Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C16 Satan! Anthony! Daemonlord!!
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Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C16 Satan! Anthony! Daemonlord!!
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C16 Satan! Anthony! Daemonlord!!

Fifteen years ago, Choo Zhenhua, much like Shen Lang today, conquered the hell-level beginner dungeon in his city with an SSS rating.

Although he was only Level 3 when he cleared the Level SSS Hell beginner dungeon, the global announcement still sent shockwaves around the world.

Like Shen Lang, Choo Zhenhua had opted to use a codename when reporting his achievement to avoid any mishaps.

However, the anonymity afforded by the codename was short-lived; within a day, his true identity was revealed.

It's often said that no matter how deeply hidden, a person of excellence will inevitably shine through the cracks.

With millions around the globe, there are always those prodigious few who can trace the faintest hints of light back to its source.

Without question, Choo Zhenhua became the target of an international assassination attempt!

It's important to note that Choo Zhenhua was the biological grandson of the Old Sovereign. Despite the lack of overt protection, powerful guardians shielded him from the shadows.

Regrettably, the foreign powers spared no expense in their efforts to eliminate him, deploying numerous skilled operatives into the country.

The battle that ensued is one Choo Zhenhua could never erase from memory. Noswua suffered the loss of several ten-star professionals and tens of thousands of civilians in the fight to protect him.

The destruction was catastrophic, with over half the city in ruins and rivers of blood in the streets.

In theory, such extensive loss of life should not have occurred within Noswua's borders, where the strong dragon does not yield to the local snake, and where Noswua's stronghold stands.

Yet, no one could have anticipated that Skeybar would dispatch a nation-level ten-star superpower to take down a mere Level 3 professional.

Anthony Kurios, Skeybar's premier powerhouse!

A hidden occupation Devil Summoner, he had the power to call forth fallen angels and had been a renowned figure for years, serving as a Level 10 agent for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Thus, Anthony earned the moniker "Satan," symbolizing his status as the Daemonlord, the sovereign of hell.

It was Anthony's aggressive campaign that led to the devastating losses among Noswua's professionals, nearly costing Choo Zhenhua his life at Level 3.

Thankfully, the elite forces of Noswua's Battle Corps rallied, managing to repel Anthony and ultimately saving Choo Zhenhua.

After the incident, the Old Sovereign was both shocked and furious. His own grandson had nearly been killed, and it happened within their own borders!

In response, the entire nation of Noswua initiated a year-long, bloody internal purge.

The ease with which foreign experts infiltrated Noswua was due to the abundance of traitors within, who provided cover and intelligence.

Among them were high-level experts who betrayed their country.

Throughout that year, television and internet live streams frequently showed officials executing foreign spies and domestic traitors.

Heads rolled, striking terror in the hearts of viewers worldwide.

Yet for Choo Zhenhua, this held no significance. He chose not to remain in hiding, opting instead to join the military.

His relentless advancement and ferocious combat earned him the moniker Dragon Blood God of War!

Over the past decade, Choo Zhenhua had slain an untold number of foreign operatives.

But the one he yearned to kill most was Anthony Kurios!

Regrettably, Anthony had been the head of Skeybar's S.H.I.E.L.D. for years and seldom made public appearances.

Even when Choo Zhenhua brazenly provoked Anthony on Skeybar's soil, Anthony refrained from engaging. This left Choo Zhenhua deeply disappointed. No matter his strength, storming into S.H.I.E.L.D. was as foolhardy as Anthony's own reluctance to confront the Battle Corps—a death wish.

With these thoughts, Choo Zhenhua's resolve to kill only intensified. He inquired of the Old Sovereign with a grave tone, "Satan, will he come?"

"It's unlikely, but his people will certainly make an appearance," the Old Sovereign surmised.

Choo Zhenhua felt a twinge of regret at the response, yet the murderous intent in his eyes remained undiminished. He pressed on, "What about that young one's identity? Which city is he from? I'll head there and wait."

"We don't have that information yet, but it won't be long now. You'll be informed upon your return," replied the Old Sovereign.

Choo Zhenhua nodded, "Alright, understood. I'll make a quick trip back to Evermore then. Give me half an hour."

After his declaration, Choo Zhenhua abruptly severed the communication with his grandfather, his eyes brimming with boundless murderous intent.

"Satan, don't bother sending any small fry my way, or you'll truly disappoint me!"

"It would be even better if you showed up yourself!"

With a snort of contempt, Choo Zhenhua soared into the sky, no longer concerned with conquering the Level SSS secret realm. He promptly exited the dungeon and made his way back to Evermore.

Meanwhile, in Southvale's Savage Beast Dungeon, Shen Lang had once again stepped into the Howling Jungle instance. He was well aware that his record-breaking run would send shockwaves around the world, yet he hadn't anticipated catching the attention of the Old Sovereign, nor stirring Choo Zhenhua, the Dragon Blood God of War and the Battle Corps' mightiest warrior.

Unexpectedly, while the Old Sovereign had given orders to protect him, he had also initiated a bold and overt hunt targeting external forces.

It was a daring strategy, an open challenge.

Noswua has birthed a once-in-a-lifetime prodigy. If you dare, come and try to take him down!

But be warned, if you dare to come, be prepared to never leave Noswua's lands!

Re-entering the Howling Jungle, Shen Lang was already familiar with the locations of all the savage beasts, which made his task significantly easier.

"Let's get to work, Medusa. Let's make it quick this time," he said, turning to Medusa. There was no point in dawdling, with five minutes to spare after eliminating all the wild monsters.

Medusa glanced at Shen Lang and responded, "Master, this dungeon is quite small. I've tested it, and I can detect every savage wolf within. If you wish for speed, Master, I could potentially eliminate them all right here."

"Take them all out right here?" Shen Lang asked, his surprise mirroring in his gaze with Medusa.

She nodded affirmatively, "Yes, Master, it's possible."

Shen Lang's mind raced back to the theoretical knowledge he had about beginner dungeons. Typically, their diameter wouldn't stretch beyond two kilometers, with the largest ones capping at three kilometers. It seemed the Howling Jungle's span in Southvale was even less than two kilometers.

As a Ten-star Divine Beast, it wasn't surprising that Medusa could encompass a dungeon barely two kilometers across with her abilities.

"Alright, let's give it a shot!" Shen Lang promptly agreed.

"Very well, my master," Medusa responded with a smile, her voice gentle. In a flash, she materialized midair.

Her serpentine tail curled beneath her, while her snakelike hair billowed around her.

In the blink of an eye, a boundless red glow radiated from Medusa, transforming her into a radiant sun.

Hundreds of meters away, two unsuspecting grey wolves were engulfed in a mysterious deep blue flame that burned from the inside out, reducing them to ash without so much as a whimper.

The same fate befell the Airwolf and the giant wolf in the vicinity, each spontaneously combusting in the same manner.

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