Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C15 If I Want to be a Nanny Then Forget It!!
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Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C15 If I Want to be a Nanny Then Forget It!!
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C15 If I Want to be a Nanny Then Forget It!!

In Noswua, within the Imperial City, the Old Sovereign sat in his office. At over seventy years old, he was clad in a traditional Zhongshan suit, leaning back in his chair, his hands massaging his temples.

Knock, knock, knock!

The sound of knocking prompted the Old Sovereign to straighten up, his weary expression vanishing as he called out with vigor, "Wang, come in."

The door swung open, and a middle-aged man, also dressed in a Zhongshan suit, stepped inside.


Once inside, the man stood erect and announced, "I've compiled this year's information on the new Job Hoppers. Please, Your Excellency, have a look."

He pressed a button on a remote control, and a virtual screen materialized before them, displaying detailed data and charts of Noswua's newest Job Hoppers.

The Old Sovereign skimmed the data and beamed, "Impressive. We have one more Newbie Class with Level SSS talent than last year. Both combat and supplementary occupations have seen a 3% increase. These individuals represent the future of Noswua!"

"Indeed, this year's outlook is more promising," the middle-aged man agreed with a smile.

The Old Sovereign nodded, then added, "Wang, as the newly appointed head of the Class Department, you must be diligent. Each professional has embarked on an extraordinary path. As the ancient saying goes, 'heroes must be cautious in wielding their power.' We must focus on management. And scholarships must not be neglected. Any corruption must be rooted out and dealt with severely. We must ensure that scholarships truly benefit those with potential."

"With Noswua's vast population and myriad challenges, fostering a strong sense of national and ethnic belonging among the Classes is our only strategy."

"Perhaps 'strategy' isn't the ideal term, but at the macro level, it's all we can do," the Old Sovereign mused.

The middle-aged man responded with gravity, "Rest assured, Your Excellency, I will ensure that our potential Classes are well cared for and not slighted."

It was then that the global announcement of Shen Lang's completion of the beginner dungeon reached their ears.

Congratulations to the 'Lurker' Class of Noswua for achieving an SSS grade in the hell-level beginner dungeon! *3

The Old Sovereign paused briefly, then his face broke into a smile as he exclaimed, "Excellent! Excellent! Excellent!"

While his reaction wasn't as overtly enthusiastic as others might have been, the repetition of praise clearly conveyed his joy.

But soon after, the Old Sovereign's smile faded, replaced by a glint of wisdom in his eyes as he spoke with a sly grin.

"Wang, looks like you've got your work cut out for you again."

The middle-aged man, jolted from his astonishment by these words, mulled over the Old Sovereign's statement and quickly grasped its meaning.

After a moment's reflection, he responded with gravity, "I'll get on it immediately!"

"Good, go ahead. It's the perfect opportunity to clear out some riffraff from within our borders," the Old Sovereign said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

The middle-aged man acknowledged with a knowing smile, then turned and left the office, carefully closing the door behind him.

The Old Sovereign sat in silence at his desk for a short while before reopening the data. He quickly located the list of individuals who had awakened to a Level SSS Talent Class—there were only three.

Hong Qing, 18 years and nine months, Combat Class, Ice Mage...

Duan Zijing, 18 years and five months, Hidden Class, Storm Knight...

Shen Lang, 18 years and three months, Hidden Class, Beastmaster...

"Which one of you could it be?"

Tapping his finger on the desk, the Old Sovereign mused aloud, "Clever enough to use a code name; not some hot-headed youth. You're sharper than that other lad. But you underestimate our Noswua. Here, no one can harm you—no one."

With that, he secured the personal information of these SSS Talent Class individuals.

Yet, that alone was insufficient.

More preparations were necessary, both for Governor Wang's plans and for the nurturing of these Potential Classes.

To that end, the Old Sovereign retrieved his personal Communicator and initiated a projection call to a contact saved as 'Little Rascal.'

Meanwhile, in a dangerous SSS-level secret realm to the northeast of Noswua...

Across the boundless expanse of the desert, a golden dragon's ethereal form soared through the sky, carrying a stoic man within its shimmering outline.

He appeared to be in his thirties, with eyes fierce as a tiger's and a square, chiseled face that exuded an innate authority without a hint of anger.

A pride of two-headed griffins stood in his way, their roars echoing in a futile challenge.

With a mere gesture, the man summoned a gleaming broadsword into his grip, readying it with a firm two-handed hold.

"Pathetic creatures, thinking you can block me? Perish!"

His voice was a calm command as he swung the broadsword, cleaving through the air toward the two-headed griffins.

A resonant dragon's cry filled the air as the blade's arc transformed into a golden dragon, rampaging through the griffins with ruthless precision.

In mere moments, over a dozen Level 300 griffins were reduced to mere shreds, plummeting from the skies.

Unmoved, the man sheathed his broadsword and descended from the heavens with divine composure. His landing sent shockwaves through the neighboring desert, hurling stones skyward and fracturing the earth with thunderous cracks.

Biu~ Biu~ Biu~

Just then, the man's specialized communicator buzzed insistently.

This device was a direct line, exclusive to a select few in all of Noswua who could reach him.

"I should've known they'd come to me," he muttered, annoyance tugging at his lips. He pressed a button on his waist, activating the communicator.

Instantly, the Old Sovereign's holographic image materialized before him.

Before the Old Sovereign could utter a word, the man preempted, "Let's get one thing straight—if you're here to make me play babysitter, you can forget it."

The news of Shen Lang's SSS-level triumph in the hellish beginner dungeon had reached the man's ears, making the Old Sovereign's intentions transparent.

Seeing the man's reaction, the Old Sovereign chuckled and rebuked, "You scamp, can't you muster a 'grandfather' in my presence?"

"Come on, I'm thirty-three years old, and you're still calling me a scamp!" the man retorted, his face a picture of exasperation. "If word gets out, what will become of my reputation as the Dragon Blood God of War? Where's my dignity then?"

This stoic individual was none other than the previous Class SSS professional who had conquered the hell-level beginner dungeon. He was also the renowned Dragon Blood God of War, celebrated throughout Noswua. His name was Choo Zhenhua, and he was the Old Sovereign's grandson, a fact unknown to many.

"Enough with the pleasantries, our very own Dragon Blood God of War is here for serious matters!" The Old Sovereign commanded with a stern tone, "Return at once."

"What urgent matter could it possibly be? It's about that kid who's been the talk of the globe, isn't it? Fine, I'll concede that the youngster is impressive; he accomplished what I couldn't in my time. But if you're suggesting I go back to wait on him, you might as well send me off to Skeybar instead!"

Choo Zhenhua flatly refused, "Why not dispatch those idle veterans from the Battle Corps? They're not doing anything, and I'm swamped."

The Old Sovereign replied with a hint of exasperation, "You're not being asked to be his bodyguard!"

Puzzled, Choo Zhenhua inquired, "Then what's the reason for going back?"

The Old Sovereign gave Choo Zhenhua a meaningful look and spoke deliberately, "Have you forgotten what transpired after you achieved an SSS grade in the hell-level beginner dungeon?"

At those words, Choo Zhenhua's eyebrows shot up, and a fierce glint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

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