Supernatural Power Master/C1 An Enchanting Woman
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Supernatural Power Master/C1 An Enchanting Woman
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C1 An Enchanting Woman

"Sigh!" Lin Jianguo sat at the table and gulped down a glass of white wine. Anxiety was written all over his square face.

"Uncle, you have to go to the factory later. Drink less." Lin Feng, who was sitting at the side, said to Lin Jianguo. The young man was in his early twenties and had a pretty face, unlike Lin Jianguo.

Although he hadn't read books for a few days, he had at least grown up. He followed his uncle Lin Jianguo in the Liulichang factory, doing the work of imitating handicrafts and occasionally appraising antiques. Although he was not very old, he was still quite smart and was not much weaker than Lin Jianguo.

Lin Jianguo put down his wine cup and said to Lin Feng, "Feng'er, success or failure depends on this trip! The jobs of hundreds of people in our factory are all pointed at me! "Help your aunt clean up the table at home, and I'll go to the factory." As Lin Jianguo spoke, he put down his wine cup and left the house.

As a member of Liu-Li, Lin Feng naturally knew what Lin Jianguo was worried about. Liu-Li had previously borrowed money from a company to expand its production, but after losing money, the company simply transferred the debt to Longsheng Real Estate Opening Co., Ltd. Now, the real estate development company said that if they didn't pay back the money within a week, they would have to pay for the land.

Just when everyone in the factory was at a loss as to what to do, factory director Yuan Hongqi found a pile of stuff that was left in the warehouse as it turned gray. Suddenly, the factory had hope. However, whether these items were real or fake, and how much money they could sell to pay off their debts, all depended on Lin Jianguo, the "temporary" appraiser.

"Clean up the dishes!" What are you still standing there for? Stupid! He only knew how to eat all day! It's no use at all. Look at how old you are! You still need me to find a wife for you! "A useless trash!" Aunt Liao Qiumei was holding a rag and crossing her waist. Although she was over forty years old, she still smeared her face with makeup. A pair of goldfish eyes with green eyeshadow looked at Lin Feng with disdain.

Lin Feng wanted to retort, but on behalf of his uncle, the words stuck in his throat as he silently started to clean up the dishes.

"I'll tell you Lin Feng! I found this person for you, whether it succeeds or not will be up to you. If you have the ability, then marry! That's all we can do, not a dime! Did you hear that? " Liao Qiumei glared at Lin Feng. If she wasn't unable to give birth to her own son, she would have already chased him out of the house. Seeing that Lin Feng was about to reach the age where he should get married, Lin Jianguo got a little anxious. Liao Qiumei took advantage of this opportunity to find Lin Feng someone she didn't even like and hoped would get him out of this house as soon as possible.

"Dong, dong, dong!" "Dong, dong, dong!"

Just as Lin Feng was about to speak, someone knocked on the door.

"This bastard, did he forget about something after taking a piss?" Liao Qiu Mei cursed as she walked to the door and opened it. Suddenly, she was stunned. She looked at the man in a suit and asked curiously, "You are?"

"I am Wang Qiang, Manager of Longsheng Real Estate Development Co. Ltd. This is my name card." The well-dressed man said, smiling as he handed Liao Qiumei a name card.

"What do you want?" Liao Qiumei had heard too much about the name of the property these days. She didn't know much about it, but she knew that this company was going to take down her man's job, so of course she didn't look happy at all.

"I wonder if I can come in and talk?" Wang Qiang said to Liao Qiumei with a smile. He quietly opened his briefcase and revealed a pile of red bills.

Liao Qiumei stepped aside. After Wang Qiang entered the room, he sat down on the sofa naturally and went straight to the point. "I wonder if Master Lin Jianguo is you?"

"My man!" Liao Qiumei said as she glared at Wang Qiang. The reason she let Wang Qiang in was obviously because she saw the bill in Wang Qiang's bag.

Wang Qiang immediately smiled and said, "So it's sister-in-law!" "Nice to meet you!"

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Wang Qiang directly said the reason for his visit. "The reason why I'm here today is because I hope that Sister-in-law can persuade Master Lin to cooperate with our company." After saying that, Wang Qiang took out the stack of money from his bag and placed it on the table.

"How... How do we work together? " Liao Qiumei had never seen so much money, and her eyes immediately widened.

"I know that Master Lin is an expert, so I hope that Master Lin can get a batch of counterfeit goods from the Liu Li Factory to exchange for the goods in the warehouse. And then we were all happy. " Wang Qiang said to Liao Qiumei with a smile.

Lin Feng, who had been standing at the side without saying anything, stepped forward and said, "Impossible!" My uncle is not that kind of person! Hundreds of people in the factory are looking forward to restarting, and my uncle would never do that! "

"Little brother, you are still too young. There is a saying," People shouldn't commit suicide! "You still don't understand the hardships of life!" Wang Qiang, with the same kind of merchant smile, said to Lin Feng before turning to Liao Qiumei, "Sister, I hope you can persuade Master Lin to consider a little more. This is one hundred thousand in arrears, and after this is done, there will be four hundred thousand left. "

As Wang Qiang spoke, he stood up and looked around before clicking his tongue and saying, "The conditions here are really …" Sister-in-law, I'll take my leave first. Think carefully how many years Master Lin has been able to earn five hundred thousand. Goodbye! "

As soon as Wang Qiang left, Lin Feng said to Liao Qiumei, "Aunt, you must not advise uncle to do this, otherwise uncle will become the sinner of Liu-Li factory! We can't sell off so many of our colleagues! "

"I know! I know! You don't need to teach me! Wash the dishes for me, how do I need you to teach me?! " Liao Qiumei's heart was in turmoil as she had never seen so much money before.

Lin Feng saw Liao Qiumei's attitude and thought that his uncle definitely wouldn't agree, so he didn't say anything more.

However, to Lin Feng's surprise, his phone rang right after he finished his meal. He picked it up and saw that it was the woman Liao Qiumei had introduced to him — Ma Yanli — calling.

"Is it a pony?" Answer it! What are you still standing there for? If you have no future, you won't even be able to enter even if women rush you! " Liao Qiumei cursed from the side.

Liao Qiumei's attitude had always made Lin Feng want to fall out with her, but because of his uncle Lin Jianguo, he had to tolerate it again and again. Furthermore, the Ma Yanli that Liao had introduced to him was also someone he disliked.

As soon as he picked up the phone, Ma Yanli's coquettish voice came over, "Lin Feng, Auntie said you want to treat me to a meal, right?"

Lin Feng was stunned, he did not expect that the call from Ma Yanli was arranged by Liao Qiumei. As soon as he turned his head to Liao Qiumei, he heard her say, "I'm doing this for your own good, take it out and eat with Xiao Ma!" As she spoke, Liao Qiumei gave Lin Feng 500 yuan for the first time in her life.

Lin Feng was pushed out of the door by Liao Qiu Mei and ate an awkward meal with Ma Yan Li. He knew that Ma Yan Li did not like him and he did not like her either.

Lin Feng returned home after eating dinner. Ma Yanli, of course, only treated Lin Feng as her meal ticket. Just as he opened the door, Lin Feng was about to tell Lin Jianguo about the real estate developer, but he didn't expect Lin Jianguo to be so drunk. The moment he saw Lin Feng, he pulled Lin Feng and stammered, "Feng …" Child... Buy for You... "Marry …"

"Uncle, what are you talking about?" Lin Feng asked as he supported Lin Jianguo. From the start, he had not heard what Lin Jianguo had to say.

"Your uncle drank too much. He has me." Go back to your room! " Liao Qiumei dismissed Lin Feng with a few words, then helped Lin Jianguo into the house.

Lin Feng was worried that Liao Qiumei had sent him away to give Lin Jianguo the bewitching soup, but with Lin Jianguo's current state, he definitely could not say anything.

However, he did not expect that Lin Jianguo had already gone to the factory. Just as Lin Feng was about to go out and look for Lin Jianguo, his phone suddenly rang. He picked up another text message from Ma Yanli, which read: See you at Central Park.

"Is it from Xiao Ma?" Liao Qiumei asked Lin Feng while standing beside him as if she was an old cucumber painting.

"Aunt, it's you …" Once Lin Feng heard Liao Qiumei's question, he knew that it must have been arranged by her.

"Let me tell you, Lin Feng, don't be so kind as to treat us as bastards. I am doing this for your own good!" "Go and meet someone else's little pony. If this matter turns yellow, I want to see where you can go to find such a good woman!" Liao Qiumei said loudly to Lin Feng with her hands on her hips.

"Aunt, but Uncle …" Lin Feng was still a little worried about Lin Jianguo. Just as he was about to say something, he was stopped by Liao Qiumei.

What happened to your uncle?" Your uncle feels much better than you do! Do I need to worry about a useless thing like you? Would your uncle do something against his conscience for a few stinking dollars? It's your turn to be in charge of your uncle? Mind your own business! Make the pony sound like anything! Forget your uncle's wish, just look at you and you'll be upset! Go! "Go find the pony!" Liao Qiumei said as she poked Lin Feng on the nose and said, "If you dare not go and bother your uncle, hmph!

He was just worried that his uncle, Lin Jianguo, would not feel comfortable being stuck in the middle and would not agree to the conditions of a real estate agent. Thus, he had no choice but to go on a date with Ma Yanli as he wanted to see what kind of date Liao Qiumei had arranged for him.

When Lin Feng arrived at the Central Park, Ma Yanli was already there, rarely seen. Furthermore, today, Ma Yanli was dressed up to the point where she looked enchanting and her face seemed to be painted with a layer of paint. When she saw Lin Feng, she immediately smiled and took Lin Feng's arm.

"Lin Feng, let's go!" I've been looking forward to it for a long time, haven't I? " Ma Yanli giggled and pulled him towards a building not far away.

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