Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C4 The First Familiar must Not be Taken Lightly!
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Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C4 The First Familiar must Not be Taken Lightly!
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C4 The First Familiar must Not be Taken Lightly!

"What did you say? A Level SSS talent?"

Soong Yuan overturned the tea table and leaned in close to Shen Lang, his voice tense with urgency, "You've awakened a Level SSS talent?"

"Uh, seems like it."

The garlic-heavy breath made Shen Lang instinctively shift away.

Soong Yuan pressed him frantically, "What do you mean 'seems like it'? Show me your talent panel, now!"

"Sure, Dean."

Shen Lang scooted over once more before displaying his talent on the panel.

Given that a Level SSS talent alone had Soong Yuan this astounded, there was no reason for Shen Lang to flaunt his divine level talent.

Surely, a Level SSS talent would suffice to garner the attention of those at the top, wouldn't it?

Thus, Shen Lang concealed his other talents, leaving only the Blessing, his Level SSS talent, visible.

Typically, Class members keep their panels private, as everyone possesses the general skill to probe, and no one wants their personal panel details exposed to other Class members. Consequently, this skill is generally reserved for savage beasts. Directly probing another Class member is often taken as a challenge and could inadvertently invite trouble.

Blessing: An exclusive Level SSS talent for Beastmasters

A passive talent that eliminates mana consumption and cooldowns when using Beastmaster's exclusive skills, enhancing their effect by 500%.

Soong Yuan's gaze was glued to the panel, his expression shifting as his eyebrows seemed to dance with excitement.

It was indeed a Level SSS talent!

Why was Fete considered one of the top Class Schools?

It was because Fete had once produced several Level SSS Talent Class members who now hold high positions in Noswua!

But that was history. It had been nearly a decade since Fete had seen a new Level SSS Talent Class member!

And now, one had emerged!

He was Shen Lang, a Lurker poised to ascend to the heavens!

Soong Yuan's excitement was like a tidal wave, and he was itching to share the news with everyone. However, his better judgment cautioned against it. The current international climate was fraught with tension. On the surface, nations appeared peaceful, but the strife within the Class Community was relentless.

Assassinating geniuses from other nations is a common practice among the professional communities of the world!

We must ensure Shen Lang is well-protected before he comes into his own!

Once Shen Lang matures, the Battle Corps of Noswua will undoubtedly gain another formidable warrior!

Soong Yuan inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly, addressing Shen Lang with a steady and grave voice, "Shen Lang, a Level SSS talent is impressive, but you've only just begun your new class. There's still a long journey ahead. Try to keep a low profile from now on. Understand?"

"Yes, Dean, I've got it."

Shen Lang recognized the dean's advice as a sign of his concern and stood up to bow in response.

Soong Yuan nodded, hands clasped behind his back, and said with composure, "Alright then, you may go now."

"Um, Dean, about the scholarship..." Shen Lang hesitantly inquired.

With a dismissive wave and a chuckle, Soong Yuan teased, "Relax, it'll be deposited into your account soon enough. You'll see the exact figure when it arrives."

"Then I'll be on my way. Goodbye, Dean."

Taking the dean at his word, Shen Lang didn't press further, confident that the sum would be substantial. All he had to do was wait for the deposit.

But as he stepped away, he heard a loud bang from the office, followed by stifled chuckles that resembled braying. Clearly, in Shen Lang's absence, Soong Yuan had transformed into a husky, wildly venting his excitement by wreaking havoc.

A sly grin played on Shen Lang's lips. If he were to reveal even one of his divine-level talents, would the dean leap from a building in shock?

"Home first, wait for the scholarship, then off to the trading market!"

Shen Lang hailed a cab at the academy's entrance and headed home, ready to grab a bite.

Yet, the scholarship money hit his account faster than anticipated. The taxi had barely covered half the distance when his phone chimed with a notification.


Noswua Industrial and Commercial Bank: Your account ending in *6789 has received a deposit of 101,500,000 yuan at 11:23 a.m., bringing your balance to 101,500,984 yuan. Reminder: Our bank will never request your card PIN or mobile verification code. Stay vigilant against fraud!

Shen Lang meticulously counted the stacks of ten-million yuan notes and was certain the total came to one hundred and fifty million! He was aware that it was a substantial sum, but the actual amount was beyond his expectations!

Clearly, the one hundred and fifty million represented the base scholarship awarded by the school and the nation for those with a hidden occupation. The whopping one hundred million was the extra scholarship for possessing Level SSS talent. The nation's support for those with potential in their chosen Class was undeniably robust.

It made sense, considering the times. In an era dominated by professionals, the country's need for skilled individuals, particularly those with untapped potential, was paramount.

To the nation, money was merely a series of digits, a small price to pay for the loyalty of these promising Classes.

However, whether these professionals would honor the debt of gratitude remained to be seen. Three centuries ago, numerous high-caliber students who received generous scholarships defected to foreign lands upon achieving success—a fair number of traitors emerged then. Today, human nature remains as enigmatic as ever, and the pattern continues.

As for the future, Shen Lang had no clear vision.

Frankly, he did feel a certain allegiance to Noswua, albeit limited. The notion of risking his life for a mere hundred million yuan was out of the question. Yet, if the need arose and he had the capability, lending a hand wouldn't be an issue.

Whether he'd commit to more significant actions hinged on how Noswua treated him moving forward, especially given the imminent dangers he'd face in his rise to power.

"Master, head to the Profession Exchange Market!" he instructed.

With the funds securely in his account, there was no need to linger for a meal. His priority was to acquire a Divine beast!

Soon enough, Shen Lang found himself at the bustling Profession Exchange Market in the heart of Southvale City. This government-initiated marketplace was a hub for both state-owned and privately invited enterprises, offering an exhaustive array of goods essential for any Class.

From equipment and potions to beast taming and various props, the market was a treasure trove for the discerning professional.

On this Global Transfer Day, the market thrived with activity as newly transitioned students eagerly sought the foundational items for their new Classes. The air buzzed with the chatter of vendors and the clamor of private stallholders lining the streets, their sales pitches reverberating non-stop.

Shen Lang's current priority was securing a beast for taming. Everything else was secondary, merely a cursory glance. Luckily, he had already scoped out the largest savage beast retailer on his phone during his journey, leading him straight to his target—the Beast Pavilion.

Beast tamers are simply those who have formed a contract with a savage beast, transforming it into a tamed beast.

The Beast Pavilion operates as a joint public-private enterprise, ensuring the quality of the savage beasts for sale. Moreover, they offer a wider variety and larger inventory of savage beasts than other vendors.

Armed with his divine-level Bloodline Insight, Shen Lang sought a place with a diverse selection of savage beasts. He was confident that, given a sufficient array of choices, he would find a savage beast with a powerful bloodline.

After all, when it came to his first beast taming, settling for less was not an option.

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