Super Success System/C19 The Pipes Weren't Broken
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Super Success System/C19 The Pipes Weren't Broken
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C19 The Pipes Weren't Broken

"The pipe's not broken. I'd like to treat you to breakfast. Are you surprised?" Beibei said.

You want to treat me to breakfast? " Jiang Nan also smiled. "What's going on? Did the sun rise from the west today?"

"What?" Beibei pouted. "You gave me such a big bag of snacks last night. Can't I treat you to breakfast? "It's not like breakfast is expensive for us. The soybean milk and fried dough sticks downstairs don't cost much. "

That's fine. I'm so happy to have a beauty treat me to a meal. " Jiang Nan smiled.

"Let's go."

Beibei led the way and they went downstairs.

She was in a good mood and was humming along the way.

Not far from the building, there was a simple breakfast stall.

Soy milk, fried dough sticks, chaotic biscuits, and other snacks.

It was very lively. Many residents nearby were eating here.

Beibei and Jiang Nan chose two seats at the edge and sat down.

Beibei raised her pretty face and shouted, "boss, two bowls of soy milk and six fried dough sticks..."

"Beibei..." Jiang Nan smiled and said, "You are in such a good mood. I guess you must have encountered something good."

"Haha." Beibei smiled mysteriously and happily. "You guessed correctly. Can you guess again and see what kind of good thing happened to me?"

"About that... It's not easy to guess! " I can't guess. "

Jiang Nan pinched his chin and pretended to think. He secretly took the test. Was Beibei happy because of the ten rockets he tipped last night? 100%...

"Guess." Beibei said in a half-spoiled tone.

"Okay," Beibei said. Jiang Nan was helpless and tried to say, "You have a boyfriend?"

"Hmph!" Beibei rolled her eyes and said, "Of course not. Continue guessing..."

"Uh..." Jiang Nan thought about it again and said, "You won the lottery?"

"Cheh! No way. Brother Jiang, why are you so stupid? "Think about my job." Beibei anxiously reminded.

"You are a streamer. I know that."

"Then why did you make such a ridiculous guess? I've never seen a man as stupid as you."

"Uh..." Jiang Nan looked like he suddenly realized something. "I understand. Someone tipped you a lot of money, right?"

"Haha!" Beibei suddenly laughed very brightly," You finally guessed it right. "

"Haha! Congratulations on making a fortune!"

"Haha!" Beibei's beautiful big eyes were like crescent moons as she laughed. "Then guess, how much did the audience tip me?"

"Uh..." Jiang Nan put on an act. "100 dollars?"

"No, that's not right. "Continue guessing..."

"Fifty dollars?"

You can guess at an even higher price... "

"500 dollars?"

[That's not right.]

"God, it can't be 1000 dollars, right?" Jiang Nan looked surprised.

"Haha!" Beibei laughed even more happily. "No. Continue guessing..."

"Oh my god! More than 1,000 dollars?" Jiang Nan could not believe it. Could it be 2,000 yuan? "

"Haha... Continue..."

... The crowd was stunned. "Could it be 5,000 dollars?" Jiang Nan's expression was extremely exaggerated.

"Haha. You guessed it right this time!"

Beibei looked at Jiang Nan's appearance and was so happy that she looked like a child who had gotten a new toy.

It could be seen that she was smiling from the bottom of her heart.

"Wow, 5,000 yuan!" Jiang Nan looked shocked. "Unbelievable, this is too scary..."

"Haha!" Beibei continued to laugh.

"Hiss! I was a little shocked. I'm envious and jealous of you."


Beibei was so happy that she kept laughing.

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