Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C20 The Genius among Geniuses the Real Genius!!
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Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C20 The Genius among Geniuses the Real Genius!!
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C20 The Genius among Geniuses the Real Genius!!

Medusa also got the hint, her face lighting up with joy as she exclaimed, "Master, I've leveled up!"

Tears glistened in Medusa's eyes as she spoke.

There was a time when she was merely an average Fire Serpent, possibly destined to stay at Level 5 for her entire existence, until death by age or violence claimed her.

But now, she had not only awakened her Ten-Star Divine Beast level bloodline but had also advanced in level!

And it was all thanks to her master!

Her master had been right; meeting him had revolutionized her life!

Seeing Medusa's thrilled expression, Shen Lang soothed her, "Yeah, let's keep pushing forward!"

"Level 6 is just our starting line!"

Medusa bit her lip and nodded vigorously, "Yes, this is just our beginning!"

After all, Shen Lang and Medusa had completed the beginner dungeon four times, each time netting hundreds of empirical values. It was indeed time for Medusa to level up.

But the attribute point rewards were quite astonishing.

When Shen Lang leveled up, he received 20 attribute points in total—10 fixed and 10 free.

In contrast, Medusa's level-up granted her a whopping 100 attribute points.

Though they were all fixed, that was still a staggering 100 points, akin to a Class leveling up five times at once!

Truly befitting a Ten-Star Divine Beast!

As Medusa leveled up, her attribute panel materialized before Shen Lang.

Beast: Queen Medusa

Attribute: Fire

Level: 6

Strength: 1,537; Agility: 1,339+25; Constitution: 1,613; Spirit: 1,970+20

SSS-Level Talent: Queen Medusa's Gaze (Fire Attribute Attacks +500%, eye contact can petrify enemies, with a chance to incinerate them)

SSS-Level Talent: Queen's Resilience (Vitality Recovery +500%)

Skills: Death Gaze, Secret Technique: Serpentine Sorcery, Myriad Fires Devour Hearts, Nine-Layered Fire Shield, Meteor Fire Falls...

Equipment: Hellfire Bracelet (Equipped)

Shen Lang noted that the 100 fixed attribute points were fairly balanced across the four-dimensional attributes.

It was clear that Medusa's attributes were exceptionally well-rounded, with no glaring weaknesses to speak of.

Shen Lang briefly reviewed the stats before closing Queen Medusa's attribute panel.

Medusa had just slain the Skeleton Mage boss, which dropped loot. If not collected soon, it would vanish with the dungeon's exit.

Without hesitation, Shen Lang scooped up a green armband from where the Skeleton Mage had perished.

White Bone Bracelet (Green Excellent)

Spirit +12, Constitution +12

While slightly inferior to the Wolf Fang Ring dropped by the Howling Jungle boss, the White Bone Bracelet was comparable.

It also provided a boost to both spiritual and constitution attributes without any special requirements.

Shen Lang gave it a quick look, slipped it on, and a white bone ring materialized on his forearm.

It was then that the dungeon clearance assessment notification appeared.

Your dungeon clearance has been evaluated!

Following a thorough assessment, your performance in the Blood Cemetery dungeon has achieved an SSS rating!

Congratulations, you have earned a supreme treasure chest +1, which has been automatically added to your inventory!

Your clearance record will be stored on the dungeon player's battle record display.

Your performance has earned an SSS rating and will be broadcast globally.

We have detected that you have the alias 'Lurker' in other dungeons.

Both your battle record and the global announcement will be made under the alias 'Lurker'!

Time is up, and you will now be exiting the dungeon!

As the notification tone ended, Shen Lang and Medusa's figures faded from the Blood Cemetery dungeon.

Simultaneously, Shen Lang's clearance announcement echoed in the minds of Class Job Hoppers worldwide.

Congratulations to 'Lurker' from Noswua for achieving an SSS rating in the hell-level beginner dungeon!


"Another Class from Noswua? Damn it! What kind of luck is Noswua on?"

"Wait, the Lurker! That's the Lurker!"

"The Lurker must be eliminated. He has to go, or there will be no peace for our Zasmos Empire!"

"Send out an urgent command to the Dark Division: take out the Lurker. This is an Emperor Order of the highest priority!"

"Locate him and bring him in!"

"Furthermore, get the word out through TV and online platforms immediately—let the whole world know the Lurker is of Uclijan descent!"

"Enact the latest cabinet directive. This year, every Newbie Class must consume 50 liters of Esteria water and endure a month-long regimen of cow dung and urine baths!"

"How can this be?"

"He's just conquered a hell-level beginner dungeon with an SSS rating, and now he's done it again with another dungeon, still with an SSS rating!"

"We have to find him, no matter what. The Lurker's demise is non-negotiable!"

"Spare no expense, even if it means revealing key players in our strategy. We must pinpoint the Lurker's location and eliminate him!"

"If he survives, Skeybar will be doomed in the next National Battlefield!"

Globally, nations, particularly those antagonistic towards Noswua, were once again astounded by Shen Lang's second SSS-level achievement.

Their resolve to eliminate Shen Lang, the Lurker, was only strengthened.

Domestically, the storm was even more intense than before, sending the enrollment and recruitment offices into a frenzy.

At Mythical Heaven, Wang Teng, who had been awaiting news on the Lurker, was incredulous, his eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets.

"How did he manage that?"

Having himself completed a beginner dungeon with an SSS rating, Wang Teng knew exactly what this second notification signified.

It was unheard of for the same Class and dungeon to receive a global announcement of two SSS ratings.

This meant that after his first dungeon SSS rating, the Lurker had gone on to conquer yet another beginner dungeon with an SSS rating!

That's why Wang Teng was in such disbelief.

An SSS rating for clearing one beginner dungeon could be chalked up to the Lurker's job attributes being a counter to that dungeon.

But to achieve SSS ratings for clearing two beginner dungeons in succession? That's no mere attribute advantage!

There's only one possible explanation—

This Newbie Class, codenamed Lurker, is a prodigy among prodigies!

An absolute prodigy!

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