Super Star Agent/C15 Who Is the Bookworm?
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Super Star Agent/C15 Who Is the Bookworm?
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C15 Who Is the Bookworm?

"Congratulations to the participants of Group B for answering correctly!" Group B will add 10 points! " The host excitedly announced.

"Wow!" Cries of surprise and applause rang out from the audience. Fan Yao's reply, at the last moment of their anxiety, had repaid their expectations and filled them with joy.

"You know that too?" Li Jiaqing stared wide-eyed at Fan Yao. No matter how powerful this person was, she had only heard of him from her sister. Now, she had finally seen the tip of the iceberg.

Fan Yao slowly nodded and said, "I don't know much, just a coincidence."

"Last question!" The host announced with a raised voice.

She wholeheartedly stared at the host, afraid that she would miss a single sentence, while her nemesis Ding Lan Yu nervously touched the answering device. She did not expect that the decoration that Li Jia Qing had temporarily grabbed would be useful at such a crucial moment, so she had to win the last question. The audience also quieted down, quietly awaiting the birth of the champion.

"Please look at the big screen behind me!" As the host said this, the big screen behind him lit up, and on the big screen were six vertical bars in blue and red, of which the blue bar was in the first three columns, the rest were red bars, and above all, the last red bar was broken in the middle.

"What does this picture represent? Please answer quickly! " As soon as the host finished his sentence, the entire venue quieted down once again.

"God knows what crappy thing it is. Do you know the answer, Wang Ren?" Ding Lan Yu anxiously asked Wang Ren. She was worried that Wang Ren's answering device would ring before her.

Wang Ren said with great difficulty, "I... "I don't remember. Let me think about it."

"Useless! I still have to rely on myself! I must get Li Jiayin to kneel down and tie my shoelaces! " Ding Lan Yu stared at the big screen, but couldn't find any information that was related to this strange image.

At this time, Li Jiayin's head was in a mess just like Ding Lan Yu's. However, this time, she was more obedient. She swung her ponytail towards Fan Yao and asked, "Do you know about this question?"

Fan Yao nodded silently to confirm.

"Beep!" Li Jiajing immediately pressed the answering device.

"Group A contestant!" Please answer! " The host immediately announced.

Everyone in the audience turned to look at Ding Lan Yu and Wang Ren, while Li Jia Qing looked in disbelief at the lights that lit up on the opposite side. It turned out that Ding Lan Yu had already pressed the answering device a second before her hand touched it.

"This painting should be a divination from the gossip!" At this moment, Wang Ren finally remembered where he'd seen this thing before.

"Correct …"

As the host's voice faded, Ding Lan Yu, who was supporting the audience, suddenly cheered. Ding Lan Yu, on the other hand, brusquely extended one of his legs, which had loosened its shoelace, towards Li Jia Qing.

She had always been unable to compete with anyone except for her results. Although she had a superstar elder sister, she also had a bad mother, and the money she received from her elder sister was given to her mom who borrowed money from her for years. Now that she lost to Ding Lan Yu in her field of expertise, her young heart was unable to bear such a blow.

Fan Yao reached out his hand to wipe away the tears on Li Jiajing's face. "Why are you crying without any results?"

"What do you mean nothing? I've already lost! " Li Jiaqing did not know why she did not open Fan Yao's hands, but sobbed at him like a little girl.

"Here!" Take a look! " As Fan Yao said this, he extended his chin to signal Li Jiajing to look at the host. Li Jiajing looked over with tears in her eyes.

"But! "Incomplete!" The host raised his voice above the cheers, and the words were like a bucket of cold water poured over Ding Lan Yu and her supporters.

"Why not? Isn't this a divination from the gossip? " Ding Lan Yu asked the host in astonishment. She couldn't accept the result of her loss.

The host smiled and explained to the crowd, "This is indeed a divination in the gossip, but in order to get to the point, you still have to tell them which divination it is."

The host's words caused Ding Lan Yu to be stunned. She turned her head to look at Wang Ren. At this moment, his face was filled with disappointment and bewilderment. Clearly, he did not know much.


Just when everyone was astonished, the answering device suddenly rang out.

"Participants from Group B, please provide additional answers!" The host said to Li Jiajing and Fan Yao.

"Quick!" "You tell me!" Li Jiaqing anxiously pulled Fan Yao as she spoke.

Fan Yao had never thought that Li Jianqing could change so quickly. From a female bookworm to a sobbing girl, and then back to a female bookworm with tears flowing down her face in less than twenty seconds.

Under the gaze of thousands of eyes, Fan Yao cleared his throat and said, "This divination is the thirteenth in the sixty-four divinities of the Book of Changes — the same divinities."

"The answer is completely correct! "Ten points!" The host was so excited that he nearly threw away his answer card.

"Wait! I object! "

Before Li Jiaqing could celebrate, she heard a voice that displeased her. Ding Lan Yu blurted out the moment the host announced that Group B was completely correct.

"I object! This question was obviously answered correctly by us first! Why should we give them another chance to answer the questions! " Ding Lan Yu crossed her arms in front of her chest, with the posture of 'I don't care if you change or not'.

The host explained to Ding Lan Yu, "The answers given by the participants in Group B are more perfect and in line with the standard answers, so we added points to Group B. You guys are right, but only roughly. "

"If you say it like that, then can I understand that we have answered the questions correctly and provided them with an answer? That's why we have their exact answer!" Is what I said true? " Ding Lan Yu couldn't tolerate such a loss, so he started to incite the audience.

The supporters of Ding Lan Yu who were below the stage immediately became noisy under her instigation. They all loudly shouted and criticized the match being unfair.

"Ding Lan Yu is right! The match was unfair! Just now, you clearly declared that you answered the question correctly! "

"Li Jiayin doesn't have any strength at all! We seriously doubt the fairness of the competition! "

"Ding Lan Yu's answer provided them with a way of thinking! They could not award Li Jiayin to victory! The host favors Li Jiayin! "


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