Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C11 Death Gaze Even the Boss Turned into Ashes!!
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Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C11 Death Gaze Even the Boss Turned into Ashes!!
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C11 Death Gaze Even the Boss Turned into Ashes!!

Before long, Shen Lang and Medusa came across the third group of savage beasts, and there were plenty of them.

Five Airwolves, each with bat-like wings sprouting from their backs, were encountered.


Level: 9

Strength: 150, Agility: 190, Vitality: 140, Spirit: 21

Their attributes were much like the previous Windwolf Wolves, except for their wings that granted them the ability to fly.

As Shen Lang and Medusa passed by, the quintet of Airwolves was darting from tree to tree. The outcome was inevitable. Once they spotted Medusa, they lost the strength to soar among the trees. They plummeted to the ground like dumplings, overwhelmed and crushed to death by the might of the Ten Stars Divine Beast bloodline.

Congratulations, your Pet Slash has vanquished the Airwolves. You and your pet each gain +25 experience points!

That's another 125 experience points in the bag!

Just then, a soft white glow caught Shen Lang's eye, emanating from where one of the Airwolves had perished.

"Could it be a dropped piece of equipment?"

Shen Lang quickly approached and saw that within the pale light lay a piece of white leather armor.

"Equipment drop on the third wave of savage beasts? We're on a lucky streak!"

Shen Lang picked up the leather armor, and his detection skill confirmed the details of the item in his hand.

Evil Wolf Leather Armor (White Normal)

Defense: +50, Spirit: +5, Agility: +10

"It's white!" Shen Lang was mildly taken aback.

Equipment for Classes was categorized by color, indicating different levels: gray (crude), white (normal), green (fine), blue (superior), purple (epic), and orange (legendary).

Shen Lang found it quite surprising that his first piece of equipment was of the white, ordinary variety.

But it made sense when he considered it. After all, he had chosen a dungeon of the highest difficulty, the hell level, so naturally, the rewards would be somewhat more generous.

Shen Lang weighed the leather armor in his hands and thought, "Equip the Evil Wolf Leather Armor!"

For a Class like his, donning or changing equipment was a breeze—no need for manual dressing, a mere thought would suffice for a swift change.

Congratulations, you have now donned the Evil Wolf Leather Armor (White Normal)!

Spirit: 55 + 5, Agility: 22 + 10

Shen Lang was currently at Level 0, but with the boost from the Evil Wolf Leather Armor, his spiritual attribute had soared to 60, and his agility had reached 32.

The additional 50 points of attack from the armor didn't mean much to Shen Lang, though.

As a Beastmaster bonded with a Ten-star Divine beast, it wouldn't make sense for him to charge into battle and clash with savage beasts like a regular warrior, would it?

"Come on, Medusa, let's keep moving!"

Within minutes, Shen Lang and Medusa encountered three more grey wolves and two Airwolves.

The challenge was minimal, and all the beasts swiftly became experience points for the duo.

Shortly after, a pack of grey wolves with spiraling horns came into Shen Lang's view.

"Ten of them!"

Shen Lang's brow creased as he cast a detection skill on the horned wolves.

Horned Wolf

Level: 9

Strength: 165, Agility: 195, Vitality: 159, Spirit: 25

Clearly, these horned wolves were a notch above the rest, with a total four-dimensional attribute score of 540, averaging close to 140.

But what was truly daunting was the number—ten at once!

For any other Class, the odds of taking on ten horned wolves alone would be incredibly slim.

Even with a team, it would be a tough fight!

Shen Lang glanced at Medusa, who simply smiled and teasingly extended her delicate hand toward the pack of horned wolves.

Perhaps finding the situation too dull, Medusa decided to make her move.

Without any grand gestures, she simply clenched her hand, and fiery arrows rained down from the void.

The horned wolves, slightly mightier than the other beasts, were no match for Medusa. They fell prostrate as the fiery arrows descended, incinerating them in moments and transforming them into experience points for the master and servant.

Congratulations, your Beastmaster's Pet Slash has defeated the horned wolves. You and your pet each gain +30 experience points!

Congratulations, you've leveled up!

Your job level has risen from 0 to 1!

Congratulations, your fixed attributes have increased by +10 and have been automatically distributed!

Strength: +1, Agility: +2, Vitality: +2, Spirit: +5

Congratulations, you've gained +10 free attribute points!

"Huh, I leveled up?"

Shen Lang had accumulated enough experience points from defeating ten horned wolves, ten savage beasts, and from his gains at the Beast Pavilion to advance to Level 1.

"What should I allocate my free attribute points to? Hmm, my spiritual attribute is already the strongest, so let's boost that even more!"

After some thought, Shen Lang allocated all ten free attribute points to his spiritual attribute and promptly opened his class panel.

Name: Shen Lang

Class: Beastmaster

Level: 1

Strength: 24, Agility: 34, Vitality: 23, Spirit: 60

He glanced over his stats briefly before closing the panel, eager to capitalize on his momentum and conquer the Howling Jungle.

With Medusa by his side, Shen Lang ventured deeper into the jungle. They encountered no more wolves, but atop a small hill, they came upon an enormous wolf with two spiral horns and a pair of fleshy wings on its back, dwarfing any wolf he had seen before, as large as a mature water buffalo—its spiral horns gleaming gold.

"A boss?"

Shen Lang mused, casting his detection skill. The details of the formidable wolf materialized before him.

Golden Horn Airwolf Chief (BOSS)

Level: 10

Strength: 210, Agility: 250, Vitality: 320, Spirit: 330

True to its title, the boss was significantly more powerful than the ordinary savage beasts encountered earlier.

The Golden Horn Airwolf Chief's four-dimensional attributes totaled over a thousand, with an average of 277.5, nearing the 300 mark.

Just then, the Golden Horn Airwolf Chief, which had been lying down, suddenly rose to its feet, aware of Shen Lang and Medusa's presence. Its gaze, icy and wary, fixed upon them.

Upon seeing Shen Lang, the Chief's expression remained unchanged. But upon noticing Medusa, its fur bristled with alarm.

A Divine beast—and not just any, but a high-star Divine beast!

Despite being a dungeon boss, the Golden Horn Airwolf, a mere Level 10 boss, was still overpowered by the presence of Medusa's Divine beast bloodline.

Shock, fear, and anxiety flickered in the eyes of the Golden Horn Airwolf Chief. But the dungeon's rules were clear: it must eliminate every creature that entered its realm, a directive it couldn't defy, transcending even its instincts.

With a mighty howl, the Golden Horn Airwolf Chief fought back its terror, unfurling its wings and bellowing into the sky. Suddenly, savage wolves emerged from behind the mountain—five from the left, five from the right, ten in total. They were grey wolves, flying wolves, giant wolves, and horned wolves.

Perhaps emboldened by the presence of their boss, the Golden Horn Airwolf, these savage wolves, though still visibly frightened of Medusa, no longer remained paralyzed with fear. Instead, they crouched low, snarling and baring their teeth, ready to pounce.

The Golden Horn Airwolf took to the skies, issuing another cry. A cascade of golden light burst from its horns, bathing the ten savage wolves below. Under this golden shower, their auras intensified, and they surged toward Shen Lang and Medusa with renewed vigor.

Unfazed, Shen Lang crossed his arms and coolly said, "Medusa, it's your turn! This boss is Level SS; let's see what you can do."

"At your command, my master!" Medusa replied, her voice a mix of obedience and readiness. She faced the oncoming wolves, a slight smirk playing at her lips.

Her captivating eyes transformed into swirling vortexes, unleashing a torrent of crimson light. In a heartbeat, the scarlet glow swallowed the golden radiance emitted by the Golden Horn Airwolf Chief.

As the crimson light danced, time and space around them seemed to halt. The ten savage wolves charging from the mountaintop, along with the airborne Golden Horn Airwolf Chief, were all suspended in the eerie light, their bodies petrifying into red stone before their very eyes.

With a blink, Medusa dispelled the crimson light, and normalcy returned to the space around them. The ten stone wolves and the Golden Horn Airwolf boss, now reduced to statues, crashed to the ground, shattering into fragments.

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