Super Success System/C2 Just As I Thought
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Super Success System/C2 Just As I Thought
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C2 Just As I Thought

Jiang Nan was anxious to test out his theory; and, put his 'new found powers' into practice, and make it work to his advantage.

The question was ... where should he begin dabbling with; and, honing in his newly acquired skill. And, after a few moments of deliberation; Jiang Nan decided that he would conduct a 'practical test-run' at the convenience store near his company during his break.

Lunch time finally rolled around; and, after picking up his favorite rice ball ... the cheapest one the store sells ... Jiang Nan stood in front the refrigerated case containing the black tea that he normally drank, trying to carefully select a bottle.

This was Jiang Nan's 'go to' drink in the convenience store; even though it wasn't the cheapest brand that the store sells. So; why was it his favorite drink, here?

Because, Jinmaylang brand black tea offered their customers a chance to win a free drink, if they happened to purchase a bottle with 'Another Bottle' stamped under the cap; and, there was usually a pretty decent chance of winning one. Many times, Jiang Nan found himself as the lucky recipient of the 'Another Bottle' cap; and, got to drink two bottles of black tea for the price of one. ... Of course; this was about the extent of his 'lucky draw' karma.

This was the main reason why he frequented the convenience store during his lunch breaks; instead of eating out with his fellow colleagues.

Jiang Nan finally chose a bottle of black tea from the rack, and started to deliberately concentrate; wondering if he would win another bottle. ... Shortly; Rate: 0% appeared before his eyes.

He immediately returned that bottle, and selected another black tea; then, started wondering if that one was a winner. ... Nope; Rate: 0%.

Once again, he quickly exchanged that bottle out for another one; and, wondered if he picked out a winner, or not. ... Poof; Rate: 100%.

Jiang Nan instantly became eager to look under the cap ... because, if his theory was correct; he may have earned himself a free bottle of Jinmaylang black tea.

Jiang Nan excitedly headed off to the register, and paid for the rice ball and black tea. Riddled from a gnawing anticipation; he immediately unscrewed the cap, and turned it over. He was met with a pleasantly expected sight ... 'Another Bottle' was stamped underneath the cap.

He quietly exclaimed under his breath, "Oh my God ... I really won!"

Jiang Nan had to contain himself from jumping up from the excitement. And; not so much for winning a free bottle of black tea ... although, he certainly wasn't about to 'look a gift horse in the mouth' ... but, because this meant that he was probably correct in his assumption about being able to see the Success rate of an outcome.

But, after noticing that the cashier had been observing his over-excitement; Jiang Nan quickly tried to quell his elated behavior, and calmed down ... intentionally displaying a more serious facial expression.

He casually walked back to the cashier, and showed her the bottle cap; while nonchalantly commenting, "Looks like I won a free bottle of black tea. Guess it's my lucky day."

"I guess so." The cashier shot over a friendly smile; and, cheerfully said, "Go on back and get yourself another bottle, then. Enjoy." Jiang Nan reciprocated with a smile of his own; and, replied, "Thanks; I'll do that."

Jiang Nan happily sipped on his black tea, as he leisurely ambled back to the refrigerated case; all the way intending on selecting another winning bottle.

When he arrived back there; Jiang Nan began to slowly waver his arm in front of the bottled Jinmaylang black teas ... "Okay ... so; who should I pick, now?"

After choosing one; he intensely wondered, "Will I win a free bottle?" ... Rate: 0%.

He placed that one back, and chose another; and, again wondered, "How about now; will I win a free bottle." ... Again; Rate: 0%.

Back that bottle went; and, Jiang Nan took hold of another bottle in his hand, "And, this one; will this one get me a free bottle? ... Kapow; Rate: 100%.

"There you are, my precious; come to Papa."

Jiang Nan headed back towards the cashier; while gulping down the last of the black tea in the first bottle. He walked up to the register, and asked the cashier if she would mind throwing away the empty bottle for him in her waist basket.

As she did that; Jiang Nan unscrewed the cap from his free bottle of black tea, and turned it over ... revealing once again those stamped words reading 'Another Bottle'.

Conveying an expression of immense satisfaction; Jiang Nan chuckled, "Ha ... I suppose this really is my lucky day."

Then; he giddily thought to himself, "Hot damn! ... Things are finally starting to look up, for me."

Jiang Nan continued thinking. "Guess you can say my little black tea experiment worked out the way I thought it would ... I really do have the foresight now to see the intended outcome of things. These two free bottles of black tea proves that ... and, this is just the beginning." He gloating thought, "Who needs luck when you can see the probability of the Success rate."

"Will you look at this, Miss; looks like I won another free bottle of black tea. How about that."

Jiang Nan proudly displayed the bottle cap to the cashier; who appeared almost as excited as he was over his good fortune.

"Wow ... you really are lucky today; sir! I guess you should go grab yourself another bottle, then."

"I guess I will; Thanks." Jiang Nan left that bottle at the counter while he went back to select another winning bottle.

Jiang Nan repeated the process again; selecting bottles until he came across another receiving a Rate: 100%.

He brought that bottle back to the register; then, removed the cap, and looked under it ... BAM!! 'Another Bottle'.

He mischievously grinned; as he showed the message stamped on the cap's underside ... "Miss; I won another bottle."

He screwed the cap back on, and placed that bottle next to the other one sitting on the counter; then, used his head to gesture towards the back ... "Miss; do you mind?" Even if she did mind; there really wasn't anything much she could do about it ... the guy was lucky; what could she say.

A bit amazed over the streak of luck Jiang Nan seemed to be having; the cashier just stammered, "G...g...go ahead."

Jiang Nan rushed back to the refrigerated case, and selected yet another winning bottle.

He brought the that bottle back up to the register; and this time, over-zealously jumped the gun while unscrewing the cap, and, before he had even removed the cap and looked underneath, Jiang Nan had assuredly declared...

"Miss; I won again."

Totally taken aback and stunned; the confounded cashier just stood there, staring at Jiang Nan with her mouth fully agape. She remained speechless, as he left that bottle on the counter; and, headed back to get his fifth free bottle of black tea.

Because nothing like this had ever happened to him before; Jiang Nan inadvertently let his greed get the better of him ... and, he left the convenience store with more than a dozen bottles of free black tea by the time he was done.

The stupefied cashier couldn't help but to keep gawking as Jiang Nan left with his haul. She couldn't believe her eyes; while asking herself, "Did that really just happen?"

He had managed to pick out more than a dozen winning bottles in a row ... never in her two years of working at the convenience, had she witnessed such a feat. In fact; she had never heard of anything like that ever happening before; anywhere. Something like what just had taken place was totally unfathomable to her.

She thought to herself. "That was just too lucky ... he must've been up to no good; and, pulled a fast one on me. ... But; how did he do it?"

Surely, if one were to add up the price of the black tea he won; it wouldn't seem like a significant prize ... at least not one worth that much, overall. But; the feat itself was phenomenal ... an undertaking of epic proportions.

Jiang Nan wondered if this technique would be just as effective in playing the lottery, as it was for him in choosing winning bottles of black tea. Would he be able win a fortune, and become instantly rich?

He wondered if he stuck with simply taking the convenience store for all the free bottles of Jinmaylang black tea it has in stock; wouldn't that just be a waste of this newly received God given gift of his? Jiang Nan thought that if this amazing power of his continued to work out this well; why should he restrict himself to a neighborhood convenience store, when the world was his for the taking. Once again, Jiang Nan allowed his greed to come to the forefront of his mind; and, it began to start festering itself.

But that greed had dissipated by the time he returned to the office; and, an out-of-character generous Jiang Nan began to hand out several bottles of his beverage winnings to his fellow co-workers...

"Zhang, here's a bottle of black tea. It's on me; so, enjoy."

"Wang, this one's for you ... don't ever say I never gave you anything."

"Lily, this is your black tea..." He flirtatiously grinned, "I know they say that diamonds are supposed to be a girl's best friend; but, on a hot day like today, couldn't you see yourself letting this little guy be your friend, too?"

Jiang Nan seemed happy while distributing the tea out to them. And, why shouldn't he have; after all, he had done a good deed ... and, the best part was; he only spent two yuan to bring back more than a dozen bottles of black tea. ... Yeah; Jiang Nan seemed to be as happy as a pig in shit.

They all accepted this impromptu gift of his; but, not without being befuddled by his strange and unexpected behavior. Murmured comments were whispered throughout the office...

"What do you think's going on with Jiang Nan; has he finally gone crazy? That stingy tightwad's wallet is usually shut tighter than a duck's ass in water."

"You're right; that penny pincher never offered to treat anyone to drinks, before ... not even if it was a glass of water from the tap."

"Yeah; he's acting really odd, now. ... Oh no; don't tell me ... do you think he must have some sort of financial problems, and he's looking to borrow money from us; so, he's trying to butter us up by buying drinks for everyone? ... Well; I don't have any money to spare ... and, even if I did; I would lend out a single cent to that cheapskate."

Jiang Nan happened to catch that last remark. He instantly felt wrongly slighted; and, vehemently went on the defensive... "I'm not looking to borrow any money! And, even if I was; I'd never ask you pack of crooks to float me a loan ... I wouldn't be able to afford the interest rates you'd probably charge."

Suddenly ... a shrilling, hysterical voice resonated throughout the room, "Jiang Nan, have you lost your mind?! You're really trying my patience today ... what; do you have some sort of death wish, or something?"

At that moment; all heads turned, and laid eyes upon Tiger ... that's what everyone called Boss; although Jiang Nan believed 'Dragon Lady' would a more appropriate name for her ... who appeared to be fuming; while fiercely glaring at Jiang Nan with piercing eyes... "Not only were you late for work this morning ... again ... but, now you're trying to bribe your colleagues for money; and, delaying everyone's work while doing so? Tell me something, you useless piece of trash; do you really want to lose your job, today? If so, there's the door ... feel free to use it to leave immediately."

Once again; Jiang Nan found himself in Tiger's crosshairs ... and, she was more than ready to open fire. Truth be told, if scolding Jiang Nan ever became an Olympic event; Tiger would probably win all Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals. She loved berating him; and, would jump at any excuse to lash out at him ... whether reasonable, or not.

Those words had cut through Jiang Nan like a hot knife slicing butter; and, had disconcerted him to his very core. Enough was enough; he was tired of her torment ... and, as it so happened; Jiang Nan had just recently discovered that he possessed a skill that could possibly help him finally succeed in life. Jiang Nan's grip firmly tightened around the bottle of black tea he had in his hand ... as several ideas of what he could do with it wildly ran through his mind.

Everyone else quickly turned back around; and, feigned to be preoccupied with their work ... as they kept watch of what was transpiring, out of the corners of their eyes. Some of them even went out of their way to cover their mouths, in a flagrant attempt to hide their smirks.

Meanwhile ... a seething Jiang Nan stood there; remaining unnervingly motionless, with his back to Tiger. He seemed to be in a trance-like state; with a burning ember of fury smoldering in his otherwise distant-looking eyes.

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