Supernatural Bodyguard/C7 The police are here
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Supernatural Bodyguard/C7 The police are here
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C7 The police are here

7. The police are here.

Usually, Qi Dian wouldn't bring bodyguards with him. He had promised her father that he would be alright. Nothing would happen to him. She didn't have the face to tell her father what had happened today. After saying that, it was very obvious that he would be followed.

It was because Qi Dian felt that the bodyguard was troublesome and wanted to be free, that he did not have the bodyguard by her side. Now, in order to take revenge, she'd brought all of her father's bodyguards here. She knew that this matter could not be concealed any longer. At that time, if his father found out, he would definitely have bodyguards around him 24 hours a day.

The grievances from being kidnapped and being followed all accumulated. Right now, Qi Dian's eyes were almost on fire. Now, Qi Dian had the urge to kill someone.

"Eldest Miss, are you trying to eat someone?" The bodyguard microchieftain looked at Qi Dian and asked. He, the special ability user of the peak of three stages. He could be considered a strong person. When the young miss called him, he immediately drove the sports car with a team of bodyguards and rushed over. The main reason for that was because the boss didn't need him yet.

Otherwise, microchieftain bodyguard would not be able to guarantee that he would arrive so quickly.

Along the way, the bodyguard microchieftain looked at Qi Dian with a strange gaze. This was the gaze of someone who wanted to pinch someone to death. It was not impossible to have a bodyguard kill someone. This bodyguard knew very well that everything he had gotten was given to him by the boss. Thus, no matter what request the young miss had, he would agree to it.

"Can you promise me one thing?" Qi Dian said to the bodyguard.

"Please speak, Eldest Miss. As long as it's something that I can agree to, even if I have to agree to it, it's alright. " The bodyguard nodded and said.

"In a while, I'll have you take care of a person." But don't tell my father about what happened today. " Qi Dian said. Actually, she knew that in all likelihood, he still had to tell her father. However, she still hoped that his bodyguard could help his hide it.

"That won't do. No matter what the young miss wants us to do, we will not shirk from her request. However, we must definitely tell the boss. " The microchieftain bodyguard said.

"Well, just pretend I didn't. Qi Tian, you have guts. You are good, but you kept calling me big miss. It was just a small matter and you didn't even agree to it. Could it be that I was almost killed by XXOO? Is this a glorious matter? " Qi Dian looked at Qi Tian and said snappily.

"Nani?" Who has such good eyes? " Qi Tian thought that Qi Dian was just joking. Although the Chiari Group is not some top ten company in the entire country, it is still a top five hundred company in the world. All of these thoughts had come to the head of the young miss of Chiari Group, is that possible? Unrealistic, alright?

"Aiya, I'll go. You think that no one will miss me, right? "Emotions, I'm just a flat plate, right?" Qi Dian was even angrier now. Wasn't this guy looking down on him?

"Miss, you can't be speaking the truth, right? Is there really someone who almost did you in XXOO? " Qi Tian said seriously. If this was the truth, then this matter would be the truth. He had to tell the boss about this. In addition, he must also follow Eldest Miss closely from now on.

Although, the Eldest Miss wasn't a boy. However, in Chiari Group, there was only one successor, Qi Dian. The Chiari Group would definitely protect Qi Dian's life.

"Am I joking with you? It was the only son of the Qian Family who almost killed me. Damn it, she still had a special ability user with him. In a moment, you go over and pinch this bastard to death. As for the kid from Qian Family, just throw him into the pond and feed him to the sharks. " Qi Dian said.

"Eldest Miss. I can promise you all right now if I squash one of their special ability user s to death. If it was only crushing the other two Eggs, I can promise you that right now. However, the moment you opened your mouth, you started feeding the sharks. This was something that he had to inform his boss about. Chiari Group was not afraid of Qian Family, but, if Qian Family got angry, it would also be very troublesome. I can't fool around with you just because I'm your subordinate. After all, you haven't been XXOO, have you? " Qi Tian said.

Qi Tian, was Qi Ren's adopted son. Of course, that was also Qi Ren's bodyguard. And he himself knew. With his identity as an adopted son, it was definitely impossible for him to inherit the Chiari Group. However, he didn't care. If Qi Ren had not adopted him, he would have been a starved to death by now. If not for the fact that Qi Ren helped Qi Tian to read and paid during the later stages of the special ability user training, he would not be where he was today. Twenty years old, that was the true strength of his peak of three stages. This move was definitely one of the elites amongst the elites. However, if the country did not want him, he, himself, was willing to stay by Qi Ren's side to protect Qi Ren.

Qi Tian must be loyal and devoted to the Chiari Group. If Qi Ren had given up his position to Qi Dian, and Qi Dian was messing around … In that case, Qi Tian would definitely stop him. His heart and Qi Family, he was also sincere to Qi Ren. He would care about the eldest young mistress, but he would absolutely not allow the eldest young mistress to cause trouble for him.

"Up to you. "If you like to call my dad, do you think I can stop you?" Qi Dian turned his head away. She knew that as long as he found Qi Tian, he wouldn't be able to hide it. However, this wasn't something that others could deal with either. In the end, it had to be dealt with all at once.

It was like a dead knot. Qi Dian wanted to take revenge, but there was no one by her side. In the end, the one who made the move was definitely Qi Tian. With Qi Tian coming out, this matter would definitely reach the ears of her father, Qi Ren. At that time, he would have more bodyguards by his side. At that time, he would have no freedom at all.

Qi Dian sighed. She could see that the freedom of God and horse was gone from now on. In the future, even if he went to the public restroom, there would probably be two bodyguards squatting nearby to protect him. It was a safe life, but there was no freedom.

Woo, woo, woo

It was the sound of a police car. The sound of the horn directly travelled into Zheng Haotian's ears. At this moment, Zheng Haotian was staring at Xiao Li who was lying on the ground in a daze. The sound of the police car was too sudden. By the time he heard it, the police car was no more than twenty meters away.

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