Super Success System/C4 No Such Thing As A Short Cut
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Super Success System/C4 No Such Thing As A Short Cut
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C4 No Such Thing As A Short Cut

Jiang Nan entered the Stone Gambling Market; and, even though he's been there several times before, this was the first time he came as a patron.

In the past, Jiang Nan would bring potential clients who had an interest in visiting the Stone Gambling Market there in hopes of getting in their good graces; so, that they might chose him as their real estate broker for their future property purchases. Therefore; he spent most of those times focusing on the client ... trying to entertain and schmooze them ... and, never had the chance to observe and fully take in the environment of the Stone Gambling Market. Today, however, he only needed to focus on himself; and, his business there. So, before commencing with that business; Jiang Nan took time to really take note of the environment, as he ambled throughout the Stone Gambling Market.

Jiang Nan likened the Stone Gambling Market to that of any other 'wet market' in the area; with the difference being that here, the only commerce they trade in is stones imported from Burma ... and, if you were lucky; precious gems. And, just like a 'wet market', the atmosphere was quite lively and animated; with a crowd of enthusiastic consumers bustling about to and fro ... swarming about the dozens of stalls to inspect the merchandise, and hopefully come across a good deal, or two. Sometimes even coming across a bout of rapid haggling between the customers and the merchants; although this didn't happen too often ... because, as general rule of thumb, the prices had already been set by the Stone Gambling Market's management.

There were a variety of people from all walks of life present; although, a good majority of them were elders. However ... regardless of their backgrounds ... they all had one thing in common; and, that was that they were all there in hopes of becoming instantly rich.

Among the elders in attendance; a good portion of the 'grandpas' meandering about were carrying walking birds in their cages, with them. While, some of the middle-aged men were smartly donned in traditional Tang suits ... exuding an air of class and refinement; and, making them seem quite knowledgeable.

Jiang Nan happened to have fallen into the most underrepresented group among the attendees ... young people in their twenties.

Dispersed throughout the entire Stone Gambling Market ... the raw stones were divided into their respective classifications; then, heaped into small piles beside the specific stall designated to sell them.

All the stalls appeared to be fairly crowded at that moment; with the cacophony of garbled, incessant chattering resounding in the air.

The more discerning connoisseurs were equipped with either magnifying or jewelers glasses; which allowed them to conduct a thoroughly meticulous examination of the stones they chose, before deciding to make a final purchase.

After his leisurely stroll through the Stone Gambling Market ... Jiang Nan was making a perfunctory round of all the stalls; when he randomly chose a small stall in the outer perimeter, to head over to and take a closer look. Or; was it randomly?

Having spent his entire life living among the class of minimum wage earners; Jiang Nan had been conditioned to always keep an eye out for a bargain. And, truth be told; he had become rather astute in shopping around for them. Which is why, when he noticed the price of those particular stones posted on the stall; Jiang Nan was instantly drawn there. 1,000 yuan for a kilogram of stones; which made them the cheapest raw stones at the Stone Gambling Market ... and; right in his price range.

Unlike the raw stones being sold over in the higher-profile areas of the market; which cost anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000 yuan per kilogram...

Yikes! ... Yeah; they were definitely out of Jiang Nan's price range.

Although Jiang Nan couldn't fathom why there was such a disproportionately huge cost difference between those raw stones; he did notice the difference in their coloring.

The raw stones piled by the stalls in the higher-profile areas all had a glossy, translucent sheathing-like coating on them; giving the stones a highly polished, rich appearance. ... And, supposedly ... from the 'information' he overheard while walking around ... when they were cut open; there were usually emeralds embedded within them.

Meanwhile; the raw stones piled by the shabbily constructed, makeshift stalls, located near the outer perimeter areas looked more like your 'run of the mill', local rocks that can be found along the riverside ... and; not some exotic quarry imported from Burma.

Momentarily allowing his cynical side to reveal itself; Jiang Nan started suspecting that these stones may have been gathered up from the riverside, and brought over to the Stone Gambling Market to sell to unsuspecting novices to offset some of the company's losses.

He figured that being enticingly priced at a much lower cost than the other raw stones at the market; these 'counterfeit' stones would attract the attention of those desperately poor fortune seekers ... pretty much like himself ... and, dupe them into spending 1,000 yuan per kilogram on a bunch of worthless rocks. Thus, providing the Stone Gambling Market with a 'guaranteed, hundred percent profit sale'. Jiang Nan thought that perhaps it wouldn't be worth wasting what little savings he had scrounged together over the years on those possibly 'knockoff' stones ... even if they were reasonably priced.

But, then; it suddenly dawned upon him ... "Duh, hello, Jiang Nan ... Success rate." Wrapped up in obsessing over some self-created conspiracy theory; Jiang Nan nearly had forgotten about his new skill. It would be a piece of cake for him to determine whether or not there were any emeralds in the stones . And, since no one would be forcing him to buy any stones; it won't cost him a single yuan just to take a look at the stones.

Jiang Nan decided to wait and stand off to the side for a moment, or two; so, he could observe how things worked at the Stone Gambling Market ... or, more specifically; how they conducted their sales. And, while doing this; he noticed that the crowd surrounding the smaller, makeshift stalls were dressed in plain, modest clothing ... unlike those individuals wearing the Tang suits; who were mostly congregated around the larger stalls in the higher-profile areas ... which proved his previous assumption correct; that they were desperately poor fortune seekers, like himself; looking to make as much money as they could, with as little investment as possible.

Once satisfied that he knew enough about their procedures ... at least, enough to get started, anyway ... Jiang Nan worked his way through the crowd congregated in front of the stall; squatted down in front of the pile of raw stones beside the stall; briefly sifted through some of the stones at the base of the pile, before randomly picking one out. While holding the stone in his hand; Jiang Nan began wondering if there were any emeralds in the stone. ... Rate: 0%.

Jiang Nan shrugged his shoulders; as he muttered under his breath. "Oh, well; no biggie ... I'm just getting started."

He tossed the stone aside; and, once again, briefly sifted through the pile, before selecting another stone.

Jiang Nan held it in his hand, and wondered if there were any emeralds in that stone. ... Rate: 0%.

"0 for 2 ... next."" Jiang Nan tossed that stone away; and, briefly sifted through the pile.

He took another stone in his hand ... Rate: 0%. ... And; tossed it away just as quickly as the others.

As Jiang Nan appeared to be haphazardly rummaging through the pile of stones; standing in close vicinity to him was Old Master Liu ... who was steadily becoming a little irked by Jiang Nan's glaringly obvious rookie behavior.

Old Master Liu was a distinguished 'veteran' of the Stone Gambling Market; well-versed and quite knowledgeable of all the intricacies involved in selecting raw stones. Considered as one of the more 'discerning connoisseurs' ... renown for his elegantly crafted, gold wire-rimmed glasses; which makes him appear more dignified and cultured than he really is ... the old master had been trying to closely examine one of the raw stones with a modified, extra-powerful magnifying glass...

When he was abruptly distracted by this 'wet behind the ears' rookie tossing stones about.

Old Master Liu let out a short, exasperated huff; then, sardonically quipped, "Lad ... you do realize that this is the Stone Gambling Market; and, not a bocce ball court in the park, or some random bowling alley, don't you? ... Is it really necessary for you to keep tossing the stones around like that?" Jiang Nan briefly stared at the old man; then, let out a chuckle, while tossing the stone in his hand ... which, he already determined to have 0% chance of containing any emeralds in it ... off to the side. He asked... "Fine; then tell me ... what's the quickest way to get yourself an emerald?" The old master grinned at the rookie; then, facetiously quipped, "That's easy; lad ... just go to a jewelry store."

Those in earshot of their conversation started laughing. Jiang Nan just stood there biting his tongue, thinking what else can he do; the grandpa was an elder, after all. ... Old Master Liu started offering some of his sage advice...

"From your question, it's clear to say that you're anxious to find some emeralds among these heaps of raw stones; am I right?" Jiang Nan nods. The old master slightly rolled his eyes, and grinned; while letting out a short, amused chuckle... "Yeah; you and everyone else, here. ... Listen to me, lad; all kidding aside ... if you truly want to survive the Stone Gambling Market ... and, perhaps; pick up an emerald or two, in the process ... there is one 'profound knowledge' ... or, should I say technique ... that's key, and fundamentally instrumental when selecting raw stones. ... Any idea what that is?" Jiang Nan slowly shook his head. The old master picked up a stone; then informed him ... while using the stone to demonstrate... "You must examine it carefully; paying close attention to its physical attributes in detail. ... First; take note of its color. It doesn't have to be as shiny, or glossy in appearance, like those pricey stones at the fancier stalls ... but; it should at least have some brightness to its shade, with a hint of glimmer in it. ... And, then; you listen to its sound." Old Master Liu glanced over at Jiang Nan; and, as expected. saw the befuddled expression on the rookie's face. He just shook his head and smiled; then, continued with the lesson... "Hold the stone against your ear, and start tapping on it." The old master pressed the stone up against his ear; then, proceeded to tap his fingers all over it. "You need to listen very carefully; listen for even the faintest of an echoing sound. That indicates if there are hollowed out areas in the stone ... which could mean a space between an emerald and the stone's sediment."

Jiang Nan remained silent; blankly staring at the old man, with a bored look on his face. Old Master Liu took notice of this; and, lowered the stone from his ear, as he huffed... "What's wrong, lad; are you not understanding what I'm teaching you ... or; aren't you even listening to me?" Jiang Nan continued staring at the old man; not saying a word. Perturbed ... Old Master Liu toss the rock aside; and, slowly shook his head...

"Lad; I can tell that you came here eager to find emeralds, and make yourself a quick fortune ... I've seen countless time before, with youngsters like you; so, I know it all too well. But, I can also tell that you don't understand anything about the Stone Gambling Market; and, what it entails. So; allow me to be blunt; and, cut right to the chase... No matter what ... if you have no idea what you're doing; and, are willing to listen and learn from others' experience ... not only won't you make that fortune of yours; but, you'll also definitely suffer a loss. So; heed my advice, and don't go looking for short cuts to earn money ... because, there aren't any. Just go out, and find yourself a real job; and, earn your money properly."

Jiang Nan stood there, thinking to himself... "What the heck is this grandpa talking about ... 'go out find myself a real job; and, earn my money, properly'? I had myself a real job for more than three years, already; and what did that get me? Do you really think if there was money to be made there; I would've quit that job, like I just did, and wind up coming to a place like this? ... I don't think so."

Not wanting to get into a squabble with an elder ... figuring he'd probably just end up looking like a disrespectful douchebag if he did ... Jiang Nan quietly walked away; going over to the next adjacent stall. All the time, grumbling in his mind...

"Who the heck does that grandpa think he is, anyway? And; what was all that garbage he was talking about ... looking at the coloring; and, listening to the stones? What next; should I just go up and ask them 'Hey, Mr. Stone; got any emeralds in you?' ... Pfft; crazy, old man!"...

"And, why bother wasting my time telling me about your 'trade secrets' of the Stone Gambling Market; who needs them, anyway? I've got my Success rate; okay ... so, I'll be cashing in my emeralds; while you're still tapping away on stones."

But soon, Jiang Nan figured that the old man probably didn't mean any harm ... that, more than likely, he was simply trying to share his collected wisdom with a youngster ... so, he just 'took it with a grain of salt'.

Jiang Nan went up to the new pile; and, continued in the same fashion as he did before. He picked up the first stone; and, wondered if there were any emeralds in the stone. ... Rate: 0%.

"Nope; not you." He tossed that one aside.

Jiang Nan picked up another stone; and, wondered if that one had any emeralds inside. ... Rate: 0%.

Still observing the rookie; Old Master Liu rolled his eyes, and gravely shook his head... speaking aloud... "Ah ... these youngsters nowadays are way too impetuous, for their own good. They never listen; even when you're giving them sound advice. I tell you ... if that rookie keeps insisting on doing it that way; he's sure to lose all his money, sooner or later. He should just give up, now; before it's too late."

It was apparent to Jiang Nan that that grandpa over there wasn't about to let up anytime soon ... relentless, old coot!

Still refusing to get into with the old man; Jiang Nan just ignored him. However; he was thinking...

"Why don't you just mind your own business; and, leave me be? Why are you still talking; shouldn't you be keeping silent, while listening to your stones?"

Jiang Nan picked up the next stone; and, wondered if there were any emeralds in it. ... Rate: 100%.

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