Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C18 The Three Big Treasure Boxes Were Opened!
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Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C18 The Three Big Treasure Boxes Were Opened!
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C18 The Three Big Treasure Boxes Were Opened!

After exiting the dungeon, Shen Lang and Medusa wasted no time and dove straight back into the Howling Jungle. Medusa, having nearly depleted her magic with her group injury ultimate move during their last run, opted not to use it this time. Nevertheless, they breezed through the dungeon with ease.

Against the might of the Ten Stars Divine Beast bloodline, the wild monsters in the beginner dungeon were mere fodder, effortlessly crushed underfoot. On his third completion of the Howling Jungle, Shen Lang finally secured the coveted platinum treasure box reward.

With that, the savage beast dungeon lost its allure for Shen Lang. There was no longer any point in going after lower-tier gold or silver treasure boxes—it would only squander his chances to clear other beginner dungeons.

If Shen Lang hadn't reached Level 5 after snagging the top three treasure boxes from the beginner dungeons, and if it proved inconvenient to farm boxes in other cities, he might reluctantly consider taking the lesser rewards. After all, if there's nothing better to be had, why not claim them?

To keep a low profile, Shen Lang switched back into his regular clothes and, with Medusa in tow, left the Savage Beast Dungeon to check out of their hotel. The remaining two beginner dungeons were a good 40 kilometers away; there was no sense in rushing back.

Soon enough, Shen Lang and Medusa hopped into a cab, heading for the nearest beginner dungeon to the west of the city—an Undead Dungeon.

During the ride, Shen Lang seized the opportunity to peruse his backpack, his gaze landing on the three treasure boxes: one Platinum, one Diamond, and one Sovereign level. These represented the pinnacle of treasure box tiers, but that didn't necessarily mean their contents were unbeatable.

Each of the three boxes in his backpack was marked with the words "one star" in the upper right corner, indicating that they were all one-star treasure boxes—supreme for anyone Level 30 or below. This was a sensible system, easily understood.

After all, what good would a Ten Stars Sovereign level treasure box do for a novice? If it contained legendary equipment suitable only for those Level 300 or higher, it would be of no practical use. Without the ability to utilize such a reward, it was essentially worthless.

By the time you grind your way up to Level 300, your gear will be covered in dust, or you might even be pushing up daisies!

Shen Lang didn't overthink it and immediately went for the lowest-level Platinum treasure box.

Upon opening the Platinum treasure box, congratulations were in order—he'd snagged the Thorny Armor!

Thorny Armor (Red Perfect)

Defense +250, Vitality +15, Strength +14, Physical Defense +1.5%

Required Constitution: 80

Previous loot came with no strings attached, but the Thorny Armor demanded a Constitution of 50 to don.

Beyond the flat defense boost, it also offered a percentage increase!

It's clear why this is top-tier red equipment—it significantly ramps up a Class's combat power.

Sadly, it's of no use to Shen Lang, a Beastmaster.

And Medusa? Totally out of the question!

Sure, Shen Lang can't make use of it, but that doesn't mean other Classes wouldn't kill for it.

For frontline Classes like Knights and Warriors, the Thorny Armor is practically divine gear for newbies.

A novice Warrior Class wearing it would be untouchable by peers of the same level!

"Selling it for a cool million or two shouldn't be an issue, right?"

Tossing the Thorny Armor into his backpack, Shen Lang's gaze shifted to the Diamond-level one-star treasure box, which he promptly decided to open.

The Diamond-level treasure box yielded a prize: the Hellfire Bracelet!

Hellfire Bracelet (Purple Epic)

Spirit +20, Agility +25, Mana Recovery +3%, Fire Attribute Skill Attack Damage +0.5%

Requirement: 110 Spirit

"Wow, this bracelet packs a punch!"

"It's not just about mana recovery—it boosts skill damage too!"

"I was just looking for gear to replenish Medusa's mana, and voilà!"

"Plus, Medusa's a Fire Attribute Divine Beast, making this a perfect fit!"

"Her spiritual attribute points have long broken the thousand mark—she's more than qualified to wear this!"

Tailor-made for Medusa, the Hellfire Bracelet may be a mere one-star epic item.

But let's not forget, Medusa is only Level 5!

The boost from the Hellfire Bracelet might not look like much, but with Medusa in her Ten-Star Divine Beast form, it's a different story.

Her mana regeneration and attack damage are already on par with a Level 100 Class professional. So even a 0.1% increase is significant.

What's more, the Hellfire Bracelet boosts her mana recovery by a solid 3%, perfectly addressing Medusa's mana shortage!

But a taxi isn't the best place to equip it. We can wait until we reach the next dungeon.

With that in mind, Shen Lang stowed the Hellfire Bracelet and moved on to the next treasure chest, the last one and of Sovereign level, no less!

Opening the Sovereign level chest was a success. Congratulations, you've scored the Wolf Soul Pendant!

Wolf Soul Pendant (Dark Gold Legendary)

+25 Spirit, +25 Agility, +5% Mana Recovery, +5% Stamina Recovery

Requirement: 140 Spirit

"Dark Gold Legendary gear really lives up to its name, enhancing every four-dimensional attribute!"

"It's clearly superior to average two-star gear. It's at least on par with green excellent, maybe even rivaling two-star blue superior!"

"But my spiritual attribute is a mere 85. Looks like I can't wear it yet."

"Medusa could, though the pendant lacks the attack boost she gets from the bracelet, which is ideal for her."

No choice but to pocket the pendant for now, Shen Lang thought, until his spiritual attribute improved—which shouldn't take too long.

Today being Transfer Day, the roads were jammed. It took them a good half hour, but Shen Lang and company finally made it to the beginner dungeon on the city's west side.

This dungeon was teeming with the undead—zombies, skeletons, and other ghastly creatures.

Much like the Howling Jungle, the Undead Dungeon was swarming with adventurers, their calls to form teams echoing nonstop.

In the queue, Shen Lang overheard some chatter about conquering the dungeon at Level SSS.

Naturally, the striking pair turned heads, drawing countless gazes, though no one dared to get too close.

Before long, Shen Lang and Medusa reached the dungeon's altar and boldly stepped through.

Welcome, esteemed Class, to Beginner Dungeon Number 3567—the Blood Tomb!

Select your challenge mode:

Solo Mode / Team Mode

Now, choose your difficulty level:

Easy / Normal / Hard / Nightmare / Hell

The choice was clear—Solo Mode at Hell difficulty, let's go.

The Class opted for Hell difficulty, and the system is now calibrating the Blood Tomb settings. Calibration successful!

In ten seconds, you'll be transported to the Blood Tomb. Get ready!

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero...

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