Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C23 When the Time Comes I'll Send All of Them to Heaven!
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Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C23 When the Time Comes I'll Send All of Them to Heaven!
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C23 When the Time Comes I'll Send All of Them to Heaven!

With Medusa by his side, Shen Lang was virtually untouchable; even a Level 120 Class seeking to cause him trouble would be like lambs to the slaughter.

Yet, there was no certainty that all adversaries would be below Level 120. What if a more formidable Class appeared?

Should these foes exceed Medusa's strength, the outcome would be anyone's guess.

Shen Lang couldn't afford to rely solely on the sanctuary provided by the officials. Despite his potential, he was merely a novice, not even at Level 5.

Strangers are just that—strangers, with no personal ties, unlikely to defend your life as if it were their own.

Life is personal, and it's crucial to keep it firmly in one's own grasp.

Global beginner dungeons are governed by strict rules, barring anyone above Level 5 from entry.

Moreover, each Class enters its own unique dimensional space within the beginner dungeon.

This meant that as long as Shen Lang remained within his beginner dungeon, it was impossible for anyone else to intrude.

At this juncture, the safest haven for Shen Lang was indeed the beginner dungeon before him.

Inside the beginner dungeon, he was invincible to all comers.

The officials may have advised against further dungeon runs, but Shen Lang's presence inside wouldn't be impacted in the slightest.

With resolve, Shen Lang, accompanied by Medusa, stepped back onto the dungeon altar and re-entered the Blood Cemetery dungeon.

As Shen Lang and Medusa vanished from the altar, the plaza outside began to swarm with Professionists above Level 5, including some with three and four stars.

These seasoned Class experts shed their usual gear, masquerading as lower-level counterparts as they surveyed the crowd around the dungeon altar.

Most were operatives from Noswua's leading factions, though spies from rival powers were also in their midst.

Shen Lang's second Level SSS clearance of the Blood Cemetery dungeon had made waves, drawing an ever-growing crowd to the site.

From a nearby high-rise, a middle-aged man with a thick beard gazed down at the bustling Blood Cemetery dungeon altar.

The bearded man, while observing the altar, issued commands into his communicator: "Find your spots, everyone. Use the detection spell on every novice that emerges from the dungeon. With enough of us casting simultaneously, they won't even realize they're being scanned!"

"Don't worry about the authorities coming after you. There are plenty of others using detection spells, not just you!"

"Also, this Lurker has completed dungeons more than twice and is likely above Level 2. Their gear must be top-notch, so keep a close eye on that!"

"If you spot a suspect, report to me immediately!"

With his orders issued, the bearded man initiated another call, "My team has reached the Blood Cemetery dungeon!"

"Good, but make it quick. Find him as soon as possible!"

The person on the other end spoke Noswua fluently, yet on closer listen, their accent was off, revealing they weren't Noswuan.

With confidence, the bearded man asserted, "Rest assured, if he's still in the Blood Cemetery dungeon, he won't stay hidden for long. I'll definitely find him. But remember what you promised me..."

"Find him, and there won't be any issues!"

The voice on the communicator chuckled, "Once you do, head straight to Skeybar. You'll be granted citizenship and receive what you desire."

"Great, expect some good news soon!"

Ending the call, the bearded man lit a cigar, his gaze cold and detached.

Similar scenarios unfolded near the Blood Cemetery dungeon, where foreign adversaries dared not show their faces. Instead, they relied on traitors and spies. It's evident that in any world or era, there's never a shortage of turncoats willing to sell out their own for personal gain.

Meanwhile, in a Southvale guesthouse, a one-eyed man inquired of a young man with glasses who had just entered, "Did you get a handle on who's involved?"

"Pretty much."

Adjusting his glasses, the young man spoke deliberately, "The country's top foreign expert is William from Skeybar's S.H.I.E.L.D., an eight-star Class Professional. He's an old acquaintance. He entered Noswua under a false identity half a month ago, and his whereabouts are currently unknown."

"He arrived that early, huh? Interesting."

Though the man spoke those words, there was no hint of surprise in his demeanor. It was common knowledge that before transfer day each year, nations would dispatch their strongest to foreign lands. The objective was clear: to eliminate potential Classes from other countries or to convert these promising newcomers into defectors. Noswua was no different, having sent numerous experts abroad before the annual event.

William's disappearance was hardly a shock. An eight-star Class was among the world's elite, and with the training he received from S.H.I.E.L.D., he would be difficult to track if he chose to stay hidden.

The one-eyed man offered a chilly smile before inquiring, "Has his offline trail been uncovered?"

"Long ago," replied the young man with glasses, as he perused the documents. "We may not know William's whereabouts, but his subordinate has ties with a teacher at Southvale Class School. The individual in question is Huo Dongying, the vice principal, who is currently stationed outside the Blood Cemetery dungeon."

Upon hearing this, the one-eyed man's expression turned sharp as he scoffed, "The vice principal of a prestigious Class School stoops to serve foreigners like a lapdog! After this affair, it's high time we scrutinize and rectify our domestic academies."

The young man with glasses nodded in agreement, then added, "Aside from Skeybar's S.H.I.E.L.D., other nations have also sent a significant number of agents to Southvale. Their ranks range from five to seven stars. Here's the detailed information on them, including the vermin they've cultivated within their borders."

He handed over the stack of papers to the one-eyed man, who began to flip through them while asking, "What about the bait?"

"Rest assured, boss, all preparations are complete. We're ready to move on your command," the bespectacled young man assured him with a grin.

The one-eyed man nodded in approval, tossed the documents back, and commanded, "Keep them under surveillance. When the moment arrives, we'll send them all to the afterlife."

"Understood!" The young man with glasses snapped to attention.

Just then, a figure emerged from another room within the suite.

Had Shen Lang been present, he would have been utterly astonished, for the figure bore an uncanny resemblance to him!

"Boss, aren't we taking action yet?"

The doppelganger of Shen Lang opened their mouth to speak, revealing a crisp and otherworldly girl's voice.

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