Super Scientific Research System/C14 Deer Harbor Town Library
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Super Scientific Research System/C14 Deer Harbor Town Library
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C14 Deer Harbor Town Library

At the Deer Harbor Town Library, the characters on the sign seemed to have been commissioned from a skilled hand. Liu Feng, no expert in calligraphy, could nonetheless sense their vigorous strokes.

Upon pushing open the door, he was greeted by a counter to the left of the entrance. The lobby was enclosed by a circle of low railings, leaving two openings: a large one in the center facing the staircase and a smaller one to the side leading to the reading area.

The library was modest in size, spanning just two floors. It presented well from the outside, yet inside, it bore the weathered marks of time.

Liu Feng might not have been a scholarly prodigy, but he cherished the unique aroma that wafted from the library's books. It had a soothing effect on him, settling his mind and steadying his soul.

Inside, the library was quiet, with only one person stationed behind the counter.

As he neared the counter, a subtle scent of sandalwood mingled with the ink of books filled his nostrils. The fragrance seemed to emanate from the counter's tabletop, a surprisingly fine piece of furniture for such a small-town library.

A cursory glance brought an unexpected delight. The individual behind the counter, likely the librarian, was a young girl.

She was the kind of girl who stood out in a crowd, the sort whose presence made it difficult to divert your gaze.

Her age was indeterminate, but she appeared quite young, perhaps 18, with delicate-framed glasses and long hair draping down her cheeks. Her face was small, and though the details were not sharp, the graceful lines of her features were unmistakable.


The girl looked up from her book, her gaze meeting Liu Feng's directly.

Liu Feng was taken aback.

Truly astounded, in the way one is by a breathtaking sight.

Never before had he encountered eyes like hers in the flesh—only ever glimpsing such beauty online or on TV. Her eyes were a stark contrast of pure black and pristine white, the pupils shining perfectly round, devoid of the usual red veins that marred most. Hers were impeccably clear.

"Hello, are you here to read a book?" she asked.

"Oh, hello, yes."

Liu Feng reassured himself that any normal person would be forgiven for being starstruck by such beauty, right?

"Just enter where you came from. To borrow books, you'll need to use your ID to get a library card."

The librarian spoke to Liu Feng in a gentle whisper.

"Actually, I'm not here for the books; I'm just browsing around."

"Are you new in town? I can't recall having seen you before."

"Yes, I'm Liu Feng. I've been in Deer Harbor Town for just a few days, staying at a farm on the western edge."

"On the farm? What do you do there?"

Her voice rose with curiosity at the mention of the farm.

"I'm conducting some research there... Oh, and I'm a graduate student specializing in agriculture."

She listened to Liu Feng without a word, then scrutinized him carefully from head to toe.

Feeling scrutinized, Liu Feng's skin crawled with goosebumps, especially at the nape of his neck.

"Um... what's your name?"

Not sure how else to respond, Liu Feng blurted out the question to divert her intense gaze. After all, while it's pleasant to admire beauty, being on the receiving end of such a piercing stare could make anyone second-guess their life choices, feeling utterly unworthy.

"I apologize if I've been impolite. I'm not very good at socializing. My name is Zhong Yuyuan."

Realizing her stare might have been too intense, Zhong Yuyuan modestly lowered her gaze, her voice fading to a murmur.

"Zhong Yuyuan, that's quite a unique name."

Liu Feng was taken aback; it wasn't the sort of name someone uneducated would choose.

"My father named me," she said with a gentle smile that made Liu Feng feel as if he were basking in the warmth of spring.

"It's inspired by a line from the 'Classic of Poetry,' which goes, 'The kite flies high in the sky, while the fish dives deep in the abyss.'"

Liu Feng's forehead was beaded with sweat, a testament to his feelings of inadequacy. He was at a loss, feeling utterly illiterate. What was she even talking about? He could grasp the classic poetry, and 'Daya' rang a bell, but 'Han Lu'? He had no clue what that was.

But it was all over now.

"Oh, oh, oh."

He feigned understanding, uttering a few knowing 'ohs'—the perfect cover for his embarrassment.

"Your dad must be quite the scholar."

"Indeed, he is. In fact, he's the one who built this library."

What the—?

Sweat wasn't the only thing Liu Feng's forehead was producing now; metaphorical black lines seemed to appear as well.

A library? Built by her father?

This was the mark of a truly learned man.

He couldn't help but feel a deep respect.

"Your father is truly impressive. My respects."

Zhong Yuyuan offered a gentle smile but remained silent.

The air was thick with awkwardness.

Liu Feng was itching to keep the conversation going, to casually chat a bit longer with Zhong Yuyuan. Opportunities to talk to a beautiful woman were not to be wasted, not just for the sake of beauty, but for the sheer pleasure of the experience.

But what to say? He racked his brain until something came to mind.

"What book are you reading?"

Halfway through his question, Liu Feng almost wished he could mute himself. It sounded painfully awkward, like he was just grasping at straws.

"Sister Zhong!"

Thankfully, another voice cut through Liu Feng's awkward moment.

A young man burst through the library doors, making a beeline for the counter.

Both Liu Feng and Zhong Yuyuan turned to see who had arrived.

"Yule's been caught and given a beating. He's right outside your place now!"

"Ah?" Zhong Yuyuan dropped her book and stood up, ready to dash outside.

But in her haste, she stumbled and fell. Neither Liu Feng nor the young man could catch her in time.

"Are you okay? I've got a motorcycle; I can get us there faster."

Liu Feng helped her to her feet. Without a word, she nodded and followed him out.

"What about Sister Zhong's library?"

"Just lock the door for me, will you? Leave the key on the desk!"

She left with just a few words and dashed out the door.

"Come on up!"

Liu Feng revved up his Light Rider 125, gesturing with his right thumb towards the pillion.

Visibly hesitant, Zhong Yuyuan paused—this tiny motorcycle seemed far too small. But there was no time for second thoughts. With only a brief hesitation, she climbed aboard and wrapped her arms tightly around Liu Feng's waist.

"Are you seated comfortably? Let's go, you'll need to guide me."


Liu Feng heard a soft affirmation from behind and felt a pair of arms encircle his waist, sending a shiver up his spine.

"My home is in the northwest corner of Deer Harbor Town. Start by heading north from the square."

With the route mapped out in his mind, Liu Feng twisted the throttle, and the motorcycle buzzed away.

As for speed, it was certainly quicker than running.

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