Super Scientific Research System/C18 About the Story of the Sea
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Super Scientific Research System/C18 About the Story of the Sea
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C18 About the Story of the Sea

Back at the farm, I rode through my plot of system land, checking on the sweet potatoes. Sprouts were already breaking through the soil, and the chili peppers were thriving, particularly in the three patches where I'd applied fertilizer—they were looking exceptionally beautiful.

I pulled out the sprayer, filled it with water, and walked into the fields, methodically misting each section. Once I'd covered all the farmland and stowed the sprayer back in my backpack, I glanced at its durability gauge.

Durability: 5/50

I hadn't anticipated it wearing down so quickly. Clearly, the upgrade book I'd get after completing my mission would have to be used on the sprayer. I wondered what the upgraded version would be like. I recalled something about it turning into a silver sprayer. Could it actually be made of real silver?

"Correct, host. The silver sprayer is indeed made of silver," came the system's reply.

"Does that mean I could sell it for cash?"

"The system's rules do not prohibit such actions, host. However, if you sell the sprayer and lack alternative watering methods, you won't be able to irrigate your system land."

Right, I was overthinking it... Besides, with the system, I have countless ways to make money. No need to shoot myself in the foot.

Fine, you've got a point.

After watering, I brought the pickled fish inside and hopped on my motorcycle, heading for the beach.

Outside Wang Dali's home, Lu Mingyue gently unwrapped the bandage from his hand to inspect the wound.

"You really went at it, huh? Hurt yourself in a fight?"

A closer look would reveal Wang Dali's ears blushing, but his robust complexion concealed the redness.

"I didn't see it coming. I only noticed the blood on my hand after the scuffle was over."

"Oh..." Lu Mingyue pondered for a moment before asking, "So, you know Liu Feng pretty well?"

"Yeah, I'm quite close with Mr. Liu."

"Then tell me about him."

Wang Dali wasn't one for overthinking. He complied with Lu Mingyue's request and paused, gathering his thoughts.

"Mr. Liu, in my opinion, is an exceptional man. Everyone says your dad is the top guy in town, but after getting to know Mr. Liu, I believe he's even more capable."

Wang Dali didn't overthink it and spoke frankly to Lu Mingyue.

Yet, Lu Mingyue barely reacted, quietly nodding in response.

"Mr. Liu is a grad student at Celestial Sea University. He's here in town for research. He's even shared his goal with me—to develop a lucrative crop that'll help my family live comfortably."

"Mmm-hmm," Lu Mingyue murmured, nodding absentmindedly. "So, what went down today?"

"I'm not entirely sure myself. Mr. Liu texted me to head over to the Zhong residence at the northwest edge of town, so I did."

"But I didn't expect to find a crowd there. Looking closer, I saw Mr. Liu caught in the middle, beaten and sprawled on the ground."

"Ah? Who were they? Why would they go there to beat someone up?"

"I'm not clear on the details. Later, I accompanied Mr. Liu and the Zhong siblings to the town hospital, and then Mr. Liu dropped me off at home."

Lu Mingyue's brow furrowed; the situation was more complex than she'd anticipated.

She was acquainted with Zhong Yuyuan and her brother, Zhong Yule, but they didn't really interact.

The siblings kept to themselves—the brother, Yule, lived mostly outside of town, getting into minor trouble, while Yuyuan spent her days in the town library, rarely speaking to anyone.

What's more, Yuyuan's behavior around Lu Mingyue was oddly reserved, always ducking her head and walking away without a word. Lu Mingyue puzzled over this, wondering, "We don't have any beef, do we? It's almost like we've had some sort of incident."

Another thing crossed her mind: the Zhong siblings were on their own; their parents had apparently passed away.

With these thoughts, Lu Mingyue found it peculiar that Liu Feng was mixed up in this affair. If she hadn't run into Wang Dali by chance today and inquired about the incident, she would've remained clueless about the whole ordeal.

"Got it," Lu Mingyue acknowledged. "Take care of yourself, Dali. I'm heading out."

"Take care on your way, Mingyue," Wang Dali said, waving goodbye with a hint of reluctance.

At Hai Wei's seaside home, Liu Feng and Hai Wei were seated across from each other at a small square table in the living room. The table was simply set with two small plates—one with salted fish and the other with fried peanuts—surrounded by an array of beer bottles.

"Here, have a drink," Hai Wei offered, pouring beer into Liu Feng's cup.

Liu Feng nudged his cup forward, foregoing any formalities.

"So, little bro, what's the story behind that injury on your face?"

"Ah, well, this injury..."

Liu Feng recounted the day's events to Hai Wei in detail.

"So, you're talking about that chubby guy who's missing half a tooth, the one who calls himself Master Jin?"

"That's right. Something wrong, Mr. Hai?"

"His guys did this to you?"

"Uh... yeah, they did..."

"Okay, next time he shows up, give me a call. I'll be right over."

"Wait, Mr. Hai, you know him?"

"I do. We go way back. I'm the one who knocked out that half tooth of his."


Liu Feng was stunned. Talk about a small world! Who would have guessed that the gang leader who had roughed him up was connected to a solitary old man living by the sea—and that both would somehow be linked to him?

Curiosity about their history aside, Liu Feng quickly refocused on the reason he was there.

Stay on track, Liu Feng. The mission comes first. Don't get sidetracked!

"Let's not dwell on that now," Liu Feng said, awkwardly steering the conversation elsewhere. "Uncle, why are you drinking so much today?"

"Well... that's a long story... and, believe it or not, it's somewhat related to Little Gold..."

"Eh?" Liu Feng was perplexed. He hadn't anticipated a connection between the two matters.

"Want to hear about it? I haven't shared this with anyone in years..."

At this point, Liu Feng couldn't very well decline. To do so would be foolish. With nothing else pressing, he decided to listen.

Liu Feng lifted his glass, clinking it against Hai Wei's before draining the contents in one gulp.

"Take your time, Mr. Hai. We'll sip our drinks at a leisurely pace."

Hearing this, Hai Wei chuckled, raised his own glass, and followed suit, the froth of the beer clinging to his whiskered cheeks.

"I've been in Deer Harbor Town for a decade now. Before I settled here, I was a fisherman with my own boat and a crew to boot."

"Back then, Little Gold was one of my crew members."

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