Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C14 No More Dragon Blood God of War in the Noswua!
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Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C14 No More Dragon Blood God of War in the Noswua!
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C14 No More Dragon Blood God of War in the Noswua!

In Noswua, all institutions of higher education are officially established by the government and fall directly under the Bureau of State Administration. Conversely, unions are civilian organizations recognized by the government, and they are fundamentally different in nature.

Recruiting for these major guilds is a much tougher task compared to government-backed educational institutions; it's essentially a battle to snatch up talent. As such, on Transfer Day each year, the president of the Mythical Heaven Union personally oversees the recruitment process.

At the Mythical Heaven Union headquarters, President Wang Teng is currently leading a recruitment meeting. The meeting room is filled not only with key personnel from the headquarters but also with virtual projections of managers from other city branches.

With an indifferent sweep of his gaze across the attendees and a commanding tone, Wang Teng inquires, "Transfer Day has been over for three hours. All Job Hoppers nationwide should have completed their transitions by now. I'd like to hear about this year's recruitment results."

One of the executives promptly responds, "President, the branches have performed well in recruitment this year. To date, we've brought in a total of 38,000 new members—over 20,000 in combat occupations and more than 17,000 in supplementary occupations."

"We've secured 972 individuals in hidden occupations. Aside from three who have awakened to B-level talent, all possess talents at Level A or higher."

"The standout is a Level SS talent from Greenleaf's Class School, a rare find even among hidden occupations—the Ghost Swordman!"

Wang Teng's frown deepens at the report, and he questions, "Not a single Level SSS talent?"

The executive replies with a rueful smile, "I apologize, President. We haven't found one yet."

He then adds, "However, President, we're still reaching out to Class Schools across the country. With a bit more time, we might yet have some success."

Wang Teng sighs, reflecting, "Noswua is populous, but we only see three to five Talent Class SSS individuals each year. The higher education institutions are fiercely competitive for these talents, and sometimes even the military steps in to vie for them. Our union is strong, but in this arena, our competitive edge could be sharper."

"It's quite a feat to have a Ghost Swordman with SS-level talent among us. Let's all give it our best shot."

No sooner had Wang Teng's words faded than the global broadcast suddenly blared to life.

Global announcement!

Congratulations to the Noswua's 'Lurker' Class for achieving an SSS-grade rating in the hell-level beginner dungeon! *3

In the meeting room, everyone was momentarily dumbstruck, then exchanged incredulous glances.

"How can this be!"

Wang Teng rose to his feet, his eyes alight with both excitement and disbelief.

It had been a mere three hours since the job transfer, and yet someone had already cleared the beginner dungeon at such a rapid pace – it was unprecedented!

As the guild president, Wang Teng himself was a Talent Class with SSS-level aptitude, having once set the record for clearing the hell-level beginner dungeon at Level 5, and that was in a team setting. This was a stark contrast to the Lurker's solo SSS-grade achievement.

Unless something unforeseen had occurred, this 'Lurker' Class could not possibly be above Level 1!

To clear a Level 1 dungeon with an SSS rating, in solo mode no less, would seem like pure fantasy if not for the global announcement!

Keep in mind, the last professional who achieved an SSS-grade pass in the hell-level beginner dungeon right after transferring was hotly contested by numerous guilds and institutions, eventually being recruited by the military's Battle Corps. That individual has since become an invincible powerhouse, both nationally and internationally known as the Dragon Blood God of War!

Yet, even the Dragon Blood God of War had only managed to clear the hell-level beginner dungeon with an SSS rating at Level 3!

Taking a deep breath, Wang Teng commanded in a resolute tone, "Find him! All branches nationwide, I want him found!"

"Anyone who provides valid information on the Lurker will be rewarded with a piece of blue elite equipment!"

"Find the Lurker, and you'll be rewarded with a piece of purple epic equipment!"

"And whoever manages to recruit him into our guild will receive a piece of dark gold legendary equipment. Plus, they can choose any branch leader position in the country!"

Upon hearing these rewards, the members' eyes ignited with fervor.

While they might not be swayed by blue or purple equipment, the dark gold legendary gear remained a highly coveted prize!

Someone spoke up, "Guild Leader, what terms will we offer if we find him?"

Wang Teng's gaze sharpened as he pondered the question. "A person of his caliber will inevitably be coveted by all factions, including those from abroad. We can't stand by and watch him become another invincible Dragon Blood God of War. If we find him, tell him..."

"He will be the first vice president of our Mythical Heaven if he joins us, second only to me in rank!"

"Once he reaches Ten Stars, Mythical Heaven will be his!"

"Furthermore, as long as he's with Mythical Heaven, I will personally ensure his safety until he reaches Eight Stars!"

These offers sent shockwaves through the crowd, yet no one challenged them, for Wang Teng had single-handedly established Mythical Heaven.

Was a mere record of conquering the Hell level beginner dungeon at Level SSS enough to justify Wang Teng handing over Mythical Heaven?

Absolutely, it was worth it!

A future Invincible One could solidify Mythical Heaven's position as the preeminent guild in Noswua, granting it unparalleled influence.

This scenario was unfolding across the country's institutions of higher education and unions.

Internationally, the waters were just as turbulent.

In Zasmos's Thousand Generation City, within the council chambers:

"Eight Teeth Road, this is impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Find this 'Lurker' individual. I want news of his demise within three days!"

"No, make it one day. You have just one day!"

In Uclijan, at the Miular National Congress:

"Ah, how could such a prodigy emerge in Noswua? Only Uclijan could possess such a lineage!"

"We must ensure our spies in Noswua bring the Lurker back to acknowledge his roots!"

In Zacliubar, at the Federation Cabinet Secretariat:

"Hmph, what good is passing a Level SSS dungeon?"

"Our Zacliubar's population has already surpassed Noswua's. We are the strongest nation in the world!"

"Issue a Cabinet decree: this year, all Newbie Class must drink ten liters of Esteria water and undergo a ten-day cow dung and urine bath!"

Across the vast ocean, in Skeybar's Elysium Citadel, the story was much the same.

"Noswua has produced another SSS-level Class who's cleared a hell-level beginner dungeon?"

"Indeed, Noswua remains the greatest barrier to our Elysium Citadel's global domination!"

"Deploy S.H.I.E.L.D.'s professional agents. Instruct them to locate and eliminate this Lurker, whatever the cost!"

"We cannot allow the rise of another Dragon Blood God of War in Noswua!"

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