Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C22 If You Don't Want to Die Find a Place to Hide!
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Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C22 If You Don't Want to Die Find a Place to Hide!
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C22 If You Don't Want to Die Find a Place to Hide!

Shen Lang, a transmigrator with two lifetimes under his belt, found it challenging to relate to his peers, leaving him with few friends. Over the past three years, he had been singularly focused on preparing for his job transition, which limited his social interactions even further. As a result, only a handful of people had his number, and those who did rarely reached out to him.

The call from an unknown number gave him pause, but he quickly chuckled at his own overthinking. If someone truly meant him harm, a phone call would be the least of his worries—they'd have come for him directly.

He answered the call without further hesitation, and a familiar voice greeted him from the communicator. "Shen Lang, where are you? You're at the beginner dungeon in Blood Cemetery on the city's west side, aren't you?"

It wasn't a stranger; it was Soong Yuan, the principal of Fete Academy. Soong Yuan's voice was deep and tense, betraying a struggle to keep his emotions in check, which gave his words a constrained quality.

Before Shen Lang could respond, another voice cut through the line, assertive yet tinged with nonchalance. "Lurker, right? Listen carefully to what I'm about to say." The caller didn't wait for a rebuttal, clearly convinced that Shen Lang was the Lurker who had achieved Level SSS in the hell-level dungeon runs.

"If you value your life, find a place to hide and stop running dungeons," the voice commanded, then fell silent.

Soong Yuan, on the other hand, was almost frantic. "Yes, yes, yes, Shen Lang, did you get that? No more dungeons—find a place to hide, and make sure it's secure!"

Shen Lang's eyes narrowed as he processed their words. His identity was no secret anymore. "They're quick," he mused silently, then assured Soong Yuan, "Got it, I heard you."

He ended the call. Under normal circumstances, Shen Lang might suspect a plot, but Soong Yuan's involvement suggested otherwise. It was likely that the other voice belonged to someone official.

Shen Lang harbored some lingering doubts. He had assumed that once his identity was revealed, the authorities would send someone to meet with him in person. Yet, despite being aware of his whereabouts, they had only reached out with a call and avoided direct contact.

"It seems they just want me to lay low, which suggests my identity hasn't been completely compromised," he mused.

"Why avoid a personal meeting? Perhaps it's to protect my cover, but to what end?"

Noticing Shen Lang's puzzled look, Medusa inquired, "Master, what's wrong?"

"We'll have to put our dungeon run on hold for now," he replied.

With a reassuring smile, Shen Lang told Medusa, "Since they've advised us to stay hidden, let's find a secure spot to do just that."

Knowing that the officials were aware of his identity, Shen Lang felt confident they wouldn't act against him. He hadn't crossed anyone in three years, so he wasn't expecting any dramatic crackdowns. Plus, Noswua's policies toward those with potential were quite favorable.

Although unclear about the officials' intentions, Shen Lang trusted that their motives were positive, likely aimed at his protection—otherwise, they wouldn't have instructed him to hide. Still, the arrogant tone of the person on the communicator irked him.

For now, cooperation seemed the best course of action. Besides, Shen Lang was curious about the officials' ultimate plan.

He had his suspicions about their motives, which was precisely why he was inclined to work with them. If the officials knew his identity, it was only a matter of time before other powers did too. The officials must be planning something significant!

If that was indeed the case, Shen Lang found himself somewhat excited about the unfolding events.

Medusa, ever obedient to Shen Lang, agreed without question, and they no longer pursued their journey to the next savage beast dungeon.

Stepping out from the Blood Cemetery altar, Shen Lang overheard another conversation about himself.

"Ha, I didn't catch on at first, but that global announcement just now originated from our Blood Cemetery dungeon!"

"You're behind the times. Besides Blood Cemetery, the first global announcement was from Howling Jungle!"

"Both global alerts originated from our very own Southvale City? Does that mean we've had two future powerhouses emerge right here in Southvale?"

"I've heard it's not two separate individuals; the Class that conquered both Level SSS challenges is actually one and the same person!"

"No way, seriously?"

"Yep, it's a single person. The president of Mythical Heaven has already put out several quests to track down this rookie and recruit him into the guild!"

"What kind of quests?"

"They're all about locating the Lurker. There was an earlier quest to report the Level SSS completion site, and that's been done. Now, the hunt is on for the Lurker. Whoever finds him will be rewarded with dark gold legendary gear from Mythical Heaven!"

"Wow, that's pretty intense. He's not even a guild member yet, and they're ready to hand over legendary gear?"

"Sorry for the confusion, the reward is for the person who finds the Lurker, not for the Lurker himself! The Mythical Heaven's president has even declared that if the Lurker agrees to join, he'd instantly resign and offer up his position!"

"Goodness, I'm so jealous I don't even know what to say."

"Who could this Lurker be?"

"Everyone's dying to find out!"

Overhearing these conversations, Shen Lang realized he had still underestimated the impact of achieving Level SSS in the hell-level beginner dungeon.

Merely for sharing his whereabouts, one could snag a piece of legendary equipment!

He was now as coveted as the proverbial 'monk's flesh'!

Of course, this was the Noswua union, and they were, after all, compatriots simply wanting him to join their ranks for growth.

By the same token, Noswua's adversaries would offer a hefty bounty to eliminate him, a Potential Class.

The price on his head might even surpass that of the legendary equipment!

For all he knew, agents of the hostile forces could already be en route!

And they wouldn't be sending any lightweights; it's likely they'd dispatch a high-level powerhouse.

With this in mind, Shen Lang, initially intent on exiting the dungeon, suddenly paused and remained amidst the crowd, choosing not to proceed outward.

"What's the matter, Master?" Medusa inquired, her voice tinged with confusion.

After a moment's thought, Shen Lang replied, "Never mind, we won't leave just yet. Let's head back and keep grinding through the dungeon!"

The authorities instructed him to seek out a hiding spot, signaling that he could face danger ahead.

Given the circumstances, there was no safer haven than the beginner dungeon.

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