Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C19 The Skill Book Was Dropped and Queen Medusa Leveled Up!
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Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C19 The Skill Book Was Dropped and Queen Medusa Leveled Up!
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C19 The Skill Book Was Dropped and Queen Medusa Leveled Up!

The scene shifted, revealing to Shen Lang a decrepit structure, its walls crumbling into ruin.

Upon closer inspection, one could discern a graveyard surrounding the building, its tombs desecrated and left in disarray for reasons unknown.

Peering through the gloom, the building's interior was a labyrinth of cobwebs, the intermittent chirping of insects adding to the ominous atmosphere.

Shen Lang's heart skipped a beat when he turned to see a pulsating green will-o'-the-wisp. It wasn't that he was faint-hearted; the apparition had simply caught him off guard.

Medusa, sensing Shen Lang's startled reaction, cast a glance that extinguished the ghostly flames in an instant.

"Master, are you alright?" Medusa inquired with gentle concern.

"I'm fine," Shen Lang reassured her, then remembered, "Oh, I have something for you."

He retrieved the Hellfire Bracelet from his backpack and presented it to Medusa.

Her eyes sparkled at the sight of the intricately carved red bracelet. Hesitantly, she asked, "Master, is this for me?"

"Yes, it's yours. Take it; it should enhance your powers," Shen Lang said with a smile.

With a flick of her tail, Medusa accepted the bracelet and slipped it onto her wrist, playfully flaunting it before Shen Lang.

"Master, does it look nice?"

"It looks great," Shen Lang affirmed, admiring how the fiery red bracelet accentuated Medusa's otherworldly charm.

"Thank you, Master!" Medusa's eyes softened with gratitude.

Feeling a sudden heat in his chest, Shen Lang cleared his throat and redirected the focus. "Ahem, Medusa, that's a piece of gear. Get used to it; we've got a dungeon to tackle."

"Of course, Master," Medusa responded with a nod.

Just then, a clattering noise arose nearby. Both man and creature turned their attention to the source.

Beneath a shattered limb, the ground split open, and two skeletal heads emerged, quickly followed by the rest of their bony frames.

Two skeletons clawed their way out of the earth and charged at Shen Lang and his companions with alarming speed.

White Bone Skeleton

Level: 9

Strength: 143, Agility: 169, Vitality: 109, Spirit: 15

Statistically, these skeletons were on par with the Grey Wolves in the savage beast dungeon.

It was clear that the difficulty level across beginner dungeons was fairly consistent.

Medusa didn't wait for Shen Lang's command; she fixed a cold gaze on the two oncoming white bone skeletons.

The skeletons closed the distance rapidly, but to Medusa, they might as well have been ants.

A pair of red lights streaked from her fingertips, swooping into the embrace of the white bone skeletons.

Moments later, the red lights burst into flames, engulfing the skeletons. They continued to run even as they crumbled to dust within the fiery blaze.

[Congratulations, your pet has slain the skeleton. You and your pet each gain +25 experience points!]

[Congratulations, your pet has slain the skeleton. You and your pet each gain +25 experience points!]

The experience gain was similar to that from the Howling Jungle, netting a total of 50 points for the two skeletons.

Shen Lang remained unfazed by the gain.

For Medusa to take action and incinerate them was an immense privilege for the white bone skeletons.

"Let's keep moving. We'll aim for that Level SSS rating first!" Shen Lang declared.

His underlying message was clear: they needed to pick up the pace to meet one of the key criteria for the Level SSS rating.

"Understood, my master!"

Without further ado, Medusa's formidable psychic power revealed all the secrets of the Undead Dungeon to her.

She had unleashed her ultimate skill in the Howling Jungle, and the Blood Cemetery would be no different.

Soon after, under Medusa's lead, they encountered three aimlessly wandering zombies and two white bone skeletons in the cemetery.

These zombies even possessed rudimentary skills, spewing spectral arrow flames from their decaying mouths.

Hungry Zombies

Level: 9

Strength: 153, Agility: 165, Vitality: 119, Spirit: 14

Without a word, Medusa stamped her foot, and the three zombies along with the two skeletons shattered instantly.

Congratulations, your pet has vanquished the Skeleton, earning both you and your pet an additional 25 experience points each!

Congratulations again, as your pet has defeated the ravenous zombie, rewarding both of you with another 25 experience points apiece!

Together, the duo amassed experience points and promptly proceeded deeper into the mausoleum.

Yet, in the aftermath of the zombie's demise, a glimmer of light emerged where it had crumbled, revealing an item lying silently on the ground.

"Huh, did it drop something?"

Shen Lang's face brightened with excitement. He strode over and discovered it was a skill book, its cover a muted gray-white.

He cast Basic Detection, and the skill book's details instantly appeared before him.

Skill Book: Fire Arrow

This spell consumes mana to unleash a fiery arrow, inflicting fire-based magical damage.

Prerequisite: Fire Mage

Shen Lang considered the skill book. Medusa was of the Fire Mage type, but as she only possessed Bio Booster Armor and wasn't a true player, she couldn't learn the skill.

Moreover, even if she could absorb the knowledge from the skill book, why would Medusa, a ten-star savage beast, bother with such a trivial skill?

"I have no use for it either, but it could fetch a tidy sum—not cheap at all!"

Skill books are one-time use items, disappearing after use, making them highly sought after by both individuals and professional classes.

Particularly skill books that match specific requirements can sometimes command astronomical prices!

Currently, as newbie professionals have just completed their class transitions, skill books are a scarce resource, in high demand and short supply.

Having secured the skill book, Shen Lang and Medusa resumed their experience harvesting.

The skeletons and zombies had evolved into two new variants, offering a slight increase in experience, but it was hardly a challenge.

After reaping the experience from eleven skeletons and nine zombies, they finally encountered the dungeon's boss.

However, the so-called dungeon boss was no match for Medusa; she dispatched it as effortlessly as any common monster, reducing it to mere debris with a single blow.

Congratulations, your pet has slain the Skeleton Mage, granting you and your pet a whopping 100 experience points each!

Congratulations, you've successfully completed the solo challenge mode of the Blood Cemetery!

The dungeon's clearance assessment is now underway. Please hold on for just a moment...

Shen Lang was far from worried; with their rapid dungeon-clearing pace, achieving a Level SSS clearance rating seemed all but guaranteed.

To Shen Lang's surprise, the system notification sounded incessantly.

"Congratulations, Beastmaster, your Queen Medusa has ascended to Level 6, with a fixed attribute point increase of +100!"

Shen Lang blinked in astonishment. Had Medusa just leveled up?

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