Supernatural Power Master/C3 There Is a Debt to be Paid and a Debt to be Paid
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Supernatural Power Master/C3 There Is a Debt to be Paid and a Debt to be Paid
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C3 There Is a Debt to be Paid and a Debt to be Paid

"As the saying goes, there's a debt to blame. Master Lin Jianguo is already dead. Liao Qiumei is the one who ran off with the money. The police are already arresting her. I just came back from the hospital and woke up from my coma! " As Chen Qun spoke, he placed the fruit he was holding onto the broken bed and sighed heavily as he said to Lin Feng, "Xiao Lin, let's not lament over this. No matter how many kingdoms there are, it is not the death of humans."

"Director!" You... What do you mean by that? "Lin Jianguo can just sell the factory for money, so we'll just suffer this loss!" Jia He pretended to be mumbling to himself as he glanced at Chen Qun. One of his feet rubbed against the ground. It was obvious that he was unwilling to accept the authority of the factory director, but at the same time, he couldn't refuse to admit it.

The surrounding people also started to jeer at them. Seeing this, Chen Qun waved his hand towards the surrounding people and said, "Everyone! Since Lin Feng was here and the police did not arrest him, it meant that he had nothing to do with this matter! He was also a victim! You can trust me! But believe in the People's Police! "You guys are making a ruckus here today, and if you were to injure someone here, it would be unjustifiable for you to do so!"

Chen Qun's words immediately caused the surrounding people to lose their temper. Seeing the situation, Chen Qun sighed and said, "Now that the situation has come to this, everyone should think about how to retreat in the future."

Chen Qun, who was clear on the facts, moved Lin Feng greatly. He did not expect Chen Feng to still be on his side and come to visit him.

"Director Chen, even if the factory collapsed or something, at least give us some compensation. We've worked in the Liulichang factory for so many years, it's not easy for us to find a job. Aren't you asking us to break the samovar? " A worker could not help but say. He was thinking about how he would suddenly lose his job without any preparation at all.

"The most valuable part of the factory belongs to this piece of land, and now it belongs to someone else. "Now that the factory is completely broke, you can take whatever you want yourselves!" Chen Qun said helplessly.

Chen Qun's words silenced everyone around them. They all knew that even if they picked up the bottles and jars in the factory, it wouldn't be of much use.

"That... "Director Chen, I heard that our warehouse still has a crate of stuff, right?" Since he wanted Lin Jianguo to forge a fake, that meant that those items were real! After selling it, there should be at least a few hundred thousand yuan left, right? Jia He looked around with his triangular eyes and shouted.

Hearing that, the surrounding people also immediately agreed. Chen Qun did not expect this, and immediately turned to Lin Feng and asked, "Xiao Lin, do you know where those things are now? It was I who brought Zhang Hui and the others to your house that day, it was Liao Qiumei who gave me the key. She said that the founding fathers wanted to think about it more carefully. "

"This …" Lin Feng immediately told Chen Qun about what happened that day, including the fact that he was wearing the gloves and had fainted. After all, these things could not be concealed, and only contained strange inscriptions on the gloves, because after that miraculous scene just now, he already knew that those strange silk gloves had magical powers and were one with his arm.

"Could it be that Liao Qiu Mei managed to escape?" A worker guessed.

"Impossible, the police said Liao Qiumei got on the plane at 4: 50. I remember that Wang Hui and I moved the things here at 4: 30. Liao Qiumei doesn't have that time." Chen Qun recalled the circumstances of that day.

Standing at the side, Wang Hui also nodded his head. Jia He then muttered to himself, "Stupid woman, cowardly and cowardly. Even if you take the money, you won't dare to take it with you." Liao Qiumei ran away in fright just like how Jia He had whispered to her.

"Supervisor Chen, this Liao Qiumei is definitely out of the question." Lin Jianguo came back with us. Seeing Lin Feng unconscious and knowing that Liao Qiumei died because of a brain hemorrhage, it was impossible for him to do the same. Could it be that there really is a ghost? " Jia He said to Chen Qun in a weird tone.

Before Chen Qun could open his mouth, a worker interjected, "This is really strange. Don't tell me that he really went to the grave?"

"It's not necessarily true if you're buried here, but it's possible if you're placed in someone's pocket." Jia He stared at the ceiling and shook his head as if pointing at something.

"Jia He, just say what you want to say! "Don't be so weird!" Lin Feng said coldly to Jia He.

"Since you want me to say it, I will tell you!" Jia He pointed at Lin Feng's nose and said, "When are you in a coma? Who the heck knows? [Who the hell knows whether or not you are pretending to be unconscious? The doctors said they didn't know the reason! Who can guarantee that you aren't pretending? Where did you hide that box? You said that you were here all along, but why didn't you see anything when we arrived? How come we didn't see the gloves you were wearing? Didn't you just want to say that someone else had stolen it? Then let me ask you, what kind of idiot stole a box and risked the chance to wake you up by taking off your gloves to steal it as well? "

Jia He's words left Chen Qun speechless. The only one who knew the inside story was Lin Feng. He could not say that no one would believe him even if he told them. As for that box of stuff, it was needless to say that it had definitely been stolen. However, Jia He's words sounded very reasonable to outsiders. The surrounding people all felt that there wasn't such a foolish thief in this world.

"Everyone tell me, am I analyzing it right?! Is it this little pup?! " Jia He said to the surrounding crowd, fanning the flames.

"That's right! Could this thing be in the heavens? If we lose the item in his Lin Family, does that mean we have to bear the consequences for losing it? "

"What Jia He said makes sense. From the beginning till the end, it was Lin Feng who said it. Who saw it?" Who saw it? "

"This is our only hope. If the factory is sold to Lin Jianguo and we can't find him, then forget it. We will definitely look for Lin Feng!" We cannot retreat a single step! "

The surrounding people immediately responded to Jia He, and started to speak at once.

"Director Chen!" "How do you say it, you have to say something. Do you want to continue protecting this minx, or what?" Jia He sneered and said to Chen Qun, no longer putting him, the factory director, in his eyes.

"Jia He, what's wrong?! Was he trying to force Lin Feng into a corner today? A few days after Lin Jianguo's death, Liao Qiumei also ran away, and all the things she left behind were taken away by you guys. What else do you want to do? " Chen Qun looked at Jia He with some displeasure. Lin Feng was currently an orphan, in his eyes, he was only a child half of a year old. What could he possibly take responsibility for?

"Close the door!" Jia He stretched out his hand and said, "Supervisor Chen, we don't have anything to eat anyway. We won't leave until we give our orders today!"

"Bam!" With a bang, the door to the Lin Family mansion was immediately shut by the workers.

This sound, Chen Qun knew that these workers were planning to fight against him with Jia He, but even so, he couldn't bear to let Lin Feng's half-grown child face off against these people. Just as he was about to stand out and speak, he was suddenly stopped by someone behind him.

Lin Feng raised his head and walked in front of Chen Qun. He narrowed his eyes and glanced at Jia He, and then said to the crowd in a clear voice, "This thing was lost at my house. I'm the most suspicious one, but I, Lin Feng, swear to the heavens that I will not take it for myself!"

"Who doesn't know how to speak in a dignified tone? Don't try to make it sound fake, can't you just be more honest?" As Jia He spoke, he shook his head, exuding an arrogant aura.

"Shut your dog mouth!" Lin Feng scolded Jia He in a low voice, while Jia He's lips trembled. He was really worried that Lin Feng would make a move.

"Today, Director Chen is here too. Let him be the only one to do anything fair! I, Lin Feng, will bear this responsibility! " Lin Feng swept a glance at the surrounding crowd and loudly said those words!

"Lin Feng!" "You …" Chen Qun immediately pulled on Lin Feng and wanted to persuade him.

He did not expect that Lin Feng would smile gratefully at Chen Qun, and then straightforwardly said, "Liu Li's bankruptcy is indeed the responsibility of my uncle and aunt, let's just say that I, Lin Feng, made some atonement for my uncle."

"This is not the time to be emotional, these things are at least worth hundreds of thousands!" Chen Qun pulled Lin Feng and said anxiously.

"Don't worry, Director Chen. This is something that my uncle owes me. Even if I have to take over half of my life, I will have to pay it back." Lin Feng gave Chen Qun a deep look. He was very grateful for Chen Qun's concern for him, but he had to bear this burden.

Only now did Lin Feng understand why Lin Jianguo had agreed to let him visit Longsheng Group. Ma Yanli had pulled him over to see the house, and that was enough to prove it. In fact, Liao Qiumei had repeatedly pushed him aside, then used him to buy a house and marry Lin Jianguo. Although all of this was planned by Liao Qiumei, it was indeed Lin Jianguo's doing. Lin Feng wanted to repay Lin Jianguo and hoped that he would be able to rest in peace.

"Lin Feng, you little …"

"Didn't I tell you to shut up and not understand human speech?"

Jia He shook his head as he spoke, but Lin Feng forced him to swallow the rest of his words back.

"Give me some pen and paper. I'll write this promissory note!" Lin Feng said to the surrounding people.

The group of workers did not expect Lin Feng to actually bear the burden. Many of them admired Lin Feng from the bottom of their hearts. Immediately, someone took out a pen and paper and passed it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took the pen and paper and asked Chen Qun, "Director Chen, there should be a registration system for the items in the warehouse."

Seeing Lin Feng insist, Chen Qun could only sigh and say, "Yes."

"In that case, I'll just repay as much as I owe you according to the register!" After Lin Feng finished speaking, he took over the warehouse register from Wang Hui and wrote down a promissory note in front of everyone.

Following which, Lin Feng showed the promissory notes to everyone present and then handed them to Chen Qun, saying, "Supervisor Chen, I'll let you take care of this for me."

"Sigh!" "Child, take care of yourself." Chen Qun sighed heavily and left while shaking his head.

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