Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C2 There Was Only One Word to Describe It I Am the Strongest!!
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Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C2 There Was Only One Word to Describe It I Am the Strongest!!
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C2 There Was Only One Word to Describe It I Am the Strongest!!

Shen Lang was initially baffled when he discovered his awakening as a Beastmaster, a hidden occupation. He had simply aspired to become a Mage Lord or a Dragon Knight, never anticipating that he would stumble into such a rare and secretive class.

Hidden occupations come with innate talents, always starting at a minimum of level B. This meant that practitioners of hidden occupations had a head start over their peers from the get-go. However, the situation required a nuanced analysis. While the Beastmaster occupation was certainly impressive, it would be a dream come true for a wealthy scion. For Shen Lang, it was far from ideal.

As his classmates pointed out, the Beastmaster was a Money Pit, the kind that could burn through cash to the point of existential crisis. Since arriving in this world, Shen Lang had been laying the groundwork for his occupation change, with no time to make money. He had been scraping by on his academy scholarship, and now, with less than two thousand yuan to his name, he was the epitome of poverty. How could he possibly afford a beast, let alone fulfill the role of a Beastmaster?

It was like handing Shen Lang a Gatling gun without a single bullet—impressive to look at but utterly useless. Just as he was on the verge of unleashing a tirade, the Job-Changing God's Tablet kicked in, unleashing his job attributes and talents.

Two Level SSS talents and three divine-level talents left Shen Lang completely stunned. His instincts screamed that his Beastmaster occupation was far from average; it was not your run-of-the-mill Beastmaster. Did other Beastmasters boast such an array of elite talents? Shen Lang, who had consistently aced his professional theory, had never encountered a Beastmaster of this caliber. It appeared he was truly one of a kind.

Considering he was a transmigrator without a system or any magical aids, it seemed perfectly logical that he would awaken to such an extraordinary hidden occupation.

Just as Shen Lang was about to delve into his attribute panel for more details, Principal Soong Yuan's voice halted him. With a complex tone, Soong Yuan reassured him, "Don't worry, Shen Lang. Trust in the academy, trust in the nation. We won't let a hidden occupation like yours be squandered. Other students are also looking to change their jobs, so head to my office and wait for me. I'll explain everything to you shortly."

After speaking, Soong Yuan cast an encouraging glance at Shen Lang, offering comfort for fear that he might be disheartened.

Shen Lang caught the implication in Soong Yuan's words—there were perks to be claimed.

A benefit just waiting to be taken? He wasn't about to let it slip by!

"Understood, Principal!"

Shen Lang responded nonchalantly and turned to stride toward the administrative building across the plaza.

Yet to the onlookers, his hastened departure carried a tinge of loneliness and a subdued sense of foreboding about his future.

"Poor guy, it's actually making my eyes water."

"Seriously. Hey sisters, what if we chip in and buy Shen Lang a beast?"

"You're all so smitten! Didn't you hear the dean? The academy and the government are going to sponsor him. No need for us to fuss over it!"

"We want to help, and it's none of your business!"

"The sponsorship from the government and the academy isn't bottomless. It all hinges on the talent Shen Lang has awakened, right?"

"Exactly. What kind of talent did he awaken, I wonder?"

"It's usually a Level B or Level A talent that most with hidden occupations awaken."

"If that's the talent level of the Beastmaster, the support from the academy and the government won't be substantial. After all, maintaining a Beastmaster is incredibly costly!"

As whispers and debates filled the air, the Class Advancement Ceremony on the plaza pressed on.

Meanwhile, Shen Lang had already made his way into the principal's office within the Academic Affairs Building, eager to check his attribute panel.

Name: Shen Lang

Occupation: Beastmaster

Level: 0

Strength: 23, Agility: 22, Vitality: 21, Spiritual Strength: 50

Talents: Bloodline Insight (Level SSS), Blessing (Level SSS), Bloodline Reversion (Divine Level), Talent Extraction (Divine Level), Beast Control (Divine Level)

Skills: Detection (Basic), Contract Technique (Exclusive), Summoning Magic (Exclusive), Healing (Exclusive)

General Abilities: Swordsmanship LV7, Combat LV10

Equipment: None

Beast: None

Free Points: 0

Shen Lang's gaze lingered on the talent skill section of his attribute panel, and he couldn't suppress his grin, his heart pounding with excitement.

Typically, a Job Hopper would only awaken a single talent, and ninety-nine percent of them fail to awaken any at all. Yet, on rare occasions, some lucky few awaken dual talents—these are the prodigies, the rarities. Should they flourish, they're destined to make a name for themselves in the global Transfer World.

Shen Lang had an extraordinary awakening, unlocking five talents all at once—two at the coveted Level SSS and three at the divine level!

It was as if he had hit the jackpot of jackpots!

Without hesitation, Shen Lang dove into his first talent, examining it with keen interest.

Bloodline Insight: An exclusive Level SSS talent for Beastmasters

This talent allows the detection of any beast's bloodline with no level restrictions and no cost.

Note: Best used in conjunction with the divine level Bloodline Reversion.

Upon seeing the note, Shen Lang's eyes immediately darted to Bloodline Reversion and he opened it.

Bloodline Reversion: A divine level talent exclusive to Beastmasters

This talent can revert any beast directly to its most powerful ancestral bloodline, unrestricted by level and at no cost.

"Directly revert to the most powerful bloodline?" Shen Lang was momentarily taken aback.

A beast's power is intrinsically linked to its bloodline potential—the more formidable the bloodline, the greater its future growth potential.

Ordinarily, it's nearly impossible to detect a beast's concealed bloodline. Even if one were to pay a hefty sum for a professional appraisal, the cost to activate and revert a beast to its ancestral state is astronomical, requiring high-grade spirit herbs and more.

This is precisely why the Beastmaster profession is known as a Money Pit—beasts are either a cash burn or on the fast track to becoming one!

But for Shen Lang, these were no longer concerns!

With unrestricted Bloodline Insight and the ability to revert bloodlines at will, he wielded incredible power.

Truly worthy of a Level SSS talent, truly worthy of a divine level talent!

"Stay cool, stay cool. I've got other Level SSS talents, and more divine level talents to explore!"

Shen Lang steadied his emotions and shifted his gaze to the remaining divine level talents. First things first, let's focus on the divine level talents.

Talent Extraction: An exclusive divine level talent for Beastmasters

This talent enables the extraction of a specific talent from a beast, with no level cap and no cost.

Unlimited again—this was becoming the hallmark of a divine level talent!

As Shen Lang pondered this new divine level talent, in light of the Bloodline Reversion talent, he found his breath catching in his chest.

Shen Lang, in his quest to revert his familiar back to its ancestral form, would undoubtedly need to select one with a potent bloodline. Given that there were no restrictions whatsoever, he was determined to secure a contract with a familiar that had the potential of a Divine beast. Once the familiar underwent reversion, the natural talent it would awaken was bound to be formidable, starting at a minimum of S grade.

This meant that if Shen Lang could locate a familiar with the latent potential of a Divine beast bloodline, he would essentially be acquiring a talent of Level S or higher!

Another crucial aspect to consider was that Beastmasters weren't limited to contracting a single beast; they could contract an unlimited number.

"Wow, that means I could have a whole array of talents above Level S in the future!"

"I'm set on becoming a Beastmaster, and no one's going to stand in my way!"

Shen Lang's laughter was so intense that his mouth nearly split to his ears. He then proceeded to access the final Divine level talent.

Beastmaster Bio Booster Armor: A Divine level talent exclusive to Beastmasters.

This talent enables a beast to wear equipment without any level restrictions and without any cost.

Beasts, by nature, couldn't don equipment; they depended solely on their unique talents and skills to combat foes. But with the Bio Booster Armor talent, they could be outfitted with gear, gaining the enhancements that come with it.

Just picture it: a Divine beast decked out in Godly Equipment. Who could possibly stand against it? It would be unstoppable!

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