Super Scientific Research System/C9 Lu Mingyue's Conspiracy
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Super Scientific Research System/C9 Lu Mingyue's Conspiracy
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C9 Lu Mingyue's Conspiracy

Years later, the nights in Deer Harbor Town would still echo with mothers recounting this tale to their children.

It was a local legend, about a black-haired wild man who emerged from the depths of Moon Mountain.

The story always began with a silent child, wandering aimlessly until he found himself in a cave on Moon Mountain.

The conclusion was invariably the same: the townsfolk, after much toil and trouble, would rescue the child from the clutches of the wild man.

But the story's roots lay with a hardworking miner, a humble farmer by trade.

Cui Tian and Zhou Hui were notorious as the town's troublemakers, always causing chaos at school and chasing chickens and dogs, up to no good.

One day, they arrived at their secret hideout on the mountain—a mysterious little cave whose origins they didn't know.

"What's the plan for tomorrow?"

"Mom gave me a beating again last night. It had to be Mrs. Wang next door snitching. Ever since our fight with Liu Daogao's family, she's been out to get us!"

"Let's smash her windows tomorrow then!"

Their mischievous plotting was abruptly cut short.

Liu Feng burst out, coughing wildly, clutching his pickaxe and stumbling forward.

The two rascals were dumbfounded; the cave was only a few meters deep, so how could such a creature emerge from it—black all over, resembling a human, but exhaling a cloud of black mist with each cough?

What was this? A monster?


It even made a sound! The boys were terrified and bolted.

Liu Feng had just sworn when he realized the kids who were just there had vanished.

He didn't dwell on it, not realizing he had become the protagonist of a horror story.

He was simply frustrated by his recent ordeal, having dug so hard only to hit a coal seam, accidentally striking too hard and shattering it, leaving him covered in black and nearly choking. So, he made a hasty retreat.

After expending a hundred points of effort for 125 pieces of stone, he finally found something different—a coal seam—only to break it and end up in this sorry state.

With no other option, he just wanted to get back home quickly.

Descending the mountain, he hopped on his motorcycle and glanced at the time; it was getting late. A shower back home would be perfect right about now.

The motorcycle hummed along, but Liu Feng's mood wasn't light enough for singing.

Back at the farm, he heated some water and settled into his tub, his spirits lifting as the day's weariness melted away.

Pure bliss. To work hard all day and then unwind with a bath—what more could one ask for in life?

This sense of exhaustion was foreign during his school days. Study kept him busy, but never physically drained. Now, his energy levels were directly tied to the harsh realities of life. Every drop of strength spent meant feeling half-dead in the real world.

Yet, it was this very exhaustion that made the ensuing relaxation so exquisitely satisfying.

Meanwhile, in a courtyard within Deer Harbor Town, stood a unique three-story residence.

On the top floor, Lu Mingyue lounged in her bathtub, savoring her soak.

A knock at the door interrupted her tranquility. Lu Yuvqi's voice filtered through.

"Mingyue, could you join me in the living room after your bath? We need to talk."

Annoyed, Lu Mingyue didn't respond. Instead, she slid deeper into the water, submerging half of her delicate face.

Down in the second-floor living room.

"What don't you like about him, Mingyue? Last time was so awkward."

"People might not say it, but they definitely think it's not okay. Why must you be so headstrong?"

"How could he take it badly? He even messaged me later, saying he admired my candor. Pfft, he's probably just a masochist."

"Masochist? What's that?"

"Look, it's not that I'm against him, but anyone can see that Wang Changtian is a catch. He's a graduate from a prestigious university, working in the provincial city, and he's quite the looker. What's not to like?"

"I can't stand the fact that his father is the deputy mayor!"

"But doesn't that speak to his good family background? Mingyue, you really should..."

Lu Yuvqi was cut off before he could finish speaking.

"But Dad, it seems like you're only concerned with her family's status! Think about it, Dad. It's me who's getting married. It's me who has to live with this person. I should be the one to decide!"

"Fine, you make the decision! So, who do you want to marry?"

Lu Yuvqi's voice was tinged with urgency.

"What's the rush, Dad? I'm just a junior in college. I've got another year until graduation. I should at least wait until after I've graduated to get married."

"Exactly, marry after graduation, but let's set the engagement before that!"


"You... just give it some more thought!"

Feeling unsettled, Lu Mingyue might have gotten up and walked away after dropping that bombshell.

"Sigh." Lu Mingyue heaved a deep sigh.

Now what?

With her eyes closed, Lu Mingyue suddenly remembered the young man she had nearly collided with recently. His name was Liu Feng, wasn't it?

He was a grad student, now living on the hundred-acre farm to the west.

What did he look like again? She hadn't gotten a clear look at him that day, but he was tall and seemed decent enough.

Maybe she could work something out?

Liu Feng sneezed.

He'd been soaking for far too long. He couldn't stay in any longer without risking a cold.

After climbing out of the wooden tub and drying off, Liu Feng was ready for bed, blissfully unaware that he was on someone's radar.

The next morning arrived, right on schedule.

At six o'clock sharp, Liu Feng's eyes snapped open.

He felt invigorated. A shower and a good night's sleep were simply unbeatable.

Plus, with his system's stamina fully replenished, his physical condition was at its peak.

Liu Feng realized he was starting to enjoy this rhythm of life – working with the sunrise, resting at sunset, the days stretching out long and soft.


His stomach growled inappropriately while he was contemplating life.

Time for a bowl of noodles.

He hopped on his little scooter and putt-putted to the town's noodle shop.

"Mrs. Wang, two bowls of your flat noodles, please!"

"Coming right up! Want it spicy?"

"Just a touch, I can't handle too much heat."

"Alright, the chilies I recently bought turned out to be a bust—they barely pack any heat, hardly different from bell peppers. That vendor totally duped me."

Liu Feng was settling in to wait for his noodles when the system abruptly popped up.

"New mission: Fiery Chilies."

[Mission Level]: Beginner

[Mission Description]: Within ten days, cultivate and harvest 500 catties of chilies with a minimum quality of Level 2.

[Mission Reward]: Choose and unlock any one skill from those available.

Hmm? Unlock any skill? Now that's a hefty reward!

For the system, a single skill might not mean much, but for Liu Feng, each skill could be worth a fortune—thousands, even tens of thousands of gold coins. And considering the practical value of a skill, it's truly invaluable.

[Mission Item: Devil Pepper Seeds x30.]

Devil Pepper—that name alone promises a serious kick!

Just then, the noodles arrived. Liu Feng wolfed down two bowls in record time, slapped down the money, and set off to get started on those chilies.

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