Super Scientific Research System/C7 Flowers in the Land
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Super Scientific Research System/C7 Flowers in the Land
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C7 Flowers in the Land

For Liu Feng, the greenhouse was truly a boon. It was essential for both research and production, allowing him to break free from the constraints of the seasons and enjoy a measure of freedom.

He decided to bypass the other branches of the skill tree for now, focusing on acquiring the [Beginner Hidden] and [Greenhouse] skills first. These were the most affordable skills in the [Agricultural Technology] and [Building Technology] branches, yet together they still amounted to a hefty sum of 7500 gold coins.

After shutting down the system interface, Liu Feng lay back and stared at the ceiling, restless and bored.

The clock had ticked past ten, which for most would signal bedtime. But for a modern-day graduate student like Liu Feng, it was far too early. Yet with no entertainment options, a weak cell signal, no internet, and no television—despite the system's lackluster TV feature—he felt the tedium set in.

Suddenly, Liu Feng sat bolt upright, dashed to his desk, and flicked on the lamp, ready to pen a letter.

It dawned on him that he'd been in Deer Harbor Town for several days without informing his mentor, Moo Yanran, about the poor cell reception. She might have tried to call, though it was more likely she hadn't bothered—glad to be rid of her troublesome student.

After some thought, Liu Feng scribbled down the events of the past two days, omitting any mention of the system. He concluded with a bold assertion:

"Believe it or not, I have this strong premonition that I'm going to make a significant scientific discovery here in Deer Harbor Town."

Imagining Moo Yanran's typically icy demeanor, a smirk played across Liu Feng's lips.

With the system at my fingertips, I'll achieve something remarkable and earn the respect I deserve.

The following morning, at six o'clock sharp, Liu Feng's eyes snapped open, right on schedule.

Why the need for such an early start? It was only six, after all.

"A diligent farmer rises early to care for his crops," came the system's stern reminder.

With a sigh, Liu Feng struggled out of bed, dressed, and hopped on his scooter, heading straight for the heart of his sprawling hundred-acre farm.

"It's blooming!"

Indeed, the roses were in full bloom—a dazzling array of reds with the occasional yellow and other hues sprinkled throughout.

The joy of the harvest was undeniable.

Approaching each flower, he snipped them with scissors, and they automatically collected into his backpack, neatly organized by color and quality.

The harvest was truly a delight. Liu Feng gazed at the backpack brimming with roses. All of it was money, pure gold coins!

"Congratulations, host. Mission accomplished."

[Flowers in the Land] Mission Status: Completed.

"Reward: One method for high-yield economic crops."

[Method for High-Yield Economic Crops] Effect: Upon learning, increases the host's crop yield by 10%-15%.

"Do you wish to learn this?"


Without hesitation, he selected "Yes." A wondrous sensation spread from the base of his skull throughout his body, filling him with a wealth of agricultural knowledge.

Now came the even more enjoyable part!

Sell! Decisively sell them all!

Watching the roses vanish from his backpack and his gold coin tally soar was exhilarating.

[Gold Coins]: 2651

He was overcome with a profound sense of satisfaction—perhaps the quintessential joy of farming.

Opening the skill tree, he clicked on [Beginner Hidden]. "Do you wish to learn this?"

His actions were fluid and swift.

[Gold Coins]: 151

Staring at his system, Liu Feng felt a void engulf him. Accumulation was the essence of capital, yet he had spent it all. The gold coins, all gone, defying their very nature, left him in sorrow.

Despite the regret, learning the skill was essential, sooner or later.

Now, the priority was to tackle another mission: fishing.

He rode his motorcycle back to his cabin, slung his iron pot onto the back seat, and with the clock not yet striking seven, he braced for a long day of fishing. With his pot and stove ready, sustenance was the least of his worries.

Liu Feng cobbled together a makeshift stove on the beach using stones and branches to support his iron pot.

He decided to fish and dine simultaneously, having skipped breakfast. A few small yellow fish would make a nice soup to start. Of course, he brought everything he needed, including the pot, and stowed the essentials—oil, salt, soy sauce, and vinegar—in the back of his lightweight bike.

He was all set to begin fishing.

As the bobber dipped and bobbed, Liu Feng fought off boredom and sleepiness, nearly nodding off at one point.

Whoa! A bite! He worked the rod, reeling in and letting out line, but before he could complete the cycle, the rod went slack and the fish was easily pulled ashore. Liu Feng gazed at the bare hook and sighed deeply. This wasn't the first time.

Since he started fishing here, he'd had a few bites, but not a single fish stayed on the hook—they all got away!

What was happening?

He checked his phone: 9:45. Over three hours had passed, and not a single fish caught?

Was it the curse of the Heavenly Evil Lone Star Fish?

No, he'd forgotten something crucial!

He hastily accessed the system's TV and checked "Today's Fishing Conditions."

A cold front was moving in, diminishing fish activity and significantly lowering the chances of a catch.

Liu Feng's forehead creased with confusion. What was this? A harsh lesson. Why hadn't he consulted the almanac before leaving? The importance of the weather forecast for a farmer goes without saying, but for a fisherman, the system's "Today's Fishing Conditions" was an essential guide.

Liu Feng, oh Liu Feng, such foolishness.

Alas, the stove was ready, but not a single fish scale was in sight. No choice but to pack it in and head home.

"You're up early for fishing."

Liu Feng turned to find Hai Wei standing behind him.

"It's quite uncommon to see someone so enthusiastic about fishing these days."

"Hey, I haven't hooked a single fish yet," Liu Feng said with a wry smile.

"By the looks of it, you were all set to spend the day here, pot and all."

"That was the plan, but it seems luck isn't on my side today. I'm about to call it quits."

"Luck's not on my side..." Hai Wei pondered for a moment, "But luck isn't everything when it comes to fishing. It's really about how well you understand the water and the fish."

Oh? Liu Feng perked up. Typically, when someone dropped wisdom like that, it meant they were a pro. The next step, naturally, would be for the master to reveal his tricks, and the apprentice to watch in awe.

"Mr. Hai, you sound like a real connoisseur! How about you give us a demonstration?"

"Heh, I'm just talking—I can't actually catch anything," Hai Wei chuckled, a bit sheepishly.

"Well, you've got the pot all set up. Why don't we whip up a potsticker stir-fry for lunch? I've got some great ingredients we can use."

So, it was all talk and no action. Liu Feng felt a twinge of disappointment, but the mention of a potsticker stir-fry lifted his spirits again.

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