Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C6 The Divine Beast Level Ten Stars Queen Medusa!
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Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C6 The Divine Beast Level Ten Stars Queen Medusa!
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C6 The Divine Beast Level Ten Stars Queen Medusa!

Low-level savage beasts are affordable, making them ideal for those on a tight budget. They're also perfect for those looking to slay in large numbers to gain experience points.

Yet, it wasn't the price that piqued Shen Lang's interest—it was the uncertainty of the Savage Beast Bloodlines!

With his divine-level talent, Bloodline Insight, Shen Lang didn't need the Beast Pavilion to assess bloodlines for him.

Moreover, he either found the beasts with known bloodline potentials unimpressive or too costly for his budget.

The presence of beasts with undetermined bloodlines, however, meant his Bloodline Insight talent had a chance to shine.

It also opened up the possibility of discovering an overlooked beast with a powerful bloodline.

The potential was certainly there!

After a moment's thought, Shen Lang spoke to the saleswoman, "Let's have a look then, thank you for your assistance."

"Not at all, not at all, young sir, follow me!" she replied, her face flushed with delight as she quickly led Shen Lang toward the entrance.

The entrance was bustling, but the crowd thinned once inside the more spacious area. Instead of the ornate booths outside, there were only towering cages, each holding a group of identical savage beasts—some with as many as twenty, others with as few as three.

Shen Lang was soon hit with a strong scent of blood. Passing by, he observed newly transitioned Classes dispatching low-level savage beasts within the Beast Cages, their families standing by to cheer them on.

He couldn't help but smirk and shake his head at the sight.

The Beast Pavilion had the creatures in the cages well under control, leaving them defenseless against the attacks of the Newbie Classes.

The saleswoman continued to lead the way, and it wasn't long before Shen Lang was surrounded by more Beast Cages and their savage occupants.

"Little brother, all these savage beasts have been captured by our Beast Pavilion from beyond the city walls. They may be common, low-level, and of low-rank bloodlines, but when it comes to quality, no one dares to claim second place to the Beast Pavilion!" she boasted.

"Of course, when you take down a savage beast under control, the experience gained by the Class is somewhat less," she explained.

"But with enough volume, that can be offset..."

They proceeded in tandem, the saleswoman detailing the various low-level savage beasts within the Beast Cages, along with a full suite of services.

Shen Lang left no Beast Cage unchecked, scrutinizing each savage beast with his Bloodline Insight.

True to the saleswoman's words, these were common savage beasts from beyond the city walls, predominantly one-star bloodlines. Given their ubiquity, the Beast Pavilion saw no need for bloodline assessments, instead offering them up directly for Newbie Classes to slay for practice.

After passing more than a dozen Beast Cages with no notable findings, Shen Lang remained undeterred, diligently examining each creature. If powerful bloodline beasts were easy to come by, Beastmasters would have long since ruled the world.

The saleswoman, patient as ever, guided Shen Lang from cage to cage, providing thorough introductions without a hint of annoyance.

Half an hour in, they stopped before a cage holding pythons as thick as a bowl.

The pythons lay listless, their pale red scales emitting an eerie, colorful sheen in the light.

The Fire Serpent was yet another commonplace one-star savage beast, not exceeding Level 30.

Shen Lang deployed his Bloodline Insight once more, expecting little. But then, his eyes locked onto a particular Fire Serpent, and his pupils sharply narrowed.

This serpent, indistinguishable from the others, bore numerous wounds. In the worst spots, you could see its organs writhing within the bloodied holes. Its life force was faint, teetering on the brink of death, its forked tongue flicking incessantly.

Fire Serpent

Level: 5

Bloodline Upper Limit: Divine beast level, Ten stars, Queen Medusa

Growth Limit: Level 300

Ten stars!

The upper limit of a divine beast-level bloodline!

Shen Lang stifled his excitement and casually inquired of the saleswoman, "What's the going rate for these Fire Serpents?"

The saleswoman paused, taken aback, but quickly recovered and eagerly responded, "Young man, these Fire Serpents are all Level 5. They're priced at 10,000 yuan each, but for you, I can offer a 50% discount. How does 5,000 yuan per head sound?"

Ten thousand a beast? That's a steep difference from the prices outside!

And could an ordinary salesperson really just offer such a hefty discount on a whim?

Shen Lang gave the saleswoman a subtle look and nodded in agreement, "Alright, five thousand it is. I'll take all the Fire Serpents in this cage!"

"Sure thing, young man!"

The saleswoman didn't bat an eye. Anyone brave enough to step into the Beast Pavilion was likely not short on cash.

The couple dozen Fire Serpents in the cage were merely a drop in the bucket, a few hundred thousand at most.

In contrast to the savage beasts in the main exhibition hall, which could run into the millions, this was small change.

With the saleswoman's assistance, Shen Lang swiftly completed the payment and paperwork, then returned to the cage holding the Fire Serpents.

Although the Beast Pavilion offered delivery services, Shen Lang's home lacked the space for such large Beast Cages. He opted to have the Fire Serpents put down at the Pavilion, which also offered to buy back the carcasses at a reduced price. The service was commendable.

"The door's open for you, young man. I'll leave you to it," said the saleswoman, stepping aside with a polite gesture, giving Shen Lang some privacy.

Shen Lang surveyed the area before stepping into the Beast Cage.

The gaze of all twenty-two Fire Serpents fell on him in unison. It was a good thing they were restrained; otherwise, Shen Lang wouldn't have dared to enter. Each was a Level 5 savage beast, capable of swallowing him whole.

He made his way directly to the Fire Serpent with the ten-star divine beast-level Queen Medusa bloodline and crouched down to examine it more closely.

An utterly unremarkable, low-level savage beast harbored the bloodline of a divine beast at the Ten-star level. Who could have seen that coming?

It had to be said, he truly was the protagonist, stumbling upon a hidden gem just like that!

The Fire Serpent was completely paralyzed, with only its two amber eyes roving about, seemingly taking Shen Lang's measure. But that was a fleeting glimpse; in the next moment, it lapsed back into a lifeless stillness, as if resigning itself to its imminent demise.

Yet, at that very moment, the human before it reached out and placed a hand on its skull. What on earth was he up to?

Suddenly, a golden Magic Circle enveloped both the serpent and the human.

The exclusive skill of a Beastmaster, the Contract Technique!

The Fire Serpent's flickering tongue came to an abrupt halt, and its amber eyes widened with a shockingly human expression of astonishment.

If it could speak, it would undoubtedly blurt out—

"Holy smokes, are you blind, human? I'm such a piece of junk, and you really want to make a contract with me?"

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