Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C5 So Many Savage Beasts so Many Spicy Chickens!!
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Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C5 So Many Savage Beasts so Many Spicy Chickens!!
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C5 So Many Savage Beasts so Many Spicy Chickens!!

The Beast Pavilion sprawled across a vast expanse, its entrance marked by a grand pavilion that led to a spacious hall lined with rows of display booths.

Contained within these booths were savage beasts of every size and variety.

Beyond the booths lay a separate courtyard, the true holding area for the multitude of beasts.

The decor was opulent, reminiscent of a royal palace.

As Shen Lang entered, he found the hall bustling with Class Professionals, many fresh from their class advancement and accompanied by their parents. Without much money to their names, these novices often relied on family support to get started.

Beastmasters, though a hidden occupation, were not uncommon here.

Most of the Class Professionals present weren't Beastmasters; they were simply there to purchase savage beasts to gain experience points. The Beast Pavilion offered beasts of varying levels, all subdued by special means, allowing even low-level Professionals to buy and defeat them for experience.

With enough money, one could slaughter their way to Level 5 without issue!

Thus, following Transfer Day, the pavilion's business would surge.

Surveying the hall, Shen Lang noticed the attractive salespeople eagerly explaining the savage beasts' details to customers.

Suddenly, a young saleswoman in her late teens made a beeline for Shen Lang, beating her colleagues to the punch.

Good looks always seemed to work in Shen Lang's favor, guaranteeing him VIP treatment wherever he went.

"Hello there, young man. How can I assist you today?"

The tall, striking saleswoman approached Shen Lang with a warm smile. "Are you looking to buy a pet? We have a wide selection of adorable creatures. Would you like me to show you around?"

"I'll just browse on my own for now, thank you," Shen Lang responded courteously.

The saleswoman's smile faltered slightly with disappointment, but she maintained her professional demeanor. "Well, if you need any help, feel free to ask me at any time."

With a nod, Shen Lang made his way through the crowd toward the booths ahead.

At the far right booth, there was a savage beast that bore a striking resemblance to a Komodo dragon, except it was enveloped in a fiery red hue. Its scales shimmered with the shapes of fireworks, and with each breath, it exhaled wisps of flame, signaling its fire attribute nature.

An electronic display adjacent to the booth provided detailed information about the creature:

Fire-breathing Lizard: Level 3, ordinary two-star fire dragon bloodline, possessing commendable fire manipulation abilities.

The term "ordinary two-star" referred to the beast's quality rating.

"Ordinary" was akin to the common wild monsters found in games, with higher tiers including elite, legendary, king beast, and divine beast levels.

The "two stars" denoted a second-tier Job Hopper.

Classes could advance every thirty levels, and two stars indicated a second Class Advancement.

This meant that despite its fire dragon lineage, the Fire-breathing Lizard's potential was capped at Level 60—it couldn't evolve into a true fire dragon.

Further evolution would require a stroke of extraordinary fortune; otherwise, Level 60 was its peak.

Nonetheless, this was merely the Beast Pavilion's assessment. Shen Lang decided to apply his Bloodline Insight to the Fire-breathing Lizard:

Fire-breathing Lizard

Level: 3

Bloodline Upper Limit: Ordinary Two-Star Fire Dragon

Growth Limit: Level 60

The Bloodline Insight's findings were nearly identical to the Beast Pavilion's data, with negligible differences.

Shen Lang eyed the price tag: eight million.

For Shen Lang, whose fortune exceeded hundreds of millions, this was well within reach—he could easily acquire a dozen.

Certainly, Shen Lang had the ability to revert the Fire-breathing Lizard back to a fire dragon using his reversion talent, but what good was a Level 60 ordinary fire dragon?

Such an act would squander his divine-level gift, the reversion!

Only a divine beast level bloodline would justify the use of such a divine-level talent!

Quality over quantity was Shen Lang's creed.

Without a moment's hesitation, Shen Lang moved on to the next booth.

Gale Wolf

Level: 4

Bloodline Upper Limit: Ordinary Level Silver Backed Flying Wolf

Growth Limit: One Star

A Level 30 Silver Backed Flying Wolf? What a piece of junk. Next.

Flaming Redbird

Level: 3

Bloodline Upper Limit: Elite Flaming Redbird

Growth Limit: Two Stars

Level 60 Elites are passable, but still bottom of the barrel. Moving on.

Iron Armored Bull

Level: 4

Bloodline Upper Limit: Elite Diamond Divine Bull

Growth Limit: Two Stars

A Level 60 Divine Bull? More like divine trash. Next.

As Shen Lang strolled along, a particular display caught his eye—a skeleton was encased within it.

Could this really count as a savage beast?

It seemed plausible enough, considering skeletons are a common wild monster found in the wilderness and various Dungeon Secret Realms.

With Bloodline Insight, the details of the skeleton were laid bare.

Jade Skull

Level: 5

Bloodline Upper Limit: Legendary Crystal Skull General

Growth Limit: Six Stars

Shen Lang was taken aback; this skeleton was quite impressive, boasting a legendary bloodline.

With a Growth Limit of six stars, this meant that once the skeleton reverted to a Crystal Skull General, it could reach Level 180.

Shen Lang's gaze drifted to the price tag—ninety-nine million!

Reflecting on his scholarship, Shen Lang let out an inward sigh. The government clearly understood the market for beast taming, and the hundred million scholarship was likely intended to ensure his first beast was legendary, setting a solid foundation for him.

For a Beastmaster with ordinary Level SSS talent, a savage beast with a legendary bloodline was indeed an excellent starting point.

Yet, for Shen Lang, even this caliber of beast fell short.

After a brief silence, he continued to peruse the other displays. He reminded himself, his beast could not be a compromise.

Half an hour later, Shen Lang had surveyed all the savage beasts showcased in the hall.

The majority were of ordinary or elite bloodlines, with only a handful boasting legendary bloodlines, and there was even one King Level savage beast.

This King Level savage beast was a juvenile male lion with the Golden Lion King bloodline.

Regardless of Shen Lang's opinion on the Golden Lion King, the price alone was staggering. But for now, it was out of his reach.

And as for savage beasts with Divine beast level bloodlines? Not a single one was in sight.

Shen Lang's expression carried a hint of melancholy, which didn't go unnoticed by the female salesperson. She approached him with a warm smile.

"Hey there, what's up? Not thrilled with the savage beasts we have on display at Beast Pavilion?"

Shen Lang glanced at her and inquired, "Is this all you have in terms of savage beasts?"

Caught off guard by his question, the saleswoman paused, then chuckled, "Oh, not at all. This is just a fraction of what Beast Pavilion has to offer. Most here are tamed or pet beasts, chosen for their display appeal. But in our warehouse, we've got a whole array of far more exotic savage beasts."

At the mention of 'exotic', Shen Lang realized those beasts were out of his reach.

Yep, too pricey for his wallet.

The saleswoman, having encountered countless customers, easily recognized Shen Lang's financial discomfort.

Yet, she didn't resort to any disdainful judgment. Instead, she spoke with genuine friendliness, "Looks like you've just completed your class change. Maybe you're looking to purchase some savage beasts to help you level up and breeze through the beginner phase?"

While speaking, she gestured toward a lively entrance in the exhibition hall and added, "Over there is our Beast Pavilion's leveling area, designed specifically for newcomers. It's filled with lower-grade, low-star savage beasts that haven't had their bloodlines determined yet. Interested in taking a look, little brother?"

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