Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C21 Her Identity Was Exposed and the Undercurrent Was Surging!
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Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C21 Her Identity Was Exposed and the Undercurrent Was Surging!
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C21 Her Identity Was Exposed and the Undercurrent Was Surging!

"But how did he pull it off?"

Wang Teng racked his brain but couldn't fathom how the Lurker had achieved SSS-grade clearance in two hell-level beginner dungeons.

Dark gold legendary equipment? That seemed impossible upon reflection.

After all, the Lurker was at most between Level 1 and Level 2, nowhere near eligible to equip dark gold gear.

"We have to recruit him into the guild, no matter what!"

Wang Teng's resolve only grew stronger. He promptly accessed the guild's mission panel and issued another search for the Lurker.

Securing a Level SSS clearance in a beginner dungeon was no small feat.

But now that the Lurker had achieved another Level SSS clearance, the search area could be significantly narrowed down.

Firstly, the two Level SSS clearances happened within a short span, indicating the Lurker must be grinding dungeons in the same city.

That meant the city where the Lurker was located had to be a large one with at least two beginner dungeons!

This insight allowed them to rule out most cities in Noswua, focusing their search on cities with multiple beginner dungeons.

Next, they would comb through the beginner dungeon records in these cities to gradually pinpoint the Lurker's location.

Knowing the city would make finding the Lurker much easier!

While a code name can conceal one's identity, a large guild like theirs could trace the clues back to the real person!

Hence, Wang Teng's guild missions were specifically designed for this purpose.

Finding two Level SSS clearance records in the same city would earn guild rewards!

First, identify the city, then the person's true identity!

Truth be told, even without a second Level SSS clearance, Shen Lang's cover wouldn't have lasted long.

The code name 'Lurker,' combined with a Level SSS clearance record, pointed straight to Southvale—a fact that would quickly become common knowledge.

The only reason it hadn't was due to the sheer number of cities in Noswua and the inherent delay in beginner dungeon record searches. Otherwise, the world would have caught on sooner.

Meanwhile, in the royal office at Evermore in Noswua Country.

The Dragon Blood God of War, Choo Zhenhua, had long since returned from the secret realm and was currently in his office with the Old Sovereign, reviewing the profile of a new Job Hopper.

News of Shen Lang's second Level SSS completion of the hell-level beginner dungeon had already spread. Choo Zhenhua's shock was on par with Wang Teng's, as he struggled to fathom the Lurker's potential and future. Despite his immense pride as the Dragon Blood God of War, Choo Zhenhua couldn't help but acknowledge that the Lurker might one day surpass him—assuming he survived the many dangers ahead.

Observing Choo Zhenhua's silent contemplation and relentless perusal of the documents, the Old Sovereign inquired, "What's your take?"

"This Lurker is likely in Southvale," Choo Zhenhua responded without lifting his gaze.

"Do you mean to say that this Lurker is the young Shen Lang?" asked the Old Sovereign.

Choo Zhenhua closed the folder and turned to face the Old Sovereign, laying out his analysis. "Southvale has three beginner dungeons. Besides, there's only one Newbie Class there—Shen Lang, who has awakened a Level SSS talent. And he's a Beastmaster. With a powerful enough familiar, clearing a hell-level beginner dungeon at Level SSS is within the realm of possibility."

The Old Sovereign pondered briefly before posing another question, "What about the other two who have awakened SSS talents? Could it be one of them? Or perhaps it's not any of the three SSS talent awakeners but another Newbie Class? Talent can be concealed, after all."

"It's possible," Choo Zhenhua conceded, nodding. "But my gut tells me it's him."

Just then, a knock sounded at the office door. Governor Wang from the Class Department burst in, urgency in his step.

"We've got a lock!" he announced, barely containing his excitement. "Both Level SSS records are from Southvale, and the SSS grades on the beginner dungeon leaderboards have been upheld. It's the Lurker!"

Choo Zhenhua glanced at the Old Sovereign with a smile. "See, didn't I tell you?"

The Old Sovereign returned the smile and said, "The records are from Southvale City, and there's only one Level SSS Talent Awakener there. The odds that the Lurker is Shen Lang are quite high. But his Level SSS talent is supposed to be supportive, isn't it? How can it be so formidable?"

"You've said it yourself, talents can be concealed," Choo Zhenhua remarked with a hint of depth.

The Old Sovereign paused, his eyes narrowing. "Are you suggesting he's awakened more than one Level SSS talent?"

"There are others with dual talents, and you're looking at one," Choo Zhenhua pointed out as he rose to his feet. "Of course, we still need to verify if it's really him. Well, I'm off to Southvale City now!"

Before his words even settled, Choo Zhenhua had vanished from the office.

"This guy, always in such a rush," the Old Sovereign chuckled, shaking his head. He then turned to Governor Wang with a serious tone. "Southvale City needs to fully support Zhenhua, and quickly!"

They knew that Southvale City and Shen Lang would soon be pinpointed by external forces, and they needed to stay ahead of the game.

"Understood, I'm on it!" Governor Wang responded instantly and hurried out of the office.

Once alone, the Old Sovereign reopened Shen Lang's file. After perusing it for a moment, he mused aloud, "Using a code name is clever. But he's not careful enough, underestimating the world's professionals."

With a chuckle, the Old Sovereign reflected on the situation. After all, Shen Lang was merely an eighteen-year-old lad, hardly a match for their seasoned cunning.

Meanwhile, outside the beginner dungeon at the Blood Cemetery in Southvale, Shen Lang was blissfully unaware that his identity had been compromised and that the Dragon Blood God of War was en route.

Luckily, Shen Lang was prepared for such eventualities. If push came to shove, he'd be ready to make a break for it.

For now, Shen Lang had re-entered the Blood Cemetery, embarking on his second run.

After Shen Lang had cleared the Blood Cemetery for the third time and secured the platinum treasure box, he was all set to move on to the next beginner dungeon.

But just then, his phone started to ring.

The call was from an unfamiliar number.

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