Super Sword of God/C4 Fire attribute
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Super Sword of God/C4 Fire attribute
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C4 Fire attribute

The Great Elder waited until Bai Fei entered before directly speaking. He did not say anything unnecessary, because he knew that all he needed to do now was to do his best to fuse them together.

Even if this old man was going to risk his life to protect Bai Fei's safety, he had already made up his mind on this matter before Bai Fei came in. Moreover, he had spoken to the other elders about this matter.

They were already old bones. In the future of the entire continent of sword energy, they would have to rely more on the youths. Thus, they had to do their best to help them grow and preserve their complete abilities. For them, and for the future of the entire continent.

Bai Fei did not know that it was not only him who had made such a huge decision.

At this time, the several Elders were also facing death. If they really couldn't control it, then even if they had to put their lives on the line, they would still have to protect it!

Bai Fei nodded to the Great Elder and sat down in the middle.

The four Elders sat around him. At first, they didn't need to do anything.

Only when the elemental energy factors began to repel and resist each other would they begin to suppress each other, helping to maintain their balance and prevent accidents from occurring within their bodies, even causing their bodies to explode.

"Let's begin!"

Bai Fei slowly closed his eyes and began to draw out the first type of energy factor that he had agglomerated with.

The fire attribute energy factor began to be introduced into his dantian. The moment the fire type energy factor entered the dantian, the sword qi in the dantian immediately rushed over uncontrollably when it saw the strange, powerful energy invading it.

Bai Fei could only push the fire attribute energy factor to fuse with it. On the other hand, he had to draw out his heart energy to control the original sword energy so that they wouldn't have too big of an impact.

Just like that, the two energies collided against each other. Bai Fei had used up quite a bit of strength, but still managed to fuse the fire type energy factor into his dantian. However, this was only the first step and it had already found a place to hide within his dantian.

Bai Fei could only start off with a lot of effort, making the two energies come into contact with each other once again.

However, because they had previously rejected each other, they were now like two enemies.

Meeting each other would only end up in a fight, it was impossible for them to get along peacefully. Therefore, they were clashing in Bai Fei's dantian.

Bai Fei could only occasionally push or pull the two of them apart. Although they had sunk into his dantian, his face was still covered in sweat because this process also consumed a lot of his physical strength.

After encountering each other again and again, the sharpness of the two energies was slowly sharpened, as if they had lost all of their strength.

Bai Fei also saw the opportunity. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he quickly fused the two energies together.

The two types of energy resisted each other for a moment before being forcibly pressed together by Bai Fei. Then, they fused together.

After merging together, Bai Fei tried to start the operation to achieve a more complete unification of the two.

After a period of adaptation, Bai Fei was finally able to open his eyes and let out a long sigh of relief.


The Great Elder opened his eyes and asked Bai Fei. The question he asked was naturally the first step, and this could only be considered as the beginning. Bai Fei nodded.

The few elders beside him stroked their beards with a satisfied smile on their faces. This was because the fusion of these elemental energy factors was already extremely fast. There was no one that could compare to this.

"Then let's continue! Don't spend too much time on it! "

The Great Elder said to Bai Fei, it was best if this process was carried out in one go. The longer the process lagged, the more difficult it would be to enter, and there was a possibility that there would be no way to assimilate it.

Bai Fei nodded. He closed his eyes again and began to absorb the second energy.

The second method wasn't that easy, because not only did it have to enter the Dantian, it also had to allow one to split the Dantian in half. The energy that entered first naturally didn't want to see this kind of thing happen. He had just occupied this place, how could there suddenly be an outsider entering?

Therefore, the moment the second type of energy factor entered his Dantian, the strong fire energy directly attacked him. Bai Fei's entire body trembled from the impact, and his body trembled. This was because the impact was too sudden and too sudden.

This was not something that could be compared to the first fusion. It seemed like this elemental energy was indeed extraordinary.

However, now was not the time to sigh. Bai Fei quickly regained control of his mind and continued to channel the second type of energy into his dantian.

At the same time, he had to expend a lot of energy to draw in the fire type energy that had already entered. It was in this connection that he had expended a great deal of energy in order to draw it into him.

However, the moment he entered, the fire type energy rushed out like a wild horse, as if wanting to devour the energy that just entered. Bai Fei could only try his best to defend.

This was because if he were to be swallowed, it would be troublesome. When he was using a spirit art, it would be very easy to harm himself because of the antagonism between the attributes. If that were the case, the energy of the sword qi would not be as simple as it used to be.

Bai Fei did his best to control it, hoping to achieve a balance between the two so that they could get along peacefully. However, this process was very difficult, and he had to rely on his own consciousness to control it.

After a long period of time, it was finally completed. Although it took up quite a bit of time and there was quite a bit of sweat, nothing unexpected happened.

When the third type began, the Grand Elder and the others began to prepare, ready to act at any time.

However, because Bai Fei already had two, the introduction of the third type was relatively convenient. After all, he was already familiar with a lot of them.

However, as soon as the third type of attribute energy entered, two types of energy immediately pressed down on him from both sides. It was as if they wanted to divide it up.

Bai Fei wanted to grasp the limits of the newly entered energy. After all, it was not something to be trifled with. Also, he had to control the other two types.

Right now, it was equivalent to having three things in his heart. The difficulty of this was hard to imagine, and he couldn't communicate with them. If everyone could sit down and have a cup of tea, then it would be great.

Everyone sat down to have a good chat before reminiscing about the past and dividing up the territory. Afterwards, they would coexist peacefully. This way, Bai Fei would benefit the most. He didn't need to spend so much effort.

However, this sort of thing was naturally impossible. It was completely a pipe dream.

The elemental energy was merely energy. It was impossible for him to understand the words of a dreamer.

It was because they were the energies within Bai Fei's body that Bai Fei was able to control them. However, such distractions were also quite difficult. Moreover, they had to grasp their limits, because if one was slightly biased, then one would be able to assimilate another type of energy. Then the situation would instantly turn bad. It was even possible that there would be a direct explosion and Bai Fei would end up as a pile of minced meat. Just thinking about it was a bit horrifying.

Although Bai Fei's expression was no longer that relaxed, the grand elder and the others could sense that he was still able to deal with them. He was not at a level where they could deal with him. They all felt very satisfied.

This was because other people would have already been thrown into chaos by now if they did not act on the third method, but Bai Fei did not. Everything was still under his control; he could be considered a genius.

These elders couldn't help but feel admiration. They also wished to preserve their own physical strength. After all, the later one made a move, the more powerful they would be.

Thus, they had to carefully observe the surroundings. If anything happened, they could make a move in time.

However, Bai Fei also didn't use them. He was also very ambitious and relied on his willpower to forcefully complete it. However, after completing it, he was already out of breath.

But now, he couldn't stop. He could only continue.

Bai Fei did not rest and began the fourth type of fusion. At this time, the four elders also started to get nervous, because when they were helping Haotian, the fourth type of fusion was a bit more difficult, which caused some damage to his body. After all, they had to rely on their external forces.

Although it wouldn't cause too much damage, it would still cause some damage to the body that was carrying the energy. After all, they were scuttling around aimlessly and it wasn't something that could be manipulated by humans.

Thus, they all began to get nervous.

At this time, the people outside were also nervous, even more so than the ones inside. They couldn't see anything, and didn't know what was happening inside.

Because of this kind of confusion, he became even more anxious.

However, they could only wait in this anxious mood, especially Li Jiao. She walked up and down from time to time and wished for nothing more than to rush in and see what it was like.

Bai Ting noticed her worry as well, and in the end she pulled Li Jiao to the side. Although there was a barrier around the wooden house, it wasn't suitable for them to get too close.

Although he would feel uncomfortable in his heart when he saw her and Bai Fei, they were girls after all. Moreover, Li Jiao was a girl that was easily liked. At a time like this, he couldn't care less.

After Li Jiao was pulled apart, she only glanced at Bai Ting to express her gratitude. She knew that Bai Ting was doing this for her own good, so she once again focused her full attention on that wooden house.

Bai Ting also looked in that direction.

The entire area was abnormally quiet, so quiet that it was somewhat terrifying. No one spoke, and no one dared to speak. It was as if a huge pressure was pressing down on them.

"You have a good relationship with Bai Fei?"

Bai Ting felt that she couldn't go on like this. If this continued, then this little girl would be the first person to go crazy and then the second person to go mad would be her. This kind of waiting was too excruciating and there were people she cared about, so she prepared to say something. She had asked Bai Fei these questions before, but he had only admitted it. He did not elaborate, so she asked Bai Ting again.

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