changtian's relentless harassment loomed over her. The mere thought was exasperating.

She was determined to resolve this issue during the break. She would either confront him once and for all or find another way to deal with it.

"What do you see in me? I'll make sure to change it!"

Lost in her musings, Mingyue eventually drifted off to sleep on her arm.

Another unremarkable morning dawned, and the clock struck six as usual.

Liu Feng felt his grogginess dissipate. Upon reflection, he realized that although he had risen early, he had also gone to bed early, clocking in a full seven hours of sleep.

Time to get up!

After hastily eating some food, Liu Feng noticed his pantry was nearly empty, his snacks long gone.

He decided it was time to stock up on groceries.

Wait a minute, that's not right. Why should I buy food? Does a landlord ever have to buy his own crops?

Ridiculous! Of course, I should grow my own!

Resolved, he planned to purchase some seeds from the System Store later. The idea of a hundred-acre farm owner starving was laughable. He almost forgot that today he needed to pick up the salted fish from Mr. Hai.

With his day's agenda set, Liu Feng switched on the system's TV.

[Weather Report]

Clear skies today—enjoy the splendid spring weather!

[News Broadcast]

A persistent cold snap has led to a drastic reduction in the global food supply, hitting North America and East Asia the hardest. U.S. agriculture officials predict the cold snap could cut this year's food production by over 40%.

As a result, food crop prices within the system have soared by 300%.

What the hell? Although unclear about the specific regions mentioned, the 300% price hike in food was unmistakable.

It's like being handed a pillow when you're weary—could it be that he had the luck of the Irish? Just as he was preparing to plant crops, food prices were skyrocketing. It seemed fortune favored him after all.

Finally, Liu Feng skimmed over the fishing report and promptly closed it. He was still smarting from yesterday's fishing mishap and had little desire to cast a line anytime soon.

Hopping onto his Light Cavalry 125, he zipped to the heart of the farm. Summoning his water bottle, he filled it and readied himself for a day's labor.


Surveying the three plots he had fertilized the day before, Liu Feng noticed a striking difference. The leaves were lush, their veins etched so clearly they seemed to be delicate pieces of jade.

Indeed, the quality was exceptional! The system never misled; you got what you paid for, down to the last cent. That included the small yellow fish recipe he'd splurged 500 yuan on. But the results were extraordinary, restoring 100 points of stamina in a single go. For Liu Feng, it was akin to a lifesaver.

One bowl and he was back to full strength.

With 70 stamina points remaining after his farm chores, Liu Feng decided it was time to hit the system store for more seeds.

He wasn't sure about the cost. Opening his backpack, he found:

[Gold coins]: 25.

Sweat beaded on his forehead... just 25 gold coins left. Would that be enough?

Only one way to find out.

Outside the pump house on the fallow land, Liu Feng clutched a bag of seeds, its exterior adorned with an illustration of a sweet potato.

Exactly, a bag of sweet potato seeds, enough for just one system plot.

Resigned, Liu Feng reassured himself. Money always starts small; it grows over time. Yet, the sight of his gold coin balance was disheartening.

[Gold coins]: 0


Back at the farm, planting the sweet potatoes brought some solace. Thanks to the system's 1:100 privilege, his acre of sweet potatoes still brought him joy.

With no other tasks at hand, and his motorcycle nearly out of gas, Liu Feng decided to refuel and seize the opportunity to explore the town. He'd been here for days without really seeing the place. Today seemed like the perfect chance.

Mounting his lightweight bike, he pedaled down the narrow path toward town.

Deer Harbor Town was indeed a small town—not just nominally, but exceptionally tiny by any standard.

A river cut through Deer Harbor Town, with its western bank playing host to the liveliest street around. This bustling thoroughfare was lined with an array of shops, eateries, and a hodgepodge of other establishments.

On the eastern bank, the town's government offices were clustered, forming another street. The townspeople's homes were nestled around these two central streets.

Notably, despite its modest size, the town boasted the uncommon luxury of a library.

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