Super Success System/C8 Round Two ... All Eyes Are Upon The Newbie
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Super Success System/C8 Round Two ... All Eyes Are Upon The Newbie
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C8 Round Two ... All Eyes Are Upon The Newbie

Regardless of physically in the wallet, or sitting in a WeChat account; when dealing with someone raised in a minimum wage-like environment, like Jiang Nan ... it's true when they say that getting a hold of a lot of money will 'burn a hole in your pockets'. 30,000 yuan richer; and, he was ready for round two.

Jiang Nan approached stalls near the outer perimeter of the Stone Gambling Market; almost immediately drawing the attention of all the previously disgruntled elders. Old Master Liu was in the middle of examining a raw stone, when he noticed the rookie heading back; and, he immediately lowered his magnifying glass, sneered, and grumpily griped ... "Humph! Just look at the lad strutting across the yard like some proud peacock! What; don't tell me he's coming back here to rub it in our faces ... or; is he back to try and show us up again?" The other elders began to quickly grumble among themselves. Old Master Liu declared, "Well; that's fine by me ... point is; he can't be lucky every time ... so, when he falls flat on his face this time; let's be sure to laugh good and loud. You fellows with me?" They all heartily nodded in solidarity.

Despite being aware that all eyes were upon him; Jiang Nan decided to pay no mind to the glaring elders, and just ignored them as he passed by. Jiang Nan walked up to a stall with cheaply priced raw stones ... these priced at 1,175 yuan per kilogram ... and, began going through a pile in the same fashion that he did before. Meanwhile; there was incessant chattering spreading throughout the yard like wildfire.

Using the Success rate ... "Is there an emerald in this stone?" Rate: 0%. No ... next.

"Is there an emerald in this stone?" Rate; 0%. Hmm ... nothing here, either.

Jiang Nan rapidly sifted through the pile picking up stones; tossing them aside just as quickly. Each stone only stayed in his hand for four or five seconds, at the most.

Several minutes had gone by; when finally, Jiang Nan came across came across a raw stone with a Rate: 100% chance of having an emerald in it.

He decided to take it a step further; and wondered, "Is the value of the emerald around 10,000 yuan?" Rate: 100%. Yes.

"What the hell ... is the value of the emerald around 100,000 yuan?" Rate: 100%. Hello ... CACHING!!

Jiang Nan was ecstatic; as he fought to contain his excitement, and maintain his composure. Once sure he had it under control; Jiang Nan wondered, "Is the value of the emerald around 200,000 yuan?" Rate: 0%. Oh well; c'est la vie ... still; 100,000 yuan was nothing to sneeze at. Moving along...

"Is the value of the emerald around 150,000 yuan?" Rate; 30%.

Jiang Nan stopped at that point with that stone; and, moved on sifting through the pile...

The next raw stone he picked up had a Rate: 0% chance of having an emerald in it.

After a few minutes ... Jiang Nan had gone through the entire pile, without coming across any other stones containing an emerald.

He moved on to the pile of raw stones on the other side of stall; and, began sifting through that one.

Meanwhile; as he worked his way through those stones...

It wasn't long before the elders were paying more attention to Jiang Nan; instead of seeking out stones for themselves. They were very curious; and interested in watching the peculiar manner in which the young newbie chose his stones.

It seemed that the entire Stone Gambling Market's stone yard was abuzz with gossip; as Jiang Nan had become the center of attention, and main topic of their discussions.

One of the elders watching Jiang Nan asked the old master, "So; what do you think, Old Master Liu ... do you think that youngster really has the knack for telling which rock has an emerald in it; or, is he just haplessly throwing caution to the wind, and relying on dumb luck?" The old master took a brief moment before responding; appearing as if he was pondering over it. "Honestly ... I really couldn't tell you. I have no idea myself. The lad seems to be throwing the stones aside right after he picks them up; not even holding them in his hands long enough to get in a good glance, if you ask me. So; you're guess is as good as mine as to what he's doing."

Another elder interjected, "Could it be ... I mean; do you think it's possible..." he briefly hesitated; before he sheepishly finished his thought, "that he can see through stones; spotting the emeralds inside them?"

Old Master Liu immediately dismissed that ludicrous hypothesis; as he scoffed, "Preposterous! How old are you again, Choi Wei ... do you still believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, as well? Seriously; do you think that such a magical power exists?" Instantly sulking, and feeling as if he was wrongly belittled by Old Master Liu; Choi Wei griped under his breath. "You said our guesses are just as good as yours."

The other elder quipped, "If that was the case; surely the bosses here would have a nervous breakdown, and cry like little babies. Could you just imagine that ... people with that ability ... they'd be able to came here, pluck up all the stones with emeralds in them, and leave nothing but piles of worthless rocks behind." Old Master Liu rolled his eyes, and huffed, "No; I couldn't imagine that ... because, there's no such thing possible."

Shortly ... Jiang Nan came across another raw stone with an emerald inside; supposedly worth around 50,000 yuan, according to the Success rate.

That pile was nearly exhausted; and, Jiang Nan couldn't help but to think that this so-called 'establishment with the honorable reputation ... as the purchasing manager had boasted ... had quite the nice little scam going on for itself. They would import the raw stones from Burma in bulk; then, sell them at inflated prices to desperate, fortune-seekers in hopes of finding emeralds in them ... and, this was just their first line of profit. Because, once the stones are purchased; if someone should be lucky enough to run across an emerald inside .... which, Jiang Nan has realized is probably long and far between that happening; seeing how the chances of coming across one are extremely low ... the Stone Gambling Market will buy them on spot ... and, if they conducted their transaction like they tried doing with him before; which they probably did ... they'll pay them a low-balled price; then, use their contacts in the field to sell them at a way higher price ... incurring their second tier of profit. Meanwhile; who knows how much money an 'ordinary' person would waste here while trying to find a stone with an emerald in it.

Jiang Nan was looking down upon the two stones in his hands; smiling, while thinking that he probably was holding around six to seven years worth salary that he would have earned at the real estate agency ... when he noticed...

There were even more people watching him now than there was when he first started looking through the piles of raw stones. He was drawing too much attention to himself; and, it was about time to finish up and leave.

But, before heading off to buy those stones; Jiang Nan picked up two of the smallest stones he saw lying on the ground beside him ... then, used the Success rate on them...

Rate: 0%.

Rate: 0%.

"Perfect..." he thought, "These two will serve nicely as a 'distraction' ... plus, seeing how they're fairly lighter ... compared with the other raw stones around ... I won't have to spend too much money on buying them. This place gets enough 'cheated money' as it is."

Other than coming back to get himself a couple more emeralds; this was Jiang Nan's plan all along. He had already drawn too much attention to himself ... and, arose suspicion ... by 'finding' the emerald in the stone he bought earlier; so, he needed to end the day with a diversionary tactic, to try and dismiss all of that suspicious speculation.

Jiang Nan needed to convince everyone at the Stone Gambling Market that there really wasn't a method to his madness ... nor, did he possess any special ability or skill ... that it was just pure dumb luck that he happened to come across an emerald the last time. He needed to put an abrupt end to all their suspicions; before he caused some real trouble.

He understood the meaning and principle behind that old adage, all too well. "A big tree attracts the wind ... and, a spear strikes the bird that shoots up its head.' If Jiang Nan wanted to continue making his fortune at the Stone Gambling Market; he needed to keep a low profile ... which, so far, he was failing at miserably.

Jiang Nan began the 'show' by loudly calling out declaring, "Man, am I beat! Digging through these stones sure does make a guy tired. Think I'll call it a day."

He carried the stones over to the front of the stall; and, shouted in, "Boss; I want to buy these stones." Familiar with his exploits; the boss of the stall displayed a slight frown ... then, told Jiang Nan, "Hold on; I'll call for the attendant."

Old Master Liu ... who hadn't taken his eyes off of Jiang Nan since he returned to the yard ... snidely commented, "You seem pretty confident there, lad ... though, some might call it being too cocky. Tell you what; since you're so sure about those stones you plan on buying ... why don't you have them cut them open here, this time too. I'm sure everyone here ... myself included ... would love to see how a 'pro' like you fared, this go around."

Another dubious elder added, "Yeah ... I doubt you'll be able to find an emerald in every stone you pick. That was just luck before ... and, sooner or later, one's luck runs out."

Choi Wei chimed in, "I don't know; why don't we wait and see. Maybe there really are emeralds in those stones, After all; he was spot on the last time ... perhaps the kid has an eye for seeing which stone will contain an emerald." Old Man Liu quickly scoffed; with a perturbed inflection, "For crying out loud, Choi Wei; how many times must I tell you ... the lad doesn't have any magic powers. He can't see through the stones and see the emeralds inside." Jian Nan mused in his mind, "No; I can't see the emeralds inside the stones ... but; I can see the Success rate."

Right after receiving the call from the person in charge of that stall; the attendant informed the purchasing manager that Jiang Nan wanted to buy four more stones.

The purchasing manager insisted on keeping tabs on Jiang Nan whenever he was at the Stone Gambling Market; and, instructed the attendant to immediately report back to him as soon as she received any word about him.

It was remarkable enough that Jiang Nan had selected a raw stone with an emerald in it on his very first attempt ... but, that 'snot-nosed, punk brat' was also somehow able to see through their ruse; and, knew the exact value of the gem. This was too much of an unbelievable coincidence for the purchasing manager to accept. He was fuming...

"If that punk really does have some trick up his sleeve that's allowing him choose all the raw stones with emeralds in them; then, it's quite possible that he intends on collecting all the emeralds for himself ... making a killing at the expense of the company. Not to mention the possibility that if that were to happen; no one else probably wouldn't bother to buy any of the other stones."

"No ... I can't allow that to happen. Not on my watch."

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