Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C9 From Queen Medusa to a Servant There Was Only One Difference!
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Supernatural Era Of Occupational Change/C9 From Queen Medusa to a Servant There Was Only One Difference!
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C9 From Queen Medusa to a Servant There Was Only One Difference!

Day and night.

Unyielding determination.

Flawless precision.

What man wouldn't desire these capabilities?

To not want them would surely strip one of the title of a true man!

Shen Lang, having lived two lifetimes, was in peak condition both mentally and physically, and naturally, he was no different.

Just then, the system notification chimed once more, snapping Shen Lang's focus back.

[Divine Level Talent: Bio Booster Armor activated. Would you like to transform your familiar into Bio Booster Armor?]

Upon hearing the notification, Shen Lang glanced at Queen Medusa, almost having forgotten about his divine level talent.

But at the moment, it seemed rather useless. He didn't have any equipment himself, so how could he possibly equip Queen Medusa?

Nevertheless, Shen Lang proceeded to transform Queen Medusa into Bio Booster Armor. No equipment now didn't mean he wouldn't acquire some later. When that time came, he'd be ready to gear up!

"First things first, I need to grab a bite, then it's off to the dungeon!"

Shen Lang planned in his head before turning to Queen Medusa, "Queen Medusa... let's just go with Medusa from now on. Right, you should return to the Beast Taming Space for now."

To his surprise, Medusa blinked her large eyes, looking up at him with a forlorn expression, "Master, may I stay by your side at all times, please?"

Her words implied she had no desire to return to the confines of the Beast Taming Space.

Taken aback, Shen Lang hesitated. He did prefer to have Medusa by his side; even the quickest summoning took precious time.

If an enemy exploited that brief delay to defeat Shen Lang, the Beastmaster, Medusa's formidable powers would be of no use.

Ideally, Shen Lang would have Medusa remain outside, vigilantly protecting him around the clock.

But Medusa's current appearance was somewhat of a challenge.

The Queen Medusa before him was a mix of beauty, authority, and a touch of the macabre.

Particularly notable were her serpentine locks and the vivid crimson tail that extended from her skirt.

Ordinary beasts might have been manageable, but the Class Community had its share of Beastmasters who kept their creatures close at hand. Having an Earth Bear or a Golden Dragon by one's side was not only a powerful deterrent but also a clear sign to others that one was not to be trifled with.

Medusa, the Queen, was not in her full beast form but rather in her half-beast guise!

In her current state, Medusa would undoubtedly become the center of attention as soon as she stepped outside, instantly revealing her identity as a Ten-Star Divine Beast.

This was not what Shen Lang had in mind. He never intended to keep himself hidden forever, knowing it was impossible to do so for long.

For now, Shen Lang preferred to share this knowledge with only a select few he trusted, rather than broadcasting it to all of humanity.

Medusa's wisdom as a Ten-Star Divine Beast was certainly on par with any human's.

Catching Shen Lang's sidelong glance at her serpentine hair and tail, Medusa instantly grasped the predicament her master was in.

Without a word, Medusa's exquisite face broke into a subtle, self-assured smile.

To Shen Lang's amazement, the tiny snake heads at the tips of Medusa's hair began to curl inward.

This simple act transformed Medusa's fearsome snake hair to appear indistinguishable from normal locks.

In addition, Medusa's hair puffed up slightly, artfully concealing most of her pointed ears.

The crimson snake tail that extended beyond her skirt was also neatly tucked away inside it.

Shen Lang couldn't help but stare at the transformed Queen Medusa, utterly captivated by her breathtaking beauty.

Before, one could easily tell Queen Medusa was not human, but now she could pass for one without a second glance.

Though she lacked the untamed allure of her half-beast form, her voluptuous and seductive charm was now amplified manifold!

"Master, is this acceptable?" Medusa asked, her red lips parting slightly as her large, hopeful eyes shimmered with a touch of vulnerability.

"Absolutely!" Shen Lang affirmed with an emphatic nod, thinking she was more than acceptable.

But then he quickly added, "When we're alone, you don't have to do this. The way you were before... well, it was quite nice, actually."

As a Kemonomimi, she understood the appeal. It was simply irresistible!

"Of course, my master," Medusa responded with a radiant smile, her snake hair and tail reemerging with ease, demonstrating her flawless control.

Satisfied, Shen Lang nodded and said, "Now, Medusa, let's grab a bite to eat. Afterward, we'll head to the dungeon to level up!"

"Of course, Master, your wish is my command!" Medusa gracefully bent her slender waist and responded with a coy nod.

Shen Lang's eyes inadvertently swept across the ravine, taking in the sight without restraint, and his breath hitched for a moment.

He couldn't stand it any longer; the urge to 'stab a chicken' was overwhelming!

Maybe he should give in to the temptation after returning from the dungeon later?

If Hsu Xian and Hsiao Huohuo had the guts to do it, why should he hold back?

The only question was whether beneath Medusa's robe lay a serpentine lair or something more human...

Taking a deep breath, Shen Lang managed to quell the tumultuous thoughts racing through his mind and escorted Medusa to the downstairs restaurant for lunch.

Medusa's stunning allure caused quite a stir among the patrons.

Yet, upon laying eyes on the dashing Shen Lang by her side, no one dared to make a move.

They were mere mortals, unworthy of even striking up a conversation with the likes of them!

The male diners looked on with envy and resentment; not only was Shen Lang incredibly handsome, but he also had a tall, gorgeous, and sophisticated girlfriend like Medusa.

The women, too, were green with envy at Medusa's beauty, and even more so for her having a boyfriend as devastatingly handsome as Shen Lang.

Amidst these covetous stares, Shen Lang and Medusa quickly finished their meal and left the hotel, heading for the savage beast dungeon located two kilometers away.

Whether in the hotel or on the streets, they attracted plenty of attention, yet from start to finish, no one saw through Medusa's disguise.

It must be said, at this moment, Medusa was utterly captivating by Shen Lang's side.

Who would have guessed that a Class that appeared human was in reality a ten-star Divine beast capable of merciless slaughter?

In Southvale City, a major urban center, there were only three beginner dungeons, while some smaller towns had none. Newbie Class adventurers fresh from their job advancements had to travel to other cities to level up and survive the Level 5 novice phase.

Today, being global Transfer Day, every beginner dungeon was bound to be overrun with players.

Luckily, access to the beginner dungeons was unrestricted. Each individual or team entered into their own separate instance, so there was no need to queue. Before long, Shen Lang and Medusa arrived at the entrance to the Savage Beast Dungeon, ready to face what lay within.

The Savage Beast Dungeon loomed as a vast altar, its perimeter flickering with enigmatic Starburst Array runes. Many freshly promoted members of the Class Community bustled in and out.

They typically entered with high spirits and emerged gasping for breath.

This clearly indicated that, despite being a beginner dungeon, it posed a significant challenge for the Newbie Class.

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