Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C17 The Fastest Record in History!!
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Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C17 The Fastest Record in History!!
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C17 The Fastest Record in History!!

Congratulations, your pet has vanquished the Grey Wolf, earning both you and your pet 25 experience points each!

Congratulations, your pet has vanquished a Giant Wolf, with both you and your pet gaining 25 experience points!

Congratulations, your pet has vanquished the Airwolf, rewarding both you and your pet with 25 experience points!

Congratulations, your pet has vanquished the Horned Wolf, netting both you and your pet 30 experience points each!

Congratulations, your pet has defeated the Howling Jungle boss, the Golden Horn Airwolf, granting both you and your pet a whopping 100 experience points!

Congratulations on conquering the Howling Jungle solo challenge mode!

Friendly Reminder: You have five minutes to collect your loot. After five minutes, you will be automatically exited from the Howling Jungle instance dungeon. Upon exiting, your performance will be assessed, and you will receive an appropriate evaluation and rewards.

The notifications continued to chime until the instance dungeon was confirmed as cleared.

Shen Lang blinked in surprise. He hadn't even been ready, yet Medusa had already taken down all the savage wolves?

At that moment, Medusa gracefully descended from midair, back to her normal state, and inquired, "Have all the savage wolves here been eliminated, Master?"

As a pet, Medusa naturally didn't receive notifications like Shen Lang, which is why she sought confirmation.

"Yes, all of them have been slain, including the dungeon boss!"

Shen Lang was visibly thrilled, giving Medusa a thumbs up and exclaiming, "Incredible, my Medusa!"

To wipe out all the monsters in the dungeon with a single move was nothing short of impressive.

Barring any surprises, this might just be the fastest clear in the history of Howling Jungle!

Shen Lang had also been informed that Medusa's deployed skill was Myriad Fires Devour Hearts, a powerful area-of-effect group injury skill.

If one's defenses were insufficient against the heartfire, they would be consumed by it and perish!

The feeble Savage Wolves of the Howling Jungle stood no chance against the attack of a ten-star Divine Beast, and were eradicated in an instant.

"I'm glad I could assist you, Master," Medusa said with a slight smile.

Yet, Shen Lang could tell from Medusa's somewhat subdued expression that using such a potent area-of-effect skill had taken a significant toll on her.

Shen Lang glanced at Medusa, noting her mana was critically low after the excessive use.

It made sense; an ultimate skill like that would naturally require a substantial amount of mana to execute.

Despite gaining access to this powerful skill through Shen Lang's Bloodline Reversion, Medusa was, after all, only Level 5.

The amount of mana a Level 5 could muster to sustain a group injury skill like Myriad Fires Devour Hearts was already impressive.

Regrettably, Shen Lang possessed only the Healing skill, lacking the ability to restore mana, leaving him unable to assist Medusa in quickly replenishing her reserves.

"Health points and stamina aren't a concern, but mana is a serious issue!"

"I'm hoping to come across a skill book for mana restoration or perhaps find some gear that can do the trick!"

After a brief contemplation, Shen Lang refocused on the task at hand. Previous dungeons had yielded loot, and he was certain this one would be no different.

Together with Medusa, he began scouring the area where the Savage Wolf had fallen.

True to form, the Howling Jungle instance dropped three items: two ordinary whites and one exceptional green.

Evil Wolf Leather Armor (Ordinary White)

Defense +50, Spirit +5, Agility +10

Wolf Bone Scepter (Ordinary White)

Magic Attack +50, Spirit +10, Agility +5

Both items were standard drops from the savage wolves: one Evil Wolf Leather Armor and one Wolf Bone Scepter.

Shen Lang, already clad in the Evil Wolf Leather Armor, found it of limited use, and the same went for the newly acquired Wolf Bone Scepter.

Wolf King Cape (Excellent Green)

Defense +80, Spirit +15, Agility +15

Clearly, this cape was a boss drop. A pity it wasn't a superior blue but still a noteworthy green.

Nonetheless, compared to the Hungry Wolf's Leather Armor, the Wolf King Cape was superior in strength and style.

"Equip the Wolf King Cape!" Shen Lang didn't hesitate to swap out the Hungry Wolf's Leather Armor.

In a flash, his old armor was stowed in his backpack, replaced by a sleek grey mage's robe.

With the switch, the attributes from the old leather armor were lost, but the Wolf King Cape ensured Shen Lang's four-dimensional attributes only increased, never decreased.

Strength: 24, Agility: 24+15, Vitality: 23+15, Spirit: 55+30

Shen Lang glanced at his experience once more. The progress bar was now at 87%, signaling that he was close to leveling up.

Medusa had earned an equal amount of experience, but her leveling requirements were higher. After completing two dungeons, her experience bar was only at 31%.

Shortly thereafter, the five-minute mark hit, and the dungeon completion alert chimed in.

Your dungeon run has been evaluated!

Following a thorough review, your performance in the Howling Jungle dungeon has been awarded an SSS rank!

Congratulations, you've received a Diamond-level treasure chest +1, which has been automatically added to your inventory!

Note: Treasure chests of Platinum level or higher can only be claimed once per beginner dungeon.

Your dungeon completion record will be preserved on the player's battle record display, continuing under the same alias as your previous run.

You will now be exiting the Howling Jungle!

As before, Shen Lang effortlessly secured an SSS rank evaluation.

This time, however, there were a couple of differences. He received a Diamond-level, rather than a Sovereign-level treasure chest. The notification was clear: each beginner dungeon grants only one treasure chest of Platinum level or higher. That means next time, even with an SSS rank, he would only be eligible for a Platinum-level chest.

It's a sensible policy; otherwise, Shen Lang could endlessly farm for a multitude of supreme treasure chests.

No big deal, as there are still two beginner dungeons left in Southvale City. At the very least, Shen Lang could snag two more Sovereign-level chests!

The idea of hopping to other cities to endlessly farm chests is far-fetched, considering beginner dungeons are only accessible to those below Level 5.

And Shen Lang wouldn't stay below Level 5 just for the sake of supreme chests.

Besides, it's a moot point. With each dungeon run, Shen Lang gains tangible experience, which he can't simply ignore.

Another notable change: there was no global broadcast this time!

Having already achieved an SSS rank, it's proof enough of Shen Lang's prowess. A repeat performance at SSS rank no longer warrants a broadcast.

Shen Lang flashed a wry smile and, alongside Medusa, vanished into the depths of the Howling Jungle dungeon.

Given the regulations governing these beginner dungeons, Shen Lang had to revise his initial strategy.

He had intended to grind the Howling Jungle—a savage beast dungeon—for an extended period, which explained his decision to check into a nearby hotel.

But the presence of a Sovereign level treasure chest was too tempting to ignore!

With that in mind, Shen Lang resolved to run through the Howling Jungle once more. After securing the platinum treasure chest, he planned to move on to the next beginner dungeon in Southvale City.

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