Supernatural Bodyguard/C18 How much is the commission
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Supernatural Bodyguard/C18 How much is the commission
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C18 How much is the commission

"Then aren't you busy later?" Qi Dianer said as he looked at Zheng Haotian. It wouldn't be good if he delayed coming home because he was busy. Her father was only at home when it was time to eat. If he missed out on her dad being home, who knows if he would arrange for Qi Tian to stay by his side for twenty-four hours a day to protect him?

"If I help you recover a million yuan, what percentage would you give me?" Zheng Haotian looked at Qi Dian and asked. He was trying to figure out what was going on. In terms of driving a car, it was better to buy one for himself. This Qi Dianer's house must definitely be full of female cars. He was going to send his to school, and he was even driving a woman's car. Even a pig would know that this car wasn't his. At that time, he would have to be known as a pretty boy. This accusation was not wrong.

However, if he lost profits because he was chasing down debt for the other party. Then, he spent money to buy a car. That nature was definitely different. Then, he could totally use this car to take Qi Dianer away.

"They don't live a good life. The money I lent them was never meant to be returned after all." Qi Dianer said.

"I have to say, most of their money was also bribed into the underworld. Do you still want that money?" Zheng Haotian said.

"If you want to say that you are looking for money from the underworld, I will allow you to take the money. And give you twenty percent of the profit. But if you say you want to ask my classmates for money. Then, I'm sorry, they really won't come out. I can't bear to bully these poor people. " Qi Dianer said.

Zheng Haotian glanced at Qi Dianer's Mimi. It was true. The big chest in the legend was really brainless. With this IQ, it's no wonder that your academic performance is trash.

"It's a deal. If I want money from the mafia, then I'm coming back. I'll take twenty percent of the profit. " Zheng Haotian nodded and said. Anyways, that would definitely offend the underworld. Since it was a matter of offending him, he might as well offend him all at once.

In that case, it would save him a lot of trouble. The other party was just a gang member, and was not some association of the special ability user. In that case, the other party didn't have any big issues.

Tink, tink, tink

Just like that, class ended. Then, Zheng Haotian and Qi Dianer walked out. Today's lesson had ended at this very moment. On the other hand, students who went to school could go home now. For students who stayed in the academy, they would need to go to the cafeteria and then return to their dorms.

"Come home with me." Qi Dianer said to Zheng Haotian. At this moment, the bodyguards who were standing not far from the two of them heard their conversation. It would be foolish to say that this didn't explain the relationship between the two of them.

Actually, everyone had truly misunderstood. To be honest, Zheng Haotian and Qi Dianer were not even a dime. Wasn't it just a boring employment relationship? They don't have any other relationship than employment, okay?

"Why are your words so ambiguous? Look, everyone has misunderstood. " Zheng Haotian pointed to the students behind him. He didn't care. In any case, he was in the medical department. However, he was afraid that Qi Dianer might have something up his sleeve. Alright, he admitted it. He was afraid that Qi Dianer would cause him trouble. He was able to discern that this Qi Dianer could be said to be rather popular in this class. If he appeared as Qi Dianer's boyfriend. If so, he would probably become the target of public criticism.

"Whatever. Anyway, there's no one in this class for me. So what if it's a misunderstanding? Besides, you were coming home with me. It's no big deal. " Qi Dianer said unconcerned.

Zheng Haotian was dragged away by Qi Dianer just like that. Towards Qi Dianer's powerful thinking ability, Zheng Haotian felt that he was so powerless.

At the school gate. Just as Zheng Haotian and Qi Dianer were about to arrive. The eyes of more than ten people lit up.

"Bro, we have something to talk to you about." A long distance away, a hoodlum said to Zheng Haotian. He had seen the photo before. Therefore, he definitely wouldn't recognize the wrong person.

"Did you find the wrong person?" Zheng Haotian asked. He knew that the other party hadn't found the wrong person. However, at this point, he should be quite puzzled. Then, he still had to do enough on the surface. Otherwise, this would easily arouse suspicion from the other party. Thus, his current expression was one of utter doubt.

"That's right, I was looking for you." The hoodlum nodded his head, as if he was certain that Ye Zichen would nod his head.

"Alright then, if you have anything to say to me then say it." Zheng Haotian said.

"You are called Zheng Haotian right?" The lackey asked after making a final confirmation.

"That's right, if there isn't a second person called by that name in this school, then I am called Zheng Haotian." Zheng Haotian said unconcerned. Actually, at this moment, he had already said in his heart that there was something wrong with it. If you want something, you're looking for something. Wouldn't it be fine if he just came up? What's the big deal? And after all this time, it was still a secret game, was it interesting?

"It's him, call me." This hoodlum, held onto the steel pipe tightly and pointed it at Zheng Haotian. Immediately, he was the first to rush towards Zheng Haotian. Following closely behind him were more than ten bullies. Everyone immediately rushed towards Zheng Haotian.

"You can go to the side. I need to take care of some matters first." Zheng Haotian pushed Qi Dianer away. Then, two daggers appeared in his hands. Immediately, he gripped his two daggers tightly and rushed forward to meet them head on.

A handful of steel tubes were basically already in front of Zheng Haotian. Directly, was towards Zheng Haotian's forehead. unhurriedly extended his left hand out, and with a ding sound, the dagger in his left hand immediately blocked the steel pipe. Following that, he clenched his right fist and punched the opponent's temple.

Boom. The hoodlum collapsed to the ground. However, it was only a single exchange. It was just a single encounter and Zheng Haotian had already killed a person. Incredible. It must be said that this was truly amazing.

After that, Zheng Haotian rushed into the encirclement of the lackeys like a tiger falling down on a flock of sheep. Originally, it was these hoodlums who surrounded Zheng Haotian. However, looking at how each and every one of these hoodlums was being beaten up by Zheng Haotian, it seemed like Zheng Haotian was playing all by himself and had put up a counterattack.

In front of the school gates, there were over ten bullies who had suddenly turned into one. Moreover, this hoodlum's hands were trembling as they tightly gripped the steel pipe while his legs were already beginning to tremble.

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