Super Success System/C3 The Ride to Riches
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Super Success System/C3 The Ride to Riches
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C3 The Ride to Riches

A strange aura seemed to be surrounding Jiang Nan as he turned around at an exaggeratedly slow pace; while the smoldering ember of fury in his eyes looked as if it was fanned into a growing flame ... and, that distant-looking gaze had transposed to something more like 'a thousand yard stare'. The foreign look etched upon his countenance had caught Tiger off guard; because, it was a totally unfamiliar appearance for him ... that definitely wasn't the meek and subservient-looking Jiang Nan that she had known and cruelly walked over, those past few years.

Other than his eyes ... which at that moment were exuding tell-tale signs of anger - the rest of his countenance appeared to be displaying more of a stoically deadpan expression. However, all of a sudden; an aloof, grimacing smirk had emerged ... immediately followed by a short, muffled chuckle.

A somewhat stunned Tiger found that behavior to be a bit disrespectful act ... how dare a subordinate act in such a manner towards their boss ... and, she was instantly irked by it. She glared at Jiang Nan, and snapped... "What are you laughing at; you insignificant piece of trash?! What's so funny; huh?! Tell me; now!"

Unfazed by her outburst; Jiang Nan wryly replied, "'What am I laughing at?' ... 'What's so funny?' ... Do you really want to know? Tell you what; why don't you try to figure that out on your own, Boss? I'll even allow you three guesses to do it in ... but; the first two don't count."

The aloof, grimacing smirk that had previously emerged on Jiang Nan's mouth suddenly expanded.

Boss was left momentarily speechless; infuriated by his brazen insolence. Meanwhile; Jiang Nan had began to gradually head over her way.

Jiang Nan had just about reached her; when Tiger had composed herself enough to be able to speak. She opened her mouth, and was about to say something; when, without warning...

Jiang Nan quickly removed the cap from the bottle of black tea in his hand; then, brusquely splashed its contents out onto Tiger's face.

In an instant, Boss's face was soaking wet; saturated by a full bottle of Jinmaylang black tea ... the 'Tiger Lady' now looked like a drenched cat. Needless to say; after being humiliatingly shamed by a peon like Jiang Nan in front of the entire office ... Tiger's soaked face became flushed from the embarrassment.

But, shortly; the embarrassment had been quickly replaced by unbridled anger ... and; an enraged Boss screamed at the top of her lungs... "Jiang Nan; you bastard!! ... How dare you throw black tea in my face! Who the hell do you think you are?!" Tiger rapidly took in a few deep, gasping gulps of air ... looking as if she was heavily hyperventilating ... then, she continued ranting... "Know what; you're crazy if you think that I'm going to allow you to keep working in this company ... you're fired; you insignificant piece of trash, you! Get your shit; and, get out of here!! I never want to see your pathetic face ever again!!"

He had awoken and riled up the 'beast' in her. Tiger had finally snapped ... appearing totally crazed; looking as if she wanted kill Jiang Nan. Veins were bulging on her forehead and temple areas; and, the whites of her eyes looked as if they turned fiery red ... and, they were piercingly glaring at Jiang Nan; with her intensely fierce stare looking as if she was 'throwing daggers at him'.

She never imagined that that insignificant piece of trash, Jiang Nan, would have the audacity to treat her like that ... to dare treat her like she treated him ... how could he act so deplorably; that insolent, worthless peon.

A scorned Tiger was seething; as she thought, "Yes ... he had definitely gone too far!"

Still exuding that grimacing smirk; Jiang Nan flippantly responded, "What ... what's that look for? ... Careful; if you keep it like that too long, your face my freeze up ... and, you'll be stuck with that mean look from now on. And, trust me; this mean look is uglier than your typical mean look." Tiger remained glaring at Jiang Nan; as he continued his goading... "I hope you're not expecting me to break down and cry, and beg for you to give me my job back ... because, if you are; you'll be waiting for a long time. And, speaking of long times; I've had enough of this job a long time ago. I never liked working for you; and, I don't want to work for you anymore."

Besides Tiger; all of Jiang Nan's other colleagues were also dumbfounded by his irrationally erratic behavior ... causing them to remain motionless; with partially-agape mouths. And, they stood that way the entire time; as they carefully observed a peculiarly acting Jiang Nan nonchalantly gather up his personal belongings and stuff them into his backpack ... and, then; followed his every moment, with their eyes, as he left.

Ever since his seemingly effortless undertaking of selecting winning bottle after bottle of black tea at the convenience store; Jiang Nan had been contemplating how he might be able to use his newly found skill of seeing the Success rate to his advantage ... and; possibly making some serious money with it. Jiang Nan hoped that once he fully understood, and learned how to master that skill; he would no longer have to toil away as an underling doing menial work for unappreciative, slave-driving supervisors and bosses.

One thing was certain to Jiang Nan; he couldn't bear to remain at that job ... especially under the scrutinizing eyes of that wretched witch of a boss, Tiger; who made his time there a living hell, for a little over three years.

Jiang Nan always knew that he had to 'break the shackles and escape' out of that place someday. Putting aside all the beratement and tormenting that Boss had mercilessly inflicted upon him ... with the meagerly paltry pay that he was hardly earning while working for the company; there's no way he'd be even able to afford a pine box casket to be buried in, after they've worked him to death.

While everyone was reeling from the emotionally-charged drama over the fierce altercation between 'The Tiger' and 'The Mouse' ... with "The Mouse' surprisingly flipping the script ... Zhang was the first to speak up after Jiang Nan left... "So; that's it ... it's all over now? He's gone; just like that?"

A majority of the employees that had witnessed Tiger and Jiang Nan go at each other's throats, still stood there with their jaws slightly dropped. They were shocked into a seemingly incapacitating confounded state.

But, after hearing Zhang's remark; a befuddled Lily added, "I know; right ... what was all that about? Why did that suddenly happen?"

Wang interjects, "And; when exactly did Jiang Nan actually 'grow a pair' ... I mean, after all; you'd need a really strong, solid set of 'steel balls' to go up against the 'Tiger Lady', like that." Zhang added; with a ridiculing undertone, "That's true ... that's why I still can't get over it. Quite frankly, even though I knew Jiang Nan was a man ... for lack of a better word ... I really didn't think that he 'dropped his nuts', yet. But; I guess I was wrong ... and, man; did he ever lay it into 'Tiger Lady', or what?" Wang quickly concurred, "Oh yeah." They briefly grinned at one another, and snickered.

Lily just rolled her eyes at her sophomoric co-workers, and slowly shook her head. Then; shortly after that... She asked them, "But, still; don't you find it odd ... that was totally bizarre behavior; especially for Jiang Nan. And, throwing a full bottle of black tea is Boss's face was way over-the-top; don't you think?"

Zhang sardonically replies, "Sure; ... for a gutless wimp like Jiang Nan; I agree, that really was bizarre to see. But, let's face it; who here wouldn't want to do that to that cranky shrew if they got the chance. Can you honestly tell me that you never wanted to do something like that to 'Tiger Lady' ... I know I thought about. Darn Jiang Nan just happened to beat me to it."

Again; Zhang and Wang grinned at one another, and snickered ... while Lily rolled her eyes and shook her head.

The emotionally-drained Jiang Nan meandered about the building's lobby, trying to regain his composure and calm his shot nerves before heading out; when he suddenly focused his attention on the lobby doors ... and, a huge smile emerged upon his countenance. Over those past few years, Jiang Nan had passed through those glass panel doors literally thousands of times ... of course, his favorite times were when he was leaving work for the day ... but, at that moment, an overwhelming euphoric sensation washed over him; and, for the very first time, when Jiang Nan gazed at those doors ... as the mid-afternoon sunlight beamed through them ... they were no longer doors; but rather, they appeared to him as the proverbial 'light at the end of the tunnel'... Jiang Nan thought, "Once I walk through those doors ... I can finally put this place behind me for good."

Jiang Nan slowly exited the building ... relishing in every precious second of that long awaited 'rite of passage' ... and, looked up into the seemingly infinite sky; thinking to himself that the world was now his for the taking. He took in a deep breath ... along with an elongated sniff ... and, somehow managing to disregard the stench of the backed-up sewers and proliferation of noxious vehicle fumes permeating the air; Jiang Nan joyously thought... "Ah ... smells like freedom."

At that moment; all of Jiang Nan's pent up disdain and frustrations associated with that job had been alleviated from his heart.

For years ... just in order to barely get by; living out a meager existence ... Jiang Nan had to painstakingly endure a demoralizing work environment; where ... under the iron-fisted-style supervision of the shrewish 'Tiger Lady' ... he was severely berated, picked on, and mistreated on so many different levels by both Boss and most of his so-called colleagues ... though, mostly by Boss ... on a daily basis. It's no wonder that Jiang Nan had always felt wronged and slighted while employed there.

But, since he had finally decided to leave that miserable company for good; Jiang Nan could also leave all that humiliatingly demeaning pain and suffering behind him.

And; on top of having rid himself of the proverbial 'albatross around his neck' ... that being the real estate agency ... Jiang Nan had something else to celebrate and look forward to; even more so than him quitting that lousy job. That was that he was bestowed with the ability to foresee the Success rate of an outcome ... and, Jiang Nan firmly believed that once he was able to master and control this rare skill; his own Success rate potential would become as limitless as the sky above. Jiang Nan had already been bursting with a new found confidence; so, was eagerly raring to go out and find something that could earn him a lot of money.

The following morning...

Once again, the day began like any other day; with the alarm clock repeatedly ringing over, and over again. Only difference is; this was actually the fifth time that his alarm clock had gone off. However; it's no biggie, after all ... because, Jiang Nan no longer works at the real estate agency ... nor, anywhere else for that matter ... so; there's no real need to hurry and wake up, and rush off like a mad man in order to catch the eight o'clock bus. But; then it happened ... Jiang Nan's stomach churned, and quickly knotted up; while, loudly emanating a grumbling growl.

Exuberantly pleased that he had 'emancipated himself from the shackles' of that 'dead end' job ... and; obsessively thinking about how he could utilize that marvelous Success rate skill to his greatest advantage ... Jiang Nan had inadvertently broken one of his most basic Golden Rules ... he forgot to eat. So; regardless of Jiang Nan's momentarily unstable situation ... everything else was to be 'put on the back burner', for the time being ... because; filling his stomach was the most important thing to do, at the moment.

Since he was temporarily unemployed; Jiang Nan thought it best to exercise stringent frugality until he acquired a stable income. So, he opted to patronize a nearby roadside stall; and, ordered a cup of soybean milk and a fried dough stick. As he leisurely ate ... taking his time savor every bite and sip of his modest breakfast ... Jiang Nan once again began contemplating over how he could the Success rate skill to earn money; and, preferably as fast as possible.

The first thing that came to mind was the Stone Gambling Market.

On the outskirts of Jianghai City; there wasa small scale, stone garden.

Jiang Nan knew about this only because he had accompanied some of his potential clients there before, while entertaining them; in hopes of persuading them to allow him to be their real estate broker. ... Of course; nothing ever panned out from it. Those excursions did however make Jiang Nan aware of its existence; and, provided him with a brief knowledge of what's done there.

Supposedly; the ore found at the Stone Gambling Market originally comes from Burma. And, there was a saying that was associated with the market ... A single cut may bring a man either poverty, wealth, or even death.

Theoretically; even a cheap, raw material ... if cut into a good, quality jade ... could become a priceless treasure.

So; the Stone Gambling Market was considered to be an 'adventure' industry that could make someone rich overnight; or, become instantly bankrupt. It was essentially all left up to the whim of fate and luck.

However, with the assistance of the Success rate skill; Jiang Nan wouldn't have to worry about succumbing to the whim of neither fate nor luck ... because, he was in the possession of 'a sure thing'; so, he could definitely make a fortune overnight.

Jiang Nan wholeheartedly believed that he would immediately become rich.

Since it was decided what his next course of action would be; Jiang Nan scoffed down the last of his breakfast. No time for proper dining etiquette; there was money to be made.

And, since Jiang Nan was anxious to start earning his fortune; there was no time for stringent frugality, at that moment ... so, for the second day in a row; he hailed over the next empty taxi that he saw passing by.

He hopped into the back seat of the taxi; and, instructed the driver to take him to the Stone Gambling Market, as quickly as possible. Giddy over the anticipation of amassing a grand fortune; Jiang Nan displayed a huge, Cheshire cat grin, as he seat leaned back into the seat and crossed his looks ... looking like some sort of big-wig that was being chauffeured around town.

In the past ... except on those rare, dire occasions ... Jiang Nan would travel by bus to any place that was too far away for him to walk to; because, it was deeply ingrained in his mindset that taking a taxi was a luxury ... and; he couldn't afford any luxuries.

Even when the real estate agency had decided to 'throw him a bone', and give him a puny bonus; he still refused to indulge in taking a taxi, unless it was an emergency. He needed to abide by adhering to a strict frugality lifestyle.

But, seeing how he was convinced that he'd be making money very shortly ... and; a lot of it, at that ... Jiang Nan saw nothing wrong with taking a taxi to the Stone Gambling Market; and, decided that from henceforth, he would allow himself to live a more comfortable lifestyle.

Jiang Nan was well aware that if he continued to act like a spendthrift; the money he had saved up would be gone soon. But, thanks to his Success rate skill; he could easily earn money before that even happens.

Before, Jiang Nan had felt that it was really difficult to earn money ... sometimes, even nearly impossible. But, from now on; there would be nothing to it ... and; it just so happened that he had already taking 'the ride to riches'.

The taxi pulled up at the entrance of the Stone Gambling Market.

"Here you are, sir; the Stone Gambling Market ... that will be 75 yuan."

Still acting like some sort of a big-wig ... Jiang Nan took at a 100 yuan bill, and tossed it down on the front passenger seat; and, haughtily told the driver... "Keep the change ... I'm sure you can use it."

Jiang Nan hurriedly exited the taxi; eager to make his fortune ... leaving the slightly torn driver behind.

On the one hand; 25 yuan was a fairly decent tip ... one which he rarely came by. But, on the other hand; the driver was a bit offended by the manner that Jiang Nan had paid fare ... finding it rather rude of him to toss the money down on the seat, instead of handing it to him. And; what was with that remark ... 'Keep the change ... I'm sure you can use it." The driver thought, "Of course, I can use the money; but, who is that snot-nosed kid to say that to me? That was totally uncalled for."

But shortly, the driver cooled down; and, decided that he should be gracious and thank Jiang Nan for the tip, before he was out of ear shot. So; he quickly rolled down the front passenger side window, and shouted out... "Thank you; sir!"

Jiang Nan didn't even bother turning around to acknowledge the driver; he just brusquely threw his hand up in the air, and gave a curt wave while walking away. The driver sneered at Jiang Nan; while grumbling under his breath, "Spoiled brat." And, after watching Jiang Nan enter the Stone Gambling Market; the driver sighed, then griped... "Huh ... must be good to have money. When can I become rich?"

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