Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C10 If You Don't Choose Hell Level You will Let down Our Queen Medusa!
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Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C10 If You Don't Choose Hell Level You will Let down Our Queen Medusa!
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C10 If You Don't Choose Hell Level You will Let down Our Queen Medusa!

Choosing anything less than Hell level would be an injustice to our own Medusa!

Just like at the hotel, Shen Lang and Medusa's arrival turned heads, capturing the gaze of young onlookers outside the dungeon.

Despite Medusa's human guise, her true nature as a ten-star Divine Beast-level Queen Medusa couldn't be concealed, her noble and mighty lineage innate.

To her, these Newbie Class adventurers were mere ants, easily extinguished with a mere puff of breath.

Beyond Shen Lang, her devoted master, she had no interest in sparing a second glance for any other human, regardless of gender.

Shen Lang, accustomed to the spotlight, simply chose to disregard it.

Before long, he led Medusa to the altar of the savage beast dungeon.

With the runes aglow, an eerie force brushed over Shen Lang, and a message materialized before him.

Valiant Class, welcome to beginner dungeon number 1314 – the Howling Jungle!

Please select your challenge mode.

Solo mode / Group mode

The choice was obvious. Shen Lang unhesitatingly selected solo mode.

Now, choose your challenge level.

Easy, Normal, Hard, Nightmare, Hell level.

Shen Lang glanced at Medusa, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.

To not choose Hell level would be to fail to honor Medusa, the ten-star Divine Beast-level Queen Medusa!

Any hesitation would be a slight against her dignity!

Medusa could effortlessly dispatch any Class or savage beast wild monster below Level 120!

Even at Hell level, the bosses in this beginner dungeon wouldn't surpass Level 10!

Class selection confirmed: Hell level. Adjusting Howling Jungle data... Adjustment complete!

In ten seconds, you will be transported to the Howling Jungle. Please be ready!

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero!

As the countdown hit zero, a Starburst Array encircled Shen Lang and Medusa, whisking them away from the altar.

Reappearing, Shen Lang found himself in a foreboding jungle, under a sky so dark it threatened to collapse, amidst dense trees and tangled vines.

The landscape was barren and damp, the air heavy with the scent of rotting vegetation, punctuated by the chilling, relentless howls of wolves.

"No wonder they call it the Howling Jungle..."

Shen Lang silently quipped to himself, while Medusa stood watch in front of him, her large amber eyes glinting fiercely.

Clearly, the wolf howls had disturbed her master, leaving Medusa less than pleased.

"Don't worry, Medusa. By the sound of it, there's a savage beast nearby."

Shen Lang reassured Medusa briefly before leading her toward the source of the nearest howls.

As expected, less than a hundred meters away, they came upon a clearing where two grey wolves were playfully howling.

Shen Lang cast a probing glance, and the attributes of the grey wolves were revealed:

Grey Wolf

Level: 9

Strength: 145, Agility: 160, Vitality: 139, Spirit: 16

Both wolves shared identical attributes, with a total four-dimensional attribute score of 460. Aside from their slightly weaker spiritual attribute, their other stats were impressively strong.

This was, of course, in comparison to other Newbie Class members.

Typically, a Newbie Class member, even at Level 5, would have a total four-dimensional attribute score of only around 150, averaging forty to fifty per attribute.

But Classes benefit from equipment and skill bonuses, so one can't solely rely on raw four-dimensional attributes to gauge combat power.

Moreover, most Newbie Class members wouldn't dare to tackle a beginner dungeon solo; they'd usually opt for teamwork.

Not to mention, not everyone is like Shen Lang, bold enough to select the hell level on their first dungeon attempt!

On easier difficulties, the attributes of the savage beasts would be significantly lower.

According to the three-hundred-year global record of beginner dungeons, only a handful of Classes have ever cleared a hell level beginner dungeon.

Especially those who have managed to clear it solo—countable on one hand!

For Shen Lang, the more formidable the savage beast, the better. Stronger beasts yield more experience, accelerating his leveling.

There's even a chance they might drop equipment, as the savage beasts in the beginner dungeon occasionally do.

Shen Lang gave the two grey wolves a cursory look before turning to Medusa, "Your turn, Medusa. Take them down!"

"Alright, my master!"

With a charming smile, Medusa confidently approached the grey wolves.

The two Level 9 Grey Wolves were mere pushovers. The proud Medusa didn't even consider a stealth attack.

It was completely unnecessary!

As Medusa stepped forward, the wolves instantly detected her and fixed their gaze upon her.

Initially, they snarled at Medusa, but terror soon overtook them. They collapsed to the ground, whimpering, tails tucked, bodies quaking in fear.

To these lowly creatures, the bloodline of a Ten-Star Divine Beast was an awe-inspiring presence!

Forget about fighting back; they couldn't even stand!

The sheer pressure of Medusa's Ten-Star Divine Beast bloodline sent the wolves into a panic, and they disintegrated into nothingness.

Without using any skills or making a move, Medusa's bloodline alone vanquished the beasts!

Congratulations, your pet has slain the Grey Wolf. Both you and your pet gain +25 experience points!

Congratulations, your pet has slain the Grey Wolf. Both you and your pet gain +25 experience points!

Before Shen Lang could even process it, he had effortlessly earned 50 experience points.

It was all too easy, too simple!

Medusa turned, her lips curving into a tender smile for Shen Lang.

As if to say, "See how easy that was? Aren't you going to praise me, Master?"

Shen Lang quickly approached, laughing, "Haha, nicely done, my Medusa. Let's go, on to the next hunt!"

"Alright, my master!"

Medusa repeated her endearing phrase, nearly making Shen Lang's heart skip a beat.

They pressed on, scouring the forest, and soon stumbled upon three more wolves.

These were different from the previous pair; larger, with longer fangs and bristling fur like steel spikes.

Giant Forest Wolf

Level: 9

Strength: 153, Agility: 140, Vitality: 180, Spirit: 22

Their four-dimensional attributes were somewhat stronger, but not by much.

This time, Shen Lang remained silent, simply guiding Medusa past the three imposing giant wolves.

Trembling, the three giant wolves dissipated into the ether.

Congratulations, your pet has vanquished the giant wolf. Both you and your pet have each gained +25 experience points!

Congratulations, your pet has vanquished the giant wolf. Both you and your pet have each gained +25 experience points!

Congratulations, your pet has vanquished the giant wolf. Both you and your pet have each gained +25 experience points!

As Shen Lang listened to the notification chime, he was filled with a mix of emotions.

This was hardly a challenge; it felt more like a leisurely sightseeing excursion than a dungeon raid!

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