Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C7 Alright Let's be Intimate Again in the Future!
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Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C7 Alright Let's be Intimate Again in the Future!
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C7 Alright Let's be Intimate Again in the Future!

Although the Fire Serpent was intensely curious about why the human before it sought a pact, its body didn't hesitate—it accepted the contract in a heartbeat. The serpent had witnessed innumerable savage beasts imprisoned within the Beast Cage, none ever leaving alive. This cage was their tomb.

Yet now, someone was offering it a lifeline—a chance to survive instead of facing certain death. After all, if even an ant clings to life, why wouldn't a fearsome beast?

As soon as the Fire Serpent agreed to the contract, Shen Lang felt an extraordinary bond form between them. A flurry of notifications bombarded him:

"Congratulations, you have successfully contracted the beast—Fire Serpent.

Beast: Fire Serpent

Attribute: Fire

Level: 5

Strength: 51, Agility: 50, Physique: 54, Spirit: 68

Talent: Level F Fire Attack +15%

Skills: Fire Armour, Fire Thorn"

Following the Fire Serpent's details, another cascade of notifications sounded:

"Level SSS Talent—Bloodline Insight activated. Detected faint traces of a Divine Beast level, Ten Stars Queen Medusa ancient bloodline in the familiar!

Divine Level Talent—Ancestral Reversion triggered. Would you like to activate the Fire Serpent's ancient bloodline and revert it to that of Queen Medusa?

Divine Level Talent—Innate Extraction triggered. Would you like to extract the beast's innate abilities?

Divine Level Talent—Bio Booster Armor triggered. Would you like to transform the beast into Bio Booster Armor?"

Without a moment's hesitation, Shen Lang dismissed the prompts. He had no intention of concealing his power indefinitely, but he would reveal it selectively, and clearly, the Beast Pavilion wasn't on his disclosure list.

As the beast's master, Shen Lang was acutely aware of the Fire Serpent's frailty and torment. Without delay, he cast several Beastmaster Healing spells upon it. Blessed with a Level SSS talent, his healing spells were magnified fivefold, requiring no energy and free from cooldowns. In the blink of an eye, the once battered Fire Serpent was restored to pristine condition, its previously dim eyes now ablaze with renewed vigor.

Hiss, hiss, hiss!

The Fire Serpent flicked its tongue incessantly, seemingly yearning for closeness with Shen Lang, yet the control effect on its body remained unlifted.

Shen Lang, mindful of this, promptly retrieved a blue pill from his bag and brought it to the Fire Serpent's mouth, pushing it inside.

The female salesperson had provided him with this blue pill, capable of eradicating the control spell within the Fire Serpent.

Once the Fire Serpent ingested the blue pill, a small hexagram surfaced on its forehead before vanishing into thin air.

Regaining its mobility, the Fire Serpent swiftly reared up, nuzzling Shen Lang's thigh with its head in a show of gratitude for both its newfound status as a tamed beast and the life-saving gesture.

Shen Lang gently stroked the Fire Serpent's head and said, "Alright, we'll have time for affection later!"

With that, he turned his attention to the remaining twenty-one Fire Serpents caged nearby. "Let's deal with them first."


At the command of its master, the Fire Serpent swiveled its head, its amber eyes blazing with ferocity as it faced its kin.

In an instant, the Fire Serpent's familiar slithered toward the nearest of its kind, its scales igniting into a fiery red blaze—the manifestation of its Fire Armour skill.

Empowered by Fire Armour, the Fire Serpent boasted heightened defense and attack capabilities.

The familiar's tail whipped up sharply, striking the head of another Fire Serpent with the force of a fiery spike.


The controlled Fire Serpent stood no chance, its head crushed into a bloody mess.

Your Pet Kill has vanquished a Level 5 Fire Serpent. Both you and your familiar have been awarded eight points of empirical value.

Shen Lang was aware that the beasts from the Beast Pavilion yielded scant empirical value, but the meagerness surprised him. He and his familiar garnered a mere sixteen points in total. In contrast, defeating a typical Level 5 savage beast would typically yield a three to fivefold increase in empirical value.

However, it was to be expected. After all, these savage beasts were sitting ducks in the Beast Cages, merely targets for practice.

In contrast, taking down savage beasts in dungeons and the wild carried real risks, with the potential for fatal consequences.

Risk and reward were in direct proportion!

As Shen Lang pondered, the Fire Serpent relentlessly continued its onslaught, crushing the skulls of other Fire Serpents.

[Your Pet Kill has dispatched a Level 5 Fire Serpent. Both you and your pet have been awarded 8 points of experience.]

[Your Pet Kill has dispatched a Level 5 Fire Serpent. Both you and your pet have been awarded 7 points of experience.]

[Your Pet Kill has dispatched a Level 5 Fire Serpent. Both you and your pet have been awarded 9 points of experience.]

Before long, all twenty-one Fire Serpents in the Beast Cage lay dead.

The corpses of the Fire Serpents were stained red with blood, and the acrid scent of blood in the Beast Cage caused Shen Lang to wrinkle his nose and hasten his exit.

Twenty-one Fire Serpents, averaging eight points of experience each, amounted to a total of 168 points.

Such a modest amount of experience was certainly not enough for Shen Lang to advance from Level 0 to Level 1, but he had no desire to continue the slaughter.

Indeed, dispatching these beasts posed no challenge, and with a few million, he could easily climb to Level 5—a drop in the bucket for someone with a scholarship in the hundreds of millions like Shen Lang. But money was to be spent wisely, and besides, he had more pressing matters to attend to.

Once the Fire Serpent underwent its ancestral reversion and ascended to the status of a Ten-star Divine Beast, the Queen Medusa, would he still be in want of experience?

Dungeons and the wild were rife with opportunities to gain experience!

Noticing Shen Lang leaving the Beast Cage, the Fire Serpent's scales resumed their normal state, and it slithered out to join him.

Shen Lang looked down at the Fire Serpent and murmured, "Let's go. Your new life—or rather, beast life—begins shortly."

The Fire Serpent cocked its head, seemingly contemplating the meaning behind Shen Lang's words.

In a blink, the contemplative Fire Serpent vanished without a trace, as Shen Lang had already whisked it away into the exclusive space reserved for Beastmasters.

Shen Lang was on the verge of departing when he paused to glance back at the grisly tableau within the Beast Cage. After a moment's consideration, he opted to leave the Fire Serpent carcasses untouched. Deliberately disposing of them might backfire, inviting unwanted speculation.

By leaving the scene as it was, it was possible that no one would even notice a missing Fire Serpent corpse. And if someone did take note, they'd likely surmise he was merely a Beastmaster, the kind so destitute that his only option was to bond with low-level, low-star savage beasts.

As Shen Lang emerged, a familiar saleswoman approached him with a cheerful query, "Hey there, do you need any more savage beasts?"

"No, thank you," Shen Lang replied with courteous brevity, and proceeded to exit the Beast Pavilion.

The saleswoman watched his retreating silhouette, then impulsively stamped her foot, biting her lip in frustration. "Darn, I forgot to ask for his phone number!"

By the time she reached the doorway in pursuit, Shen Lang had already disappeared.

Another saleswoman, noticing her searching gaze at the entrance, inquired, "What are you up to, Miss?"

"Mind your own business!"

"And another thing, I'm just a regular sales associate at the Beast Pavilion now, so stop calling me 'Miss'!"

"Sure thing, Miss!"


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