Super vision Expert in Metropolis/C22 What a coincidence
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Super vision Expert in Metropolis/C22 What a coincidence
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C22 What a coincidence

When she walked out of the hospital, Zhao Yanran had a ball of white gauze at the back of her head.

Chen Keyi told her to come back online three days later.

Zhao Yanran did not mind the existence of the piece of gauze at all.

Women loved to be beautiful, let alone a woman as beautiful as her.

"Alright, stop looking at Zi Tao. If you dare look at me again, I'm going to get angry!"

Zhao Yanran forcefully pushed Zhang Zitao's face away.

"Yes, yes, yes."

Zhang Zitao said helplessly.

The taxi followed Zhao Yanran's home.

Along the way, Zhao Yanran acted as if nothing had happened in the hospital and chatted with Zhang Zitao in a very normal manner.

After graduating from university, Zhao Yanran hadn't seen Zhang Zitao for a few years as well.

The two talked about the matters after graduating from university in the car. In the blink of an eye, Zhao Yanran's home arrived.

"Zi Tao, do you want to come up and have a seat?"

Zhao Yanran invited Zhang Zitao.

Zhang Zitao shook his head: "Forget it, it's already 2 PM, I'm afraid it will affect your rest."

"Then be careful on your way."

Zhao Yanran waved her hand towards Zhang Zitao.

Zhang Zitao watched as she entered the door, then got in the car.

On the way back, Zhang Zitao thought about many things. The current him, although he knew how to see through things, knew medical skills, he still had eight million in cash in his card.

However, he was still somewhat at a loss regarding the future.

He had only wanted to be an ordinary security guard in the company, marry and have children, and spend the rest of his life.

But now that he had the ability, he couldn't possibly live the same life as before, right?

However, to him, his insight and medical skills were both greatly limited.

He wanted to start his own business while trying to protect his own secrets as much as possible.

But what should he do?

"Why don't we go back to our old ways of doing things and open up the Security Company!"

Zhang Zitao thought about it, and felt that this idea was not bad.

However, if he wanted to start a Security Company, just the money was not enough, he had to find a group of suitable people, and he also had to have a certain amount of power and influence in Eastern Hua City.

Money, power, and people were all indispensable!

In terms of people, Zhang Zitao already had a plan. He also had money, so it just needed connections!

"That's it, sleep!"

Zhang Zitao decided on a target and laid on the bed. He closed his eyes and prepared to sleep.

But at this time, a phone call came in. The thought of him sleeping had been completely shattered!

It was not even 6 in the morning yet, what was Bai Ke trying to do?

"The lazy bugger is up! I have urgent business with you. We will wait for you at Wetland Park's place. You must appear within half an hour! "

Bai Ke said hurriedly. She spoke very quickly, but her words seemed to carry a sense of mischief.

"You? Who is it!? "

Zhang Zitao asked.

"You'll know when you get here!"

After Bai Ke finished speaking, she hung up.

Zhang Zitao laughed helplessly, got up, took a shower and cleaned his teeth, changed into a set of clean clothes, then took a taxi and left, thinking to buy a car when he was free.

"Master, to the Wetland Park."

Zhang Zitao called for a ride, and then casually got on the car.

"Master, why aren't you driving?"

Zhang Zitao suspiciously looked at the driver's seat, his face immediately becoming stiff.

Because the driver was none other than Bai Yan!

Isn't this too damn coincidental!

"Bai Yan, Bai Ke, what a coincidence, I didn't even know that the car I called was yours."

Zhang Zitao laughed dryly.

"Does that mean you won't get on the car if you know about it?"

Bai Yan snorted, and stepped heavily on the throttle.

"Haha, ZiTao is blushing! Sister, look quickly, his face is so red! "

Bai Ke pointed at Zhang Zitao's face and said.

"What blush? This is called embarrassment! "

Zhang Zitao quickly explained.

Bai Yan suddenly stepped on the brakes.

She coldly looked at Zhang Zitao: "Get off."

Zhang Zitao looked at her strangely. "What's wrong with you? Weren't you guys the ones who asked me out?

"Firstly, I did not ask you out. Secondly, I didn't know that Ke Er was looking for you. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come out. Third, didn't you say you were embarrassed? Get off the car just because you're embarrassed! "

Bai Yan asked a string of questions.

Bai Ke hurriedly looked at Zhang Zitao.

But Zhang Zitao could not understand at all.

"Ke Er, have your eyes gone bad?" If it doesn't work, I'll take you to the hospital. "

Bai Yan asked coldly.

"Wuu, wuu. Big sister, you are so mean to me."

Bai Ke said in a very wronged manner.

"You are the one who is disobedient!"

Bai Yan said.

"You big idiot, why aren't you apologizing to my sister? Because of you, I was hurt by big sister! "

Bai Ke pointed her spear at Zhang Zitao.

Zhang Zitao was very speechless.

He was shot while lying down?

Besides, he had just happened to see something he shouldn't have seen in the hospital.

To this, he also apologized. Why was Bai Yan so angry?

You're still mad at me for so long!

No matter what, he had saved Bai Yan's life before, so he didn't need to ask for Bai Yan's great return. At the very least, his attitude should be more or less correct!

"No, I don't need his apology."

Bai Yan coldly snorted.

She was still angry about the incident at the hospital.

When she saw Zhang Zitao get on the carriage, she was still a little concerned that Zhang Zitao had saved him before.

He wanted to say that his attitude towards Zhang Zitao was good, but what did Zhang Zitao say after getting on the car?

She had a bad temper in the first place, and when she heard Zhang Zitao's words, she simply could not hold it in!

"Hur hur."

Zhang Zitao laughed dryly.

"Aiya, you two are so arrogant and spoiled! I can't stand watching you two continue to act like this!" ZiTao, apologize to my sister first. Her anger came quickly, but it also subsided quickly. As long as you apologize, my sister won't be angry. "

Bai Ke explained.

"Ke Er, who are you talking about being arrogant and spoiled!"

Bai Yan said in dissatisfaction.

"I didn't say anything about you!"

Bai Ke laughed and explained.

Zhang Zitao was somehow asked to apologize to Bai Yan, and he even went so far as to make things difficult for him. Most importantly, it was Bai Ke who had called him out.

If not for Bai Ke, he would not be this angry, and she would not be so tired to death.

"Hey, why are your feet still outside?"

Bai Yan said to Zhang Zitao in a very dissatisfied manner.

"ZiTao, my sister wants you to retract your feet. She's going to drive. "

Bai Ke explained once again.

"But don't talk too much. If he wants to get off, then let him off!"

Bai Yan looked at Zhang Zitao with extreme dissatisfaction.

Zhang Zitao laughed dryly, but still withdrew his leg.

However, because of this incident, he had a deeper understanding of Bai Yan's personality.

Bai Yan was the kind of person who would say that she didn't want to at all, but in her heart, she wanted to do it the best.

The car continued on its way to Wetland Park, and it would still take at least half an hour to get there.

Zhang Zitao was planning to take a nap on the carriage, but not long after he closed his eyes, the inertia from the brakes woke him up once again.

"What's wrong?"

Zhang Zitao immediately asked.

"I was hit by someone."

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