Super Star Agent/C4 Male Stars
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Super Star Agent/C4 Male Stars
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C4 Male Stars

Fan Yao struck out like lightning and held the hand of the man holding the gun with his left hand. The man immediately felt as if his body had turned on the faucet, and his energy poured into Fan Yao's body.

Hatred, doubt, fear and finally despair flashed across the man's eyes one by one before he collapsed to the ground like a pile of mud. He did not know that Fan Yao had borrowed his health, which was worth a million yuan, and that if he wanted to recover his health within seven days, he would need to pay a million yuan to recover. Otherwise, he would have to wait like a paralyzed for seven days.

"I'll borrow your luck temporarily. Leave your rotten life for yourself." Fan Yao bent down and patted the man's face, while at the same time wiping off the fingerprints on the gun.

"Are you okay?" Li Jiantao rushed over to Fan Yao and asked.

"If there's anything, it's him. Let's go!" Just as Fan Yao was about to leave, his home phone suddenly rang.

"Don't answer it!" "Listen to the comments!" Fan Yao said to Beauty Li.

"Di..." My daughter, where are you? Hurry up and call my mom. Otherwise, if you want to borrow money, you have to take her life. If you hear the message, quickly return a call. Otherwise, my mom will really lose her life …

500 thousand city north printing plant abandoned construction site, take money to take people away, today if you can't see money, cut off one of your mother's hands … "Di!"

After hearing the message, Li Jiayi stood rooted to the spot as a wry smile appeared on her face. Her eyes turned red as tears slowly flowed down her face, which was scarred from the pain.

"Wow!" Fan Yao hesitated for a long time, but in the end, he still placed his hand on the back of Beauty Li. He caressed and comforted her, as he did not have much of a feeling towards her, and what he did was only mechanical consolation.

Li Jiayi also never thought that one day, she would once again see a man's shoulder crying without a sound. The moment her firm heart was about to break through, it just so happened that it was filled with soft shoulders, causing her heart to throb and feel weird like she had never felt before.

The two of them were completely unfamiliar with each other, so they had to rely on each other to support each other.

"Let's go!" Go save your mother first, Tian Hua Group will definitely capture your mother as a hostage if we don't find her. " Fan Yao said to the woman who had gradually calmed down.

Beauty Li wiped her tears. She did not know why she did not dare to raise her head to look at Fan Yao. She lowered her head and left the apartment building.

The two of them arrived at the bank closest to the apartment building. Li Jiayi put on a pair of sunglasses and handed her bank card over to the counter and said in a suppressed voice, "Withdraw."

The bank clerk looked at the strangely dressed Li Jiayi and swiped her card. She immediately said to Li Jiayi, "My apologies, Miss. Your bank account has been frozen."

"What did you say?" Frozen? " Li Jiayi asked the counter staff in disbelief.

"Yes, your bank account has been frozen and no withdrawal operations can be carried out." The counter clerk handed the card back to Li Jiayi. She was stunned for a moment before she took the card and left the bank with Fan Yao.

Just as Li Jiayi was about to turn on her cell phone at the bank entrance, Fan Yao immediately asked, "What are you doing?"

"Call the company and ask them. My card is frozen right now and I can't take out a single cent. If I don't have the money, how can I save my bad gambling mom?" Li Jiayi said excitedly to Fan Yao.

"Hurry up. Turn it off when you're done." Fan Yao reminded Li Jiantao, but didn't say anything else. He was worried that the Tian Hua Group would be able to locate them through their mobile phone, so he couldn't handle too many enemies right now.

As she walked, Li Jiayi opened the phone and called her previous manager. Just as she connected the call, a man's shrill voice came from the other end, "Miss Li! Where in the world are you not in the hospital, my aunt? Now the whole world is looking for you! "

"Don't mind where I am. Now tell me why my bank account is frozen." Li Jiayi asked the manager in a slightly exasperated tone.

"You were seriously injured. The TV show that was never finished by the spokesperson, and a bunch of messy contracts. You will have to pay the penalty fee. The company can only temporarily freeze your account. If you want money, quickly return to the company!" The manager urged Li Jiayi on the other end.

"Alright, I understand!" She hung up the phone and said to Fan Yao, "I have to go back to the company or I won't be able to open my account to get the money."

"You can't go back at this time. They dared to fight with your family in the hospital, but they still dared to fight with the company. Your life is in danger." Fan Yao tried his best to stop him.

"Although I hate her, she's my mother. I must go and save her!" As she spoke, she shook off Fan Yao's hand and rushed across the street.

"Be careful!" Fan Yao didn't manage to grab hold of Li Jiayi. He watched as an open BMW crashed towards Li Jiayi.

"Squeak!" With the sound of a sudden brake, the BMW stopped right in front of Li Jiayi and almost hit her. Li Jiayi was so scared that her legs went soft and she almost fell to the ground.

"Don't have eyes!" "How are you looking at the road? Don't you know how expensive my car is? If it were a cheaper car, you would have already …" "Beauty?" The well-dressed man wearing sunglasses immediately recognized Li Jiayi from the car.

In a fluster, Li Jiayi put on her sunglasses and a veil to take a look. The man who walked over was the male singer Ding Zhiqian who had pursued her relentlessly.

"Beauty! Why are you here? Aren't you in the hospital? What exactly happened, quickly tell me! " When Ding Zhiqian saw his dream lover, he hastily walked up.

Fan Yao stood a few steps away. Seeing that the man in shades knew Li Jiayi, he quietly observed from the side.

"Zhiqian, I suffered a little injury during the filming. Anyway …" "Sigh, it's hard to explain it clearly." Li Jiayi's mind was in a mess. She had destroyed her own face and hands and was constantly in danger of losing her life. Right now, her mother was still in the hands of the usurper, waiting for her rescue.

"Beauty, don't worry!" I'm here! I will definitely protect you! " As Ding Zhiqian spoke, he saw that Li Jiayi had lost her spirit and immediately took the opportunity to hug her.

"Zhiqian, don't be like this. There's a lot of media looking for me right now, and they found out that it wasn't good." As she spoke, she forcefully pushed Ding Zhiqian away. Her impression of this male singer in front of her had yet to reach the point where she could hug him.

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