Super Success System/C17 Pretending to Fall in Love with Bebe
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Super Success System/C17 Pretending to Fall in Love with Bebe
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C17 Pretending to Fall in Love with Bebe

Jiang Nan watched Beibei's livestream for a while. bullet comments flew up one by one, and from time to time, there would be small tips...

Beibei did not have many fans. She only had less than 10,000.

She had accumulated them bit by bit.

There were many unspoken rules in this profession of livestreaming. If there were people investing in live streamers behind the scenes to help, they could become famous. Otherwise, it would not be easy to earn money.

Especially for someone like Beibei, who did not have any backing or connections, she could only rely on herself to do it bit by bit.

MM: "Little younger sister has a good figure. I'm drooling at your figure. "

Rich Uncle said, "You said you don't know how to dance. Your dance is pretty good, especially your small waist. It's so thin. I wonder if I can hold it in one go. "

"Rich Uncle, I tipped Beibei five shark fin tips."

"Thank you, this fan's tip, I love you..."

Beibei's pleasant voice was heard.

"These shameless old men! They are already so old, yet they still want to have sex with Beibei."

Jiang Nan scolded angrily.

Thinking about it, it was not easy for younger sister to have sex. In the past, Jiang Nan did not have money and could not help her, but now he had money. Jiang Nan could help her now.

Jiang Nan directly charged 5,000 yuan, enough to buy ten rockets.

Jiang Nan gave all ten rockets to Beibei as a tip.

Beibei, this small live broadcast room, received such a large tip. It was simply unprecedented. This tip was instantly pushed to the most eye-catching position on the screen.

Furthermore, it had the special effect of giving out rewards. The sound of rockets flying continuously rang out...

The words "Sunbathing salted fish rewarded ten Rocket" were written in large words.

Beibei, who was dancing, suddenly stopped. Her eyes were red and she almost cried...

Beibei's exquisite body trembled a little!

Ever since she became a streamer, the biggest reward she received was no more than 500.

This sudden 5000 tip shocked her. She was so excited.

In an instant, many people commented in the live broadcast room.

"Shocking a tycoon. He gave me a tip of 5,000 yuan at once. This bro is really rich!"

"He's already number one on the leaderboard. I guess this guy definitely wants to have sex with Beibei! I am so worried that Beibei will have sex with him."

"This person's ID is Sunbathing salted fish. It seems like he has never made any comments before."

"Only those who don't speak are the real rich."

Beibei only reacted at this time and hurriedly said in a pleasant voice, "Thank you for the tip from this fan. This fan is really rich. I love you to death."

She was very confused now because the fan of Sunbathing salted fish, Beibei, was too unfamiliar. She had never spoken and had never tipped before.

"Hey, rich man, say something!"

"Yeah, I threw out 5000 yuan. I have to say something, right?"

"I guess this rich man wants to have a relationship with Beibei?"

"I think so too!"

Jiang Nan did not want to say anything, but when he saw how lively the live broadcast room was, he rubbed his chin and thought for a while. He quickly typed a string of words and sent it over.

Sunbathing salted fish: "Sleep early tonight, don't be too tired!"

In an instant.

Many comments appeared in the live broadcast room again.

"What a powerful move. "Pretending to be deeply in love with Beibei."

"This rich man has a lot of experience in picking up girls!"

"Beibei, this matter is very urgent! You must stay vigilant!"

"Thank you for your concern, fan. I'm really a little tired. How about I end the live broadcast today?" Beibei said in a pleasant voice.

"It's over. Beibei is fascinated by this rich man."

"Beibei, don't be fooled. This is such an old trick. With so many experienced people guiding us, do you still want to be fooled?"

The fans in the live broadcast room were all as anxious as ants on a hot pan.

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